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Theoretical study of local structure and ground-state splitting of Cs2NaMF6(M=Al, Ga):Cr3+ complex molecule systems

Wang Li-Xia Kuang Xiao-Yu Li Hui-Fang Chai Rui-Peng Wang Huai-Qian


Theoretical study of local structure and ground-state splitting of Cs2NaMF6(M=Al, Ga):Cr3+ complex molecule systems

Wang Li-Xia, Kuang Xiao-Yu, Li Hui-Fang, Chai Rui-Peng, Wang Huai-Qian
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  • Based on the two spin orbit coupling parameter model and the complete energy matrices for a d3 configuration ion in a trigonal ligand field, the local structure and the ground-state splitting of Cr3+ ion in Cs2NaMF6(M=Al, Ga):Cr3+ systems have been studied. By simulating the EPR parameter D and the optical spectra, the distorted angles of two inequivalent sites formed by Cr3+ replacing M3+ are determined and the obvious difference of the distorted angles Δθ calculated by using two spin orbit coupling parameter model and single spin orbit coupling parameter model is found. Our results indicate that the influence of ligand F- can not be ignored with respect to spin orbit coupling mechanism when the energy level fine structure and local structure distortion of fluoride complex molecules are studied. Meanwhile, the dependence of EPR parameter D on angle θ, average parameter ζ1 and divergent parameter ζ2 is discussed, respectively.

    Vrielinck H, Loncke F, Callens F, Matthys P 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70 144111


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    Bordallo H N, Wang X, Hanif K M, Strouse G F, Da Fonseca R J M, Sosman L P, Tavares Jr A D, 2002 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 12383


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  • [1]

    Vrielinck H, Loncke F, Callens F, Matthys P 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70 144111


    Agate B, Rafailov E U, Sibbett W, Saltiel S M, Battle P, Fry T, Noonan E 2003 Opt. Lett. 28 1963


    Keller U 2003 Nature 424 831


    Sosman L P, Tavares Jr A D, Da Fonseca R J M, Abritta T, Khaidukov N M 2000 Solid State Commun. 114 661


    Da Fonseca R J M, Tavares Jr A D, Silva P S, Abritta T, Khaidukov N M 1999 Solid State Commun. 110 519


    Fargin E, Lestienne B, Dance J M 1990 Solid State Commun. 75 769


    Vrielinck H, Khaidukov N M, Callens F, Matthys P 2002 Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids 157 1155


    Pueyo L, Richardson J W 1977 J. Chem. Phys. 67 3583


    Knox K 1960 Acta Cryst. 13 507


    Bordallo H N, Wang X, Hanif K M, Strouse G F, Da Fonseca R J M, Sosman L P, Tavares Jr A D, 2002 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 12383


    Babel D, Haegele R, Pausewang G, Wall F 1973 Mater. Res. Bull. 8 1371


    Sugano S, Tanabe Y, Kamimura H 1970 Multiplets of Transition Metal Ions in Crystals (New York: Academic)


    Curie D, Barthon C, B Canny 1974 J. Chem. Phys. 61 3048


    Zhao M G, Xu J A, Bai G R , Xie H S 1983 Phys. Rev. B 27 1516


    Du M L, Rudowicz C 1992 Phys. Rev. B 46 8974


    Griffith J S 1964 Theory of Transition-Metal Ions (London: Cambridge University press)


    Slater J C 1960 Quantum Theory of Atomic Structure (New York: McGraw-Hill)


    Newman D J, Urban W 1975 Adv. Phys. 24 793


    Li F Z, Zhou Y Y 1998 Acta Phys. Sin. 47 472 (in Chinese) [李福珍、周一阳1998 47 472]


    Abragam A, Bleaney B 1970 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Transition Ions (New York: Oxford University Press)


    Bordallo H N, Henning R W, Sosman L P, Da Fonseca R J M, Tavares Jr A D, Hanif K M, Strouse G F 2001 J. Chem. Phys. 115 4300


    Zheng W C 1995 Phys. B 215 255


    Li Z M, Shuen W L 1996 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 57 1673


    Cao X Z, Song T Y, Wang X Q 1997 Inorganic Chemistry (Beijing: HigherEducation Press) (in Chinese) [曹锡章、宋天佑、王杏乔1997 无机化学(北京:高等教育出版社)]


    Clementi E, Raimondi D L 1963 J. Chem. Phys. 38 2686


    Clementi E, Raimondi D L, Reinhardt W P 1967 J. Chem. Phys. 47 1300


    Huang J L, Kuang X Y, Li Y 2008 Chem. Phys. Lett. 458 227


    Wei Q, Yang Z Y, Wang C J, Xu Q M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 507 (in Chinese) [魏 群、杨子元、王参军、许启明1997 56 507]

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  • Received Date:  14 December 2009
  • Accepted Date:  17 January 2010
  • Published Online:  15 September 2010

