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谢冰鸿 徐国凯 雷保新 肖绍球 喻忠军 朱大立


谢冰鸿, 徐国凯, 雷保新, 肖绍球, 喻忠军, 朱大立

Modeling and performance analysis of resonant self-biased magnetoelectric transducers

Xie Bing-Hong, Xu Guo-Kai, Lei Bao-Xin, Xiao Shao-Qiu, Yu Zhong-Jun, Zhu Da-Li
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 基于磁化等效和非线性磁致伸缩本构关系, 建立了L-T模式下的自偏置磁电换能器的多物理场耦合仿真模型, 研究了弯曲、伸缩谐振模式下的磁电耦合性能. 在所建模型基础上, 制备了相应的实验样品进行测试. 实测结果与仿真数据相吻合, 从而验证了模型的准确性和有效性. 实测结果表明, Metglas/Galfenol/PZT-5A结构在伸缩谐振模式下展现出更为显著的自偏置磁电效应, 其磁电系数为10.7 V·cm–1·Oe–1@99.4 kHz, 磁电功率系数为5.01 μW·Oe–2@97.9 kHz. 无需阻抗匹配, 其有载磁电功率系数最高可达4.62 μW·Oe–2@99.3 kHz. 施加外部偏置磁场至25 Oe, 磁电系数可提升至47.06 V·cm–1·Oe–1@99.4 kHz, 磁电功率系数提升至82.13 μW·Oe–2@99 kHz. 进一步的仿真研究表明, 高磁导率层厚度的增加能显著提升自偏置磁电换能器的性能: 当Metglas层厚度增加至90 μm时, 磁电系数和功率系数分别提升至原先的2.47倍和6.96倍. 自偏置磁电换能器具备减少对外部偏置磁场依赖的能力, 为磁电复合材料在低频无线功率传输系统中的应用与发展提供了新途径.
    Compared with single-phase multiferroic materials, magnetoelectric (ME) composites composed of piezoelectric and magnetostrictive materials have great ME coupling, and have received widespread attention in various application fields. The application of ME devices in wireless power transfer (WPT) is attractive due to their compactness and ability to operate at lower frequencies than conventional coils. However, traditional ME composites rely on permanent magnets or electromagnets to provide biased magnetic fields, thus leading to problems such as high noise, large size, and high cost, which significantly hinder the advancement of miniaturized and high-performance ME devices. To solve this problem, a self-biased ME laminated structure based on the magnetization grading effect is proposed in this work. Using the equivalent magnetization and nonlinear magnetostrictive constitutive relationship, a finite element simulation model for a self-biased ME transducer operating in L-T mode is constructed. The ME coupling performances without DC bias in bending vibration mode and stretching vibration mode are studied. Based on the model, the corresponding experimental samples are prepared for measurement. The measurement results are in agreement with the simulation data, thereby validating the accuracy and effectiveness of the model. The measured results show that the Metglas/Galfenol/PZT-5A structure can exhibit more significant self-biased ME effect under the stretching resonance mode than under bending resonance mode. Its ME coefficient attains a notable value of 10.7 V·cm–1·Oe–1 at 99.4 kHz, while ME power coefficient reaches 5.01 μW·Oe–2 at 97.9 kHz. Its on-load ME power coefficient can reach up to 4.62 μW·Oe–2 at 99.3 kHz without impedance matching. When an external bias magnetic field of 25 Oe is applied, these performance indexes increase significantly to 47.06 V·cm–1·Oe–1 at 99.4 kHz and 82.13 μW·Oe–2 at 99.0 kHz, respectively. The simulation results further show that the performance of the self-biased ME transducer can be significantly improved by increasing the thickness of the high permeability layer. For example, by increasing the Metglas layer thickness from 30 μm to 90 μm, both the ME coefficient and ME power coefficient increase rapidly by 2.47 times and 6.96 times the original values, respectively. Self-biased ME transducers effectively reduce the dependence on external bias magnetic field, thereby providing a good approach for applying and developing ME composites in low-frequency WPT systems.
      通信作者: 徐国凯, ; 肖绍球,
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研究计划(批准号: 2021YFA0716500)和国家自然科学基金(批准号: 62171487)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Xu Guo-Kai, ; Xiao Shao-Qiu,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2021YFA0716500) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62171487).

    Ou Z Y, Lu C J, Yang A C, Zhou H, Cao Z Q, Zhu R R, Gao H L 2019 Sens. Actuators A: Phys. 290 8Google Scholar


    Zhao Y X, Lu C J 2015 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86 036101Google Scholar


    Chu Z Q, PourhosseiniAsl M, Dong S X 2018 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 243001Google Scholar


    Mukherje D, Mallic D 2023 Appl. Phys. Lett. 122 014102Google Scholar


    Du Y J, Xu Y W, Wu J G, Qiao J C, Wang Z G, Hu Z Q, Jiang Z D, Liu M 2023 IEEE Trans. Antenn. Propag. 71 2167Google Scholar


    Niu Y P, Ren H 2021 Appl. Phys. Lett. 118 264104Google Scholar


    Sudersan S, Arockiarajan A 2019 Compos. Struct. 223 110924Google Scholar


    周勇, 李纯健, 潘昱融 2018 67 077702Google Scholar

    Zhou Y, Li C J, Pan Y R 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 077702Google Scholar


    Han J, Zhang J J, Gao Y W 2018 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 466 200Google Scholar


    Yao H, Shi Y, Gao Y W 2016 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 401 1046Google Scholar


    阳昌海, 文玉梅, 李平, 卞雷祥 2008 57 7292Google Scholar

    Yang C H, Wen Y M, Li P, Bian L X 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7292Google Scholar


    Dong H M, Guo H H, Li J R, Li B J, Gan X X 2023 Phys. Scr. 98 065901Google Scholar


    Shi Y, Li L, Yang Y 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 107503Google Scholar


    Lei B X, You Z X, Zhang Z D, Shi Y 2023 Acta Mech. Sin. 39 523120Google Scholar


    Niu L F, Shi Y, Gao Y W 2019 AIP Adv. 9 045216Google Scholar


    Kumar S D, Gupta S, Swain A B, Subramanian V, Padmanabhan M K, Mahajan R L 2021 J. Alloy. Compd. 858 157684Google Scholar


    Truong B D, Roundy S 2020 Smart Mater. Struct. 29 085053Google Scholar


    Lage E, Kirchhof C, Hrkac V, Kienle L, Jahns R, Knöchel R, Quandt E Meyners D 2012 Nature Mater. 11 523Google Scholar


    Röbisch V, Yarar E, Urs N O, Teliban I, Knöchel R, Mccoed J, Quandt E, Meyners D 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 117 17B513Google Scholar


    Zhou Y, Priya S 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 115 104107Google Scholar


    Zhang J J, Gao Y W 2015 Int. J. Solid. Struct. 69–70 291Google Scholar


    文玉梅, 王东, 李平, 陈蕾, 吴治峄 2011 60 097506Google Scholar

    Wen Y M, Wang D, Li P, Cheng L, Wu Z Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 097506Google Scholar


    Lu C J, Li P, Wen Y M, Yang A C, Yang C, Wang D C, He W, Zhang J T 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 117503Google Scholar


    Chen L, Li P, Wen Y M, Zhu Y 2015 Compos. Struct. 119 685Google Scholar


    Lu C J, Li P, Wen Y M, Yang A C, He W, Zhang J T, Yang J, Wen J, Zhu Y, Yu M 2013 Appl. Phys. A 113 413Google Scholar


    Shi Y, Lei B X, Wang Y K, Ye J J 2022 Compos. Struct. 300 116164Google Scholar


    Zhang J, Du H, Xia X, Fang C, Weng G J 2020 Mech. Mater. 151 103609Google Scholar


    Ma J N, Xin C Z, Ma J, Lin Y H, Nan C W 2016 Mater. Res. Express 3 125012Google Scholar


    Huang D Y, Lu C J, Han B, Wang X, Li C X, Xu C B, Gui J G, Lin C H 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 263502Google Scholar


    Yang S C, Cho K H, Park C S, Priya S S 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 202904Google Scholar


    Truong B D 2020 IEEE Sens. J. 20 5322Google Scholar


    Hosur S, Sriramdas R, Karan S K, Liu N, Priya S, Kiani M 2021 IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst. 15 1079Google Scholar


    Saha O, Truong B D, Roundy S 2022 Smart Mater. Struct. 31 113001Google Scholar


    Kim W, Tuppen C A, Alrashdan F, Singer A, Weirnick R, Robinson J T 2023 J. Appl. Phys. 134 094103Google Scholar


    Liu X, Zheng X J 2005 Acta Mech. Sin. 21 278Google Scholar


    李鸣鹤 2023 硕士学位论文 (长春: 吉林大学)

    Li M H 2023 M. S. Thesis (Changchun: Jilin University


    谢冰鸿, 徐国凯, 肖绍球, 喻忠军, 朱大立 2023 72 117501Google Scholar

    Xie B H, Xu G K, Xiao S Q, Yu Z J, Zhu D L 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 117501Google Scholar


    罗志高 2019 大学物理实验 32 9Google Scholar

    Luo Z G 2019 Phys. Exp. Coll. 32 9Google Scholar


    Li L, Chen X M 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 072903Google Scholar


    Zhang J T, Li P, Wen Y M, He W, Yang A C, Lu C J 2014 Sens. Actuators A 214 149Google Scholar


    Annapureddy V, Park S H, Song H, Ryu J 2023 J. Alloy. Compd. 957 170121Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a) 自偏置磁电换能器结构示意图; (b) 压电层的局部坐标系, 与空间坐标系一致; (c) 磁致伸缩层的局部坐标系

    Fig. 1.  (a) Schematic diagram of a self-biased magnetoelectric transducer; (b) local coordinate of the piezoelectric layer is consistent with the global coordinate; (c) local coordinate of the magnetostrictive layer.

    图 2  各接口之间的耦合及仿真计算方案

    Fig. 2.  Coupling between each interface and simulation calculation scheme.

    图 3  (a) 磁-力-电耦合等效电路; (b) 戴维南等效电路

    Fig. 3.  (a) Magneto-elastic-electric coupling equivalent circuit; (b) Thevenin equivalent circuit.

    图 4  自偏置磁电换能器样品及实验测量装置

    Fig. 4.  Self-biased magnetoelectric transducer sample and experimental equipment.

    图 5  不同振动模式下仿真与实测数据的对比 (a) 磁电系数; (b) 磁电功率系数

    Fig. 5.  Comparison of simulation and experimental data under different vibration modes: (a) Magnetoelectric coefficient; (b) magnetoelectric power coefficient.

    图 6  小信号磁场激励下, 自偏置磁电换能器负载电压的线性输出

    Fig. 6.  Linear output of load voltage of the self-biased magnetoelectric transducer under small signal magnetic field excitation.

    图 7  不同振动模式下的有载磁电功率系数 (a), (c) 弯曲模式; (b), (d) 伸缩模式

    Fig. 7.  Magnetoelectric power coefficient on load under different vibration modes: (a), (c) Bending mode; (b), (d) stretching mode.

    图 8  外部偏置磁场对磁电系数的影响 (a) 对照组; (b) 实验组

    Fig. 8.  The influence of external biased magnetic field on magnetoelectric coefficient: (a) Control group; (b) experimental group.

    图 9  外部偏置磁场对磁电功率系数的影响 (a) 对照组; (b) 实验组

    Fig. 9.  The influence of external biased magnetic field on magnetoelectric power coefficient: (a) Control group; (b) experimental group.

    图 10  仿真高磁导率层厚度的影响 (a) 磁电系数; (b) 磁电功率系数

    Fig. 10.  Simulate the effect of high permeability layer thickness: (a) Magnetoelectric coefficient; (b) magnetoelectric power coefficient.

    表 1  Galfenol和Metglas的材料参数

    Table 1.  Material parameters of Galfenol and Metglas.

    名称 Galfenol Metglas
    密度/(kgm3) 7972 7250
    杨氏模量/GPa 70 100
    泊松比 0.37 0.34
    初始磁化率 27
    饱和磁致伸缩系数/10–6 320
    饱和磁化强度/(Am1) 9.0×105
    电导率/(Sm1) 1.23×107 7.69×105
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  不同自偏置磁电换能器的性能指标对比

    Table 2.  Performance comparison of different self-biased magnetoelectric transducers.

    参考文献 体积/mm3 磁电系数/(V·cm–1·Oe–1) 有载磁电功率系数/(μW·Oe–2)
    [4] 1.75 0.1328 14.0
    [40] 201.6 28.0 0.323
    [41] 121 4.2
    本文 37.35 10.71 4.62
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    Ou Z Y, Lu C J, Yang A C, Zhou H, Cao Z Q, Zhu R R, Gao H L 2019 Sens. Actuators A: Phys. 290 8Google Scholar


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    Mukherje D, Mallic D 2023 Appl. Phys. Lett. 122 014102Google Scholar


    Du Y J, Xu Y W, Wu J G, Qiao J C, Wang Z G, Hu Z Q, Jiang Z D, Liu M 2023 IEEE Trans. Antenn. Propag. 71 2167Google Scholar


    Niu Y P, Ren H 2021 Appl. Phys. Lett. 118 264104Google Scholar


    Sudersan S, Arockiarajan A 2019 Compos. Struct. 223 110924Google Scholar


    周勇, 李纯健, 潘昱融 2018 67 077702Google Scholar

    Zhou Y, Li C J, Pan Y R 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 077702Google Scholar


    Han J, Zhang J J, Gao Y W 2018 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 466 200Google Scholar


    Yao H, Shi Y, Gao Y W 2016 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 401 1046Google Scholar


    阳昌海, 文玉梅, 李平, 卞雷祥 2008 57 7292Google Scholar

    Yang C H, Wen Y M, Li P, Bian L X 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7292Google Scholar


    Dong H M, Guo H H, Li J R, Li B J, Gan X X 2023 Phys. Scr. 98 065901Google Scholar


    Shi Y, Li L, Yang Y 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 107503Google Scholar


    Lei B X, You Z X, Zhang Z D, Shi Y 2023 Acta Mech. Sin. 39 523120Google Scholar


    Niu L F, Shi Y, Gao Y W 2019 AIP Adv. 9 045216Google Scholar


    Kumar S D, Gupta S, Swain A B, Subramanian V, Padmanabhan M K, Mahajan R L 2021 J. Alloy. Compd. 858 157684Google Scholar


    Truong B D, Roundy S 2020 Smart Mater. Struct. 29 085053Google Scholar


    Lage E, Kirchhof C, Hrkac V, Kienle L, Jahns R, Knöchel R, Quandt E Meyners D 2012 Nature Mater. 11 523Google Scholar


    Röbisch V, Yarar E, Urs N O, Teliban I, Knöchel R, Mccoed J, Quandt E, Meyners D 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 117 17B513Google Scholar


    Zhou Y, Priya S 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 115 104107Google Scholar


    Zhang J J, Gao Y W 2015 Int. J. Solid. Struct. 69–70 291Google Scholar


    文玉梅, 王东, 李平, 陈蕾, 吴治峄 2011 60 097506Google Scholar

    Wen Y M, Wang D, Li P, Cheng L, Wu Z Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 097506Google Scholar


    Lu C J, Li P, Wen Y M, Yang A C, Yang C, Wang D C, He W, Zhang J T 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 117503Google Scholar


    Chen L, Li P, Wen Y M, Zhu Y 2015 Compos. Struct. 119 685Google Scholar


    Lu C J, Li P, Wen Y M, Yang A C, He W, Zhang J T, Yang J, Wen J, Zhu Y, Yu M 2013 Appl. Phys. A 113 413Google Scholar


    Shi Y, Lei B X, Wang Y K, Ye J J 2022 Compos. Struct. 300 116164Google Scholar


    Zhang J, Du H, Xia X, Fang C, Weng G J 2020 Mech. Mater. 151 103609Google Scholar


    Ma J N, Xin C Z, Ma J, Lin Y H, Nan C W 2016 Mater. Res. Express 3 125012Google Scholar


    Huang D Y, Lu C J, Han B, Wang X, Li C X, Xu C B, Gui J G, Lin C H 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 263502Google Scholar


    Yang S C, Cho K H, Park C S, Priya S S 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 202904Google Scholar


    Truong B D 2020 IEEE Sens. J. 20 5322Google Scholar


    Hosur S, Sriramdas R, Karan S K, Liu N, Priya S, Kiani M 2021 IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst. 15 1079Google Scholar


    Saha O, Truong B D, Roundy S 2022 Smart Mater. Struct. 31 113001Google Scholar


    Kim W, Tuppen C A, Alrashdan F, Singer A, Weirnick R, Robinson J T 2023 J. Appl. Phys. 134 094103Google Scholar


    Liu X, Zheng X J 2005 Acta Mech. Sin. 21 278Google Scholar


    李鸣鹤 2023 硕士学位论文 (长春: 吉林大学)

    Li M H 2023 M. S. Thesis (Changchun: Jilin University


    谢冰鸿, 徐国凯, 肖绍球, 喻忠军, 朱大立 2023 72 117501Google Scholar

    Xie B H, Xu G K, Xiao S Q, Yu Z J, Zhu D L 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 117501Google Scholar


    罗志高 2019 大学物理实验 32 9Google Scholar

    Luo Z G 2019 Phys. Exp. Coll. 32 9Google Scholar


    Li L, Chen X M 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 072903Google Scholar


    Zhang J T, Li P, Wen Y M, He W, Yang A C, Lu C J 2014 Sens. Actuators A 214 149Google Scholar


    Annapureddy V, Park S H, Song H, Ryu J 2023 J. Alloy. Compd. 957 170121Google Scholar

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