铯基全无机钙钛矿CsPbBr3具有良好的热稳定性, 在应用中表现出优越的发光特性, 是近年来光电领域的明星材料. CsPbBr3界面的光生载流子过程与其光电性能密切相关. 本文采用非绝热分子动力学方法结合含时密度泛函理论, 对CsPbBr3及其合金化结构的激发态动力学过程进行了系统研究. 研究结果表明, Sn/Ge合金化能够有效缩短退相干时间, 减缓电子-空穴复合. CsPb0.75Ge0.25Br3体系的载流子寿命延长至1.6倍, 而CsPb0.5Ge0.25Sn0.25Br3体系的载流子寿命延长为原始体系的4.2倍. 证明了B位(钙钛矿结构ABX3中的B位)金属阳离子的双原子合金化对CsPbBr3的非辐射电子-空穴复合具有很强的影响. 本研究提供了一种能够有效延长钙钛矿载流子寿命, 合理优化太阳能电池性能的合金化方案, 为未来钙钛矿太阳能电池材料的设计提供了思路.
- CsPbBr3 /
- 非绝热分子动力学 /
- 合金化 /
- 非辐射电子-空穴复合
Perovskite solar cells have been a prominent focus in the field of photovoltaics in recent decades, owing to their exceptional performance: easy synthesis, and cost-effectiveness. The all-inorganic cesium-based perovskite CsPbBr3, known for its remarkable thermal stability, has become a star material in the field of optoelectronics due to its outstanding luminescent properties. Despite the high efficiency of lead-based perovskite solar cells, the toxicity associated with lead and the poor long-term stability of these devices remain significant barriers to their large-scale commercialization. As is well known, non-radiative electron-hole recombination significantly shortens the carrier lifetime, acting as a primary pathway for excited state charge to loss energy. This phenomenon directly affects the photovoltaic conversion efficiency and charge transfer performance of perovskite materials. Therefore, maximizing the reduction of non-radiative recombination energy loss in perovskite solar cells has become a crucial research focus. In this study, a systematic exploration is conducted by using a non-adiabatic molecular dynamics approach combined with time-dependent density functional theory to investigate the excited-state carrier dynamics of CsPbBr3 and its alloyed structures, CsPb0.75Ge0.25Br3 and CsPb0.5Ge0.25Sn0.25Br3. The study comprehensively analyzes the non-radiative electron-hole recombination scenarios and the mechanisms for reducing charge energy loss based on crystal structure, electronic properties, and excited-state properties. The research findings reveal that alloying with Sn/Ge can reduce the bandgap, increase non-adiabatic coupling, and shorten the decoherence time. The interplay of reduced quantum decoherence, smaller bandgap, and larger non-adiabatic coupling effectively decelerates the electron-hole recombination process. Consequently, the carrier lifetime of the CsPb0.75Ge0.25Br3 system extends by 1.6 times. Moreover, under the joint influence of Sn/Ge, the carrier lifetime of the CsPb0.5Ge0.25Sn0.25Br3 system extends by 4.2 times compared with those of the original system. The overall sequence follows CsPb0.5Ge0.25Sn0.25Br3 > CsPb0.75Ge0.25Br3 > CsPbBr3. This study underscores the significant influence of binary alloying of B-site metal cations (in the perovskite structure ABX3, where B-site refers to the metal cation) on the non-radiative electron-hole recombination of CsPbBr3.This research presents an effective alloying scheme that substantially prolongs the carrier lifetime of perovskites, offering a rational approach to optimizing solar cell performance. It lays the groundwork for the future design of perovskite solar cell materials.-
- CsPbBr3 /
- nonadiabatic molecular dynamics /
- alloy /
- nonradiative electron-hole recombination
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表 1 CsPbBr3, CsPb0.75Ge0.25Br3, CsPb0.5Ge0.25Sn0.25Br3体系的带隙、非绝热耦合平均绝对值(NAC)、退相干时间(Tpd)和非辐射电荷复合时间(Trec)
Table 1. Bandgap, averaged absolute value of NA coupling (NAC), pure-dephasing time (Tpd), and nonradiative charge recombination time (Trec) of CsPbBr3, CsPb0.75Ge0.25Br3, CsPb0.5Ge0.25Sn0.25Br3 systems.
Eg/eV NAC/meV Tpd/fs Trec/ps CsPbBr3 1.73 2.0 8.97 110 CsPb0.75Ge0.25Br3 1.44 2.2 6.96 176 CsPb0.5Ge0.25Sn0.25Br3 1.05 2.1 6.20 462 -
[1] Cho C, Palatnik A, Sudzius M, Grodofzig R, Nehm F, Leo K 2020 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 35242
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[2] Ito N, Kamarudin M A, Hirotani D, Zhang Y, Shen Q, Ogomi Y, Iikubo S, Minemoto T, Yoshino K, Hayase S 2018 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9 1682
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[4] Quarti C, Marchal N, Beljonne D 2018 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9 3416
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[5] Shi R, Vasenko A S, Long R, Prezhdo O V 2020 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11 9100
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[6] Yu W, Li F, Yu L, Niazi M R, Zou Y, Corzo D, Basu A, Ma C, Dey S, Tietze M L, Buttner U, Wang X, Wang Z, Hedhili M N, Guo C, Wu T, Amassian A 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 5354
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[21] Stranks S D, Petrozza A 2016 Nat. Photonics 10 562
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[33] Jaeger H M, Fischer S, Prezhdo O V 2012 J. Chem. Phys. 137 22A545
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