柔性Ⅲ-Ⅴ薄膜太阳电池通常被作为空间电源在航天器上使用, 而在实际应用中适宜的封装材料可以保护电池免受水分、氧化、污染物等环境因素的影响. 因此, 探究合适的柔性封装方案和电池性能的长期稳定性至关重要. 本文利用电阻焊方法将制备好的柔性双结GaInP/GaAs太阳电池进行焊接, 之后采用具有高透光性的薄膜材料和热熔胶与柔性电池进行层压封装并研究了其在恶劣储存条件下的性能稳定性和环境耐受性. 研究结果表明, 柔性封装太阳电池在1000 h以上的温度为85 ℃, 相对湿度85% (85 ℃/85% RH)的湿热试验以及108次温度范围为–60 ℃—75 ℃的冷热循环老化试验后仍然保持了很好的稳定性, 表明封装工艺对柔性太阳电池具有较好的保护作用. 此外, 基于二极管模型的电学仿真结果表明, 柔性封装后电池性能的改变是由于载流子复合增强, 从而降低了开路电压.
- GaAs薄膜太阳电池 /
- 多结太阳电池 /
- 柔性封装 /
- 可靠性
Flexible III-V thin-film solar cells are usually used as space power supply in spacecrafts. In practical applications, suitable encapsulated materials can protect the cells from being affected by environmental factors such as moisture, oxidation and pollutants. Therefore, it is critical to explore suitable flexible encapsulation schemes and long-term stability of solar cell performance. In this paper, the prepared flexible GaInP/GaAs solar cells are welded by resistance welding, and then laminated with polymer encapsulation thin films and hot melt adhesives with high light transmission. After being encapsulated, the flexible two-junction solar cell achieves good electrical performance (Jsc = 13.105 mA·cm–2, Voc = 2.360 V), the photoelectric conversion efficiency can reach 24.81%, and the weight density is about 405 g/m2. The performance stability and environmental tolerance of the encapsulated flexible GaInP/GaAs solar cells under complex storage conditions are investigated. The results show that the encapsulated flexible solar cells still maintain good stability after 85 ℃/85% RH damp heat has been tested for more than 1000 h and 108 cycles of thermal cycling test between –60 ℃ and 75 ℃, respectively. It also proves that the encapsulated technology adopted in this experiment is feasible and has an excellent protective effect on the double-junction solar cells. However, there is a slight decrease in the open-circuit voltage in the long-term damp heat test (ΔVoc ≈ 0.023 V), which may reflect the change of the solar cell itself. By further extracting the changes of the ideal factors n1 and n2 representing the recombination mechanism and diffusion mechanism respectively from the dark I-V curves (Δn1 = 1.295, Δn2 = 0.087), it can be found that the slight drop of open-circuit voltage is closely related to the recombination enhancement (Δn1$\gg $ Δn2). In the long-term high temperature and humidity environment, it is easy to introduce defects in the material of the solar cells, serving as the carrier recombination centers, thus accelerating the carrier recombination, reducing the parallel resistance, shortening the minority carrier lifetime, and increasing the reverse saturation current resulting in a slight drop in the open-circuit voltage. In addition, the electrical simulation results based on the diode-model indicate that the change in the performance of the solar cells after flexible encapsulation is due to the enhanced carrier recombination under damp heat test, which reduces the open-circuit voltage.-
- GaAs thin-film solar cells /
- multi-junction solar cells /
- flexible encapsulation /
- reliability
[1] Green M A, Dunlop E D, Hohl-Ebinger J, Yoshita M, Kopidakis N, Bothe K, Hinken D, Rauer M, Hao X 2022 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 30 687
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[2] Takamoto T, Kodama T, Yamaguchi H, Agui T, Takahashi N, Washio H, Hisamatsu T, Kaneiwa M, Okamoto K, Imaizumi M, Kibe K 2006 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Waikoloa, HI, USA, May 7–12, 2006 p1769
[3] Imaizumi M, Nakamura T, Takamoto T, Ohshima T, Tajima M 2017 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 25 161
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[4] Imaizumi M, Takamoto T, Sugimoto H, Ohshima T, Kawakita S 2019 Proceedings of the IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Chicago, IL, USA, June 16–21, 2019 p1495
[5] Park S, Bourgoin J C, Sim H, Baur C, Khorenko V, Cavani O, Bourcois J, Picard S, Boizot B 2018 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 26 778
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[6] Raya-Armenta J M, Bazmohammadi N, Vasquez J C, Guerrero J M 2021 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 233 111379
Google Scholar
[7] Kawakita S, Imaizumi M, Makita K, Nishinaga J, Sugaya T, Shibata H, Sato S I, Ohshima T 2016 Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Portland, OR, USA, June 5–10, 2016 p2574
[8] Takamoto T, Washio H, Juso H 2014 Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Denver, CO, USA, June 8–13, 2014 p1
[9] Samberg J P, Zachary Carlin C, Bradshaw G K, Colter P C, Harmon J L, Allen J B, Hauser J R, Bedair S M 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 103503
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[10] Long J, Wu D, Huang X, Ye S, Li X, Ji L, Sun Q, Song M, Xing Z, Lu S 2021 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 29 181
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[11] Geisz J F, Kurtz S, Wanlass M W, Ward J S, Duda A, Friedman D J, Olson J M, McMahon W E, Moriarty T E, Kiehl J T 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 023502
Google Scholar
[12] Schön J, Bissels G M M W, Mulder P, van Leest R H, Gruginskie N, Vlieg E, Chojniak D, Lackner D 2022 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 30 1003
Google Scholar
[13] Shoji Y, Makita K, Sugaya T 2020 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59 052003
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[14] Long J, Li X, Sun Q, Dai P, Zhang Y, Xuan J, Chen F, Song M, Honda S, Uchida S, Lu S 2021 Sol. RRL 5 2100066
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[15] Xuan J, Long J, Sun Q, Zhang Y, Li X, Wang X, Chen Z, Wu X, Lu S 2022 Sol. RRL 6 2200371
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[16] van Riesen S, Bett A W 2005 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 13 369
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[17] King R R, Fetzer C M, Colter P C, Edmondson K M, Law D C, Stavrides A P, Yoon H, Kinsey G S, Cotal H L, Ermer J H, Sherif R A, Emery K, Metzger W, Ahrenkiel R K, Karam N H 2003 Proceedings of the 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Osaka, Japan, May 11–18, 2003 p622
[18] Kurtz S R, Olson J M, Kibbler A 1990 Appl. Phys. Lett. 57 1922
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[19] Steiner M A, France R M, Buencuerpo J, Geisz J F, Nielsen M P, Pusch A, Olavarria W J, Young M, Ekins-Daukes N J 2020 Adv. Energy. Mater. 11 2002874
Google Scholar
[20] France R M, Geisz J F, Song T, Olavarria W, Young M, Kibbler A, Steiner M A 2022 Joule 6 1121
Google Scholar
[21] Sasaki K, Agui T, Nakaido K, Takahashi N, Onitsuka R, Takamoto T 2013 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems (CPV) Miyazaki, Japan, April 15–17, 2013 p22
[22] Kayes B M, Zhang L, Twist R, Ding I K, Higashi G S 2014 IEEE J. Photovoltaics 4 729
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[23] 张永, 单智发, 蔡建九, 吴洪清, 李俊承, 陈凯轩, 林志伟, 王向武 2013 62 158802
Google Scholar
Zhang Y, Shan Z F, Cai J J, Wu H Q, Li J C, Chen K X, Lin Z W, Wang X W 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 158802
Google Scholar
[24] 王笃祥, 李明阳, 毕京锋, 李森林, 刘冠洲, 宋明辉, 吴超瑜, 陈文浚 2017 发光学报 38 1217
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Wang D X, Li M Y, Bi J F, Li S L, Liu G Z, Song M H, Wu C Y, Chen W J 2017 Chin. J. Lumin. 38 1217
Google Scholar
[25] 铁剑锐, 李晓东, 孙希鹏 2018 电源技术 42 1174
Tie J R, Li X D, Sun X P 2018 Chin. J. Power Souces 42 1174
[26] Kim T S, Kim H J, Geum D M, Han J H, Kim I S, Hong N, Ryu G H, Kang J, Choi W J, Yu K J 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfacse 13 13248
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[27] Raj V, Haggren T, Wong W W, Tan H H, Jagadish C 2021 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55 143002
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[28] Yang J K, Jiao X Y, Yang Y, Wang X S, Song L L, Xue J, Chen Z C 2019 Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 6th China High Resolution Earth Observation Conference (CHREOC 2019) Chengdu, China, September 1, 2020 p385
[29] Drees M, Stender C L, Chan R, Osowski M, Pan N 2020 Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) Virtual Meeting, June 15–August 21, 2020 p1283
[30] Hong H F, Huang T S, Uen W Y, Chen Y Y 2014 J. Nanomater. 2014 1
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[31] Mekhilef S, Saidur R, Kamalisarvestani M 2012 Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 16 2920
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[32] Faye I, Ndiaye A, Gecke R, Blieske U, Kobor D, Camara M 2019 Sol. Energy 191 161
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[33] Khan F, Kim J H 2019 Materials (Basel) 12 4047
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[34] Orlando V, Gabás M, Galiana B, Espinet-González P, Palanco S, Nuñez N, Vázquez M, Araki K, Algora C 2017 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 25 97
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[35] Orlando V, Lombardero I, Gabás M, Nuñez N, Vázquez M, Espinet-González P, Bautista J, Romero R, Algora C 2019 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 28 148
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[36] Nuñez N, Vazquez M, Barrutia L, Bautista J, Lombardero I, Zamorano J C, Hinojosa M, Gabas M, Algora C 2021 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 230 111211
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[37] Espinet-González P, Algora C, Núñez N, Orlando V, Vázquez M, Bautista J, Araki K 2015 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 23 559
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[38] Bauhuis G J, Mulder P, Schermer J J 2014 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 22 656
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[39] Wanlass M, Ahrenkiel P, Albin D, Carapella J, Duda A, Emery K, Friedman D, Geisz J, Jones K, Kibbler A, Kiehl J, Kurtz S, McMahon W, Moriarty T, Olson J, Ptak A, Romero M, Ward S 2006 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Waikoloa, HI, USA, May 7–12, 2006 p729
[40] Sun Q, Long J, Li X, Dai P, Zhang Y, Xuan J, Wang X, Chen Z, Wu X, Lu S 2022 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 43 584
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[41] Long J, Xiao M, Huang X, Xing Z, Li X, Dai P, Tan M, Wu Y, Song M, Lu S 2019 J. Cryst. Growth 513 38
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[42] Chen Z, Long J, Sun Q, Wang X, Wu X, Li X, Yu M, Luo X, Zhao H, Fu Y, Lu S 2022 Adv. Energy Sustainability Res. 4 2200136
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[43] 郭永刚, 李媛媛, 左燕, 卢博, 杨增英 2022 合成材料老化与应用 51 51
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Guo Y G, Li Y Y, Zuo Y, Lu B, Yang Z Y 2022 Synth. Mater. Aging Appl. 51 51
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[44] 丁盛, 张海鹏 2021 粘接 45 32
Ding S, Zhang H P 2021 Adhesion 45 32
[45] Huang X, Long J, Wu D, et al. 2020 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 208 110398
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[46] Hussein R, Borchert D, Grabosch G, Fahrner W R 2001 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 69 123
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[47] 岳龙, 吴宜勇, 张延清, 胡建民, 孙承月, 郝明明, 兰慕杰 2014 63 188101
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Yue L, Wu Y Y, Zhang Y Q, Hu J M, Sun C Y, Hao M M, Lan M J 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 188101
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[48] Braun A, Szabó N, Schwarzburg K, Hannappel T, Katz E A, Gordon J M 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 223506
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[49] van Dyk E E, Meyer E L 2004 Renewable Energy 29 333
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[50] 齐佳红, 胡建民, 盛延辉, 吴宜勇, 徐建文, 王月媛, 杨晓明, 张子锐, 周扬 2015 64 108802
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Qi J H, Hu J M, Sheng Y H, Wu Y Y, Xu J W, Wang Y Y, Yang X M, Zhang Z R, Zhou Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 108802
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[51] 肖文波, 刘伟庆, 吴华明, 张华明 2018 67 198801
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Xiao W B, Liu W Q, Wu H M, Zhang H M 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 198801
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图 5 柔性封装GaInP/GaAs薄膜太阳电池 (a) 85 ℃/85% RH湿热试验; (b) –60 ℃—75 ℃冷热循环试验后在AM 1.5G光谱下的J-V特性曲线, 图中插入的表格为相应的电学性能测试结果; (c), (d) 在长期湿热和冷热循环试验下的短路电流密度(Jsc)、开路电压(Voc)、填充因子(FF)和效率(Eff)电学性能参数随老化时间的归一化变化
Fig. 5. J-V characteristic curves under the AM 1.5G spectra of encapsulated flexible GaInP/GaAs solar cells after: (a) Damp heat test at 85 ℃ and 85% RH; (b) thermal cycling test between –60 ℃ to 75 ℃, the inserted tables are the absolute values of performance parameters; (c), (d) normalized electrical properties of Jsc, Voc, FF, and Eff under long-term damp heat test (c) and thermal cycling test (d).
表 1 仿真参数初始设置值
Table 1. Initial setting values of the simulation parameters.
Parameter Iph/
(10–17 A)I02/
(10–25 A)n1 n2 Rsh/
(105 Ω)GaInP 13.96 2.09 4.3 2 1 1 GaAs 13.00 345 1.2×105 2 1 1 -
[1] Green M A, Dunlop E D, Hohl-Ebinger J, Yoshita M, Kopidakis N, Bothe K, Hinken D, Rauer M, Hao X 2022 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 30 687
Google Scholar
[2] Takamoto T, Kodama T, Yamaguchi H, Agui T, Takahashi N, Washio H, Hisamatsu T, Kaneiwa M, Okamoto K, Imaizumi M, Kibe K 2006 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Waikoloa, HI, USA, May 7–12, 2006 p1769
[3] Imaizumi M, Nakamura T, Takamoto T, Ohshima T, Tajima M 2017 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 25 161
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[4] Imaizumi M, Takamoto T, Sugimoto H, Ohshima T, Kawakita S 2019 Proceedings of the IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Chicago, IL, USA, June 16–21, 2019 p1495
[5] Park S, Bourgoin J C, Sim H, Baur C, Khorenko V, Cavani O, Bourcois J, Picard S, Boizot B 2018 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 26 778
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[6] Raya-Armenta J M, Bazmohammadi N, Vasquez J C, Guerrero J M 2021 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 233 111379
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[7] Kawakita S, Imaizumi M, Makita K, Nishinaga J, Sugaya T, Shibata H, Sato S I, Ohshima T 2016 Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Portland, OR, USA, June 5–10, 2016 p2574
[8] Takamoto T, Washio H, Juso H 2014 Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Denver, CO, USA, June 8–13, 2014 p1
[9] Samberg J P, Zachary Carlin C, Bradshaw G K, Colter P C, Harmon J L, Allen J B, Hauser J R, Bedair S M 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 103503
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[10] Long J, Wu D, Huang X, Ye S, Li X, Ji L, Sun Q, Song M, Xing Z, Lu S 2021 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 29 181
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[11] Geisz J F, Kurtz S, Wanlass M W, Ward J S, Duda A, Friedman D J, Olson J M, McMahon W E, Moriarty T E, Kiehl J T 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 023502
Google Scholar
[12] Schön J, Bissels G M M W, Mulder P, van Leest R H, Gruginskie N, Vlieg E, Chojniak D, Lackner D 2022 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 30 1003
Google Scholar
[13] Shoji Y, Makita K, Sugaya T 2020 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59 052003
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[14] Long J, Li X, Sun Q, Dai P, Zhang Y, Xuan J, Chen F, Song M, Honda S, Uchida S, Lu S 2021 Sol. RRL 5 2100066
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[15] Xuan J, Long J, Sun Q, Zhang Y, Li X, Wang X, Chen Z, Wu X, Lu S 2022 Sol. RRL 6 2200371
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[16] van Riesen S, Bett A W 2005 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 13 369
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[17] King R R, Fetzer C M, Colter P C, Edmondson K M, Law D C, Stavrides A P, Yoon H, Kinsey G S, Cotal H L, Ermer J H, Sherif R A, Emery K, Metzger W, Ahrenkiel R K, Karam N H 2003 Proceedings of the 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Osaka, Japan, May 11–18, 2003 p622
[18] Kurtz S R, Olson J M, Kibbler A 1990 Appl. Phys. Lett. 57 1922
Google Scholar
[19] Steiner M A, France R M, Buencuerpo J, Geisz J F, Nielsen M P, Pusch A, Olavarria W J, Young M, Ekins-Daukes N J 2020 Adv. Energy. Mater. 11 2002874
Google Scholar
[20] France R M, Geisz J F, Song T, Olavarria W, Young M, Kibbler A, Steiner M A 2022 Joule 6 1121
Google Scholar
[21] Sasaki K, Agui T, Nakaido K, Takahashi N, Onitsuka R, Takamoto T 2013 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems (CPV) Miyazaki, Japan, April 15–17, 2013 p22
[22] Kayes B M, Zhang L, Twist R, Ding I K, Higashi G S 2014 IEEE J. Photovoltaics 4 729
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[23] 张永, 单智发, 蔡建九, 吴洪清, 李俊承, 陈凯轩, 林志伟, 王向武 2013 62 158802
Google Scholar
Zhang Y, Shan Z F, Cai J J, Wu H Q, Li J C, Chen K X, Lin Z W, Wang X W 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 158802
Google Scholar
[24] 王笃祥, 李明阳, 毕京锋, 李森林, 刘冠洲, 宋明辉, 吴超瑜, 陈文浚 2017 发光学报 38 1217
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Wang D X, Li M Y, Bi J F, Li S L, Liu G Z, Song M H, Wu C Y, Chen W J 2017 Chin. J. Lumin. 38 1217
Google Scholar
[25] 铁剑锐, 李晓东, 孙希鹏 2018 电源技术 42 1174
Tie J R, Li X D, Sun X P 2018 Chin. J. Power Souces 42 1174
[26] Kim T S, Kim H J, Geum D M, Han J H, Kim I S, Hong N, Ryu G H, Kang J, Choi W J, Yu K J 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfacse 13 13248
Google Scholar
[27] Raj V, Haggren T, Wong W W, Tan H H, Jagadish C 2021 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55 143002
Google Scholar
[28] Yang J K, Jiao X Y, Yang Y, Wang X S, Song L L, Xue J, Chen Z C 2019 Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 6th China High Resolution Earth Observation Conference (CHREOC 2019) Chengdu, China, September 1, 2020 p385
[29] Drees M, Stender C L, Chan R, Osowski M, Pan N 2020 Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) Virtual Meeting, June 15–August 21, 2020 p1283
[30] Hong H F, Huang T S, Uen W Y, Chen Y Y 2014 J. Nanomater. 2014 1
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[31] Mekhilef S, Saidur R, Kamalisarvestani M 2012 Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 16 2920
Google Scholar
[32] Faye I, Ndiaye A, Gecke R, Blieske U, Kobor D, Camara M 2019 Sol. Energy 191 161
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[33] Khan F, Kim J H 2019 Materials (Basel) 12 4047
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[34] Orlando V, Gabás M, Galiana B, Espinet-González P, Palanco S, Nuñez N, Vázquez M, Araki K, Algora C 2017 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 25 97
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[35] Orlando V, Lombardero I, Gabás M, Nuñez N, Vázquez M, Espinet-González P, Bautista J, Romero R, Algora C 2019 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 28 148
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[36] Nuñez N, Vazquez M, Barrutia L, Bautista J, Lombardero I, Zamorano J C, Hinojosa M, Gabas M, Algora C 2021 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 230 111211
Google Scholar
[37] Espinet-González P, Algora C, Núñez N, Orlando V, Vázquez M, Bautista J, Araki K 2015 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 23 559
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[38] Bauhuis G J, Mulder P, Schermer J J 2014 Prog. Photovoltaics Res. Appl. 22 656
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[39] Wanlass M, Ahrenkiel P, Albin D, Carapella J, Duda A, Emery K, Friedman D, Geisz J, Jones K, Kibbler A, Kiehl J, Kurtz S, McMahon W, Moriarty T, Olson J, Ptak A, Romero M, Ward S 2006 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Waikoloa, HI, USA, May 7–12, 2006 p729
[40] Sun Q, Long J, Li X, Dai P, Zhang Y, Xuan J, Wang X, Chen Z, Wu X, Lu S 2022 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 43 584
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[41] Long J, Xiao M, Huang X, Xing Z, Li X, Dai P, Tan M, Wu Y, Song M, Lu S 2019 J. Cryst. Growth 513 38
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[42] Chen Z, Long J, Sun Q, Wang X, Wu X, Li X, Yu M, Luo X, Zhao H, Fu Y, Lu S 2022 Adv. Energy Sustainability Res. 4 2200136
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[43] 郭永刚, 李媛媛, 左燕, 卢博, 杨增英 2022 合成材料老化与应用 51 51
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Guo Y G, Li Y Y, Zuo Y, Lu B, Yang Z Y 2022 Synth. Mater. Aging Appl. 51 51
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[44] 丁盛, 张海鹏 2021 粘接 45 32
Ding S, Zhang H P 2021 Adhesion 45 32
[45] Huang X, Long J, Wu D, et al. 2020 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 208 110398
Google Scholar
[46] Hussein R, Borchert D, Grabosch G, Fahrner W R 2001 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 69 123
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[47] 岳龙, 吴宜勇, 张延清, 胡建民, 孙承月, 郝明明, 兰慕杰 2014 63 188101
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Yue L, Wu Y Y, Zhang Y Q, Hu J M, Sun C Y, Hao M M, Lan M J 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 188101
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[48] Braun A, Szabó N, Schwarzburg K, Hannappel T, Katz E A, Gordon J M 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 223506
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[49] van Dyk E E, Meyer E L 2004 Renewable Energy 29 333
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[50] 齐佳红, 胡建民, 盛延辉, 吴宜勇, 徐建文, 王月媛, 杨晓明, 张子锐, 周扬 2015 64 108802
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Qi J H, Hu J M, Sheng Y H, Wu Y Y, Xu J W, Wang Y Y, Yang X M, Zhang Z R, Zhou Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 108802
Google Scholar
[51] 肖文波, 刘伟庆, 吴华明, 张华明 2018 67 198801
Google Scholar
Xiao W B, Liu W Q, Wu H M, Zhang H M 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 198801
Google Scholar
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