鉴于国内核物理实验对高性能硅探测器有大量需求, 而国外对中国进行技术封锁, 满足实验需求的高性能探测器不易获得. 中国科学院近代物理研究所在原有制备工艺基础上首次采用套刻技术, 有效减少了光刻及腐蚀过程造成的SiO2沾污, 大幅提高了探测器性能和成品率. 本文对采用该工艺研制的300 μm厚, 有效面积50 mm×50 mm硅探测器进行电学性能测试和在束探测性能测试. 探测器在–45 V耗尽电压下, 其漏电流小于40 nA, 对5 MeV左右的α粒子的能量分辨(σ)约为45 keV. 将该探测器作为能量沉积(ΔE)探测器, 利用250 MeV/u的11C放射性束流及其在次级碳靶上的反应产物对探测器进行了探测性能测试. 测试结果显示, 该探测器对于C元素的电荷数Z的分辨为0.17, 与文献中记录的国外生产的同类型探测器的实验数据(Z分辨0.19)相当, 可以满足中高能放射性束实验对轻质量区粒子鉴别的要求.In view of the great demand for large-area silicon detectors in domestic nuclear physics experiments, a type of 300-μm-thick high-performance square silicon detector with a large active area of 50 mm×50 mm by using overprinting technology is developed in the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Based on this technology, SiO2 contamination caused by the photolithography and corrosion processes is effectively reduced. The detector has an excellent performance with a yield of up to 80%. Under –45 V (depletion voltage) bias, the leakage current of the detector is less than 40 nA. The detector is tested with a three-component α radioactive source. The energy resolution (σ) is about 45 keV for 5-MeV α particles. Used as an energy deposition(ΔE) detector, the detector performance is also tested for measuring reaction products of 250 MeV/u 11C radioactive beams impinging on a carbon target. The results show that the charge number resolution of a single silicon detector is 0.17 for the carbon isotope, which is similar to that measured with the same type of detectors available from the market. With the average deposition energy of three silicon detectors used, the charge number resolution for carbon isotope reaches a better value of 0.11. With this resolution, C and B isotopes are clearly distinguished, meeting the requirements for particle identification in intermediate- and high-energy radioactive beam experiments.
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图 7 (a)—(c)分别为250 MeV/u的 11C打靶后在Si1—Si3探测器上的沉积能量分布; (d)为Si1—Si3沉积能量加和求平均后的分布(所有能谱已标定)
Fig. 7. (a)–(c) Spectra for the energy deposition on Si1–Si3 detectors for 250 MeV/u 11C reaction products after the target; (d) spectrum for the average energy deposition on Si1–Si3 detectors for 250 MeV/u 11C reaction products after the target (the above spectra are already calibrated).
图 10 (a)—(c)基于250 MeV/u的11C打靶后在Si1—Si3探测器沉积的能量得到的粒子电荷数Z的分布; (d) Si1—Si3探测器沉积能量加和平均后得到的粒子电荷数Z的分布图(已刻度)
Fig. 10. (a)–(c) Distribution of atomic number Z deduced from the energy deposition on Si1–Si3 detectors for 250 MeV/u 11C reaction products after target; (d) distribution of atomic number Z deduced from the average value of the energy deposition on Si1–Si3 detectors (calibrated)
[1] Tanihata I 2016 Eur. Phys. J. Plus 131 90
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[2] Nakamura T, Sakurai H, Watanabe H 2017 Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 97 53
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[3] 崔保群, 唐兵, 马鹰俊, 马瑞刚, 陈立华, 黄青华, 马燮 2019 原子能科学技术 53 1572
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Cui B Q, Tang B, Ma Y J, Ma R G, Chen L H, Huang Q H, Ma X 2019 Atom. Ener. Sci. Tech. 53 1572
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[4] 曾晟, 柳卫平, 叶沿林, 北京ISOL团队 2019 原子能科学技术 53 2321
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Zeng S, Liu W P, Ye Y L, Bei Jing ISOL team 2019 Atom. Ener. Sci. Tech. 53 2321
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Ding H L 2010 Nuclear Radiation Detector (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University Press) p168 (in Chinese)
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[17] Zhang X H, Tang S W, Ma P, Lu C G, Yang H R, Wang S T, Yu Y H, Yue K, Fang F, Yan D, Zhou Y, Wang Z M, Sun Y, Sun Z Y, Duan L M, Sun B H 2015 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 795 389
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Li P J, Li Z H, Chen Z Q, Wu H Y, Tian Z Y, Jiang W, Li J, Feng J, Zang H L, Liu Q, Niu C Y, Yang B, Tao L C, Zhang Y, Sun X H, Wang X, Liu Y, Li Q T, Lou J L, Li X Q, Hua H, Jiang D X, Ye Y L 2017 Nucl. Phys. Rev. 34 177
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[19] Yamaguchi T, Fukuda M, Fukuda S, Fan G W, Hachiuma I, Kanazawa M, Kitagawa A, Kuboki T, Lantz M, Mihara M, Nagashima M, Namihira K, Nishimura D, Okuma Y, Ohtsubo T, Sato S, Suzuki T, Takechi M, Xu W 2010 Phys. Rev. C 82 014609
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[20] Zhao J W, Sun B H, He L C, Li G S, Lin W J, Liu C Y, Liu Z, Lu C G, Shen D P, Sun Y Z, Sun Z Y, Tanihata I, Terashima S, Tran D T, Wang F, Wang J, Wang S T, Wei X L, Xu X D, Zhu L H, Zhang J C, Zhang X H, Zhang Y, Zhou Z T 2019 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 930 95
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[21] 于民, 董显山, 田大宇, 金玉丰 2012 中国专利 CN201110452444.5
Yu M, Dong X S, Tian D Y, Jin Y F 2012 Chinese Patent CN201110452444.5 (in Chinese)
[22] 杨昉东, 郝晓勇, 赵江滨, 张向阳, 何高魁 2019 中国专利 CN201811621988.8
Yang F D, Hao X Y, Zhao J B, Zhang X Y, He G K 2019 Chinese Patent CN201811621988.8 (in Chinese)
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