采用水热合成法制备了锐钛矿相TiO2纳米线, 并通过原位高压阻抗谱测量技术研究了TiO2纳米线晶粒和晶界性质及电输运行为随压力的变化关系. 研究结果表明: 在0—34.0 GPa压力区间, 锐钛矿TiO2纳米线的传导机制为电子电导. TiO2纳米线晶粒和晶界电阻以及弛豫频率在8.2—11.2 GPa压力区间均出现了不连续变化行为, 此压力区域对应着由锐钛矿相到斜锆石相的结构转变, 并且相变从晶粒表面逐渐延伸到晶粒内部. 晶粒激活能和晶界激活能均随压力的增加而减小, 说明压力对样品电导率的贡献为正. 在所测压力范围内, 空间电荷势始终为正值, 表明在空间电荷区阴离子缺陷更易形成, 氧缺陷是TiO2纳米线相变的主要诱因.In this work, anatase Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanowires are synthesized by the hydrothermal method, and its grain and grain boundary behaviors and electrical properties are investigated by alternating current (AC) impedance method under high pressure (up to 34.0 GPa). The relationship between the frequency dependence of impedance Z'' and pressure indicate that the conduction mechanism of anatase phase TiO2 nanowires in the test pressure range is electronic conductivity. It should be noted that the characteristic peaks of Z'' move toward high frequency region with pressure increasing, demonstrating that the effect of grain interior on impedance becomes apparent. Additionally, the overall variation trends of grain and grain boundary resistance go downward with pressure increasing, and the descent rate of grain boundary is larger than those of grain before and after phase transition. However, in a range of phase transition (8.2–11.2 GPa, from anatase to baddeleyite phase), grain boundary resistance shows a discontinuously change (increases to 11.2 GPa and then decreases). Based on the different variation trends of grain and grain boundary resistance, it becomes obvious that the phase transition from anatase to baddeleyite phase first occurs at the surface of grain, and then extends to the interior of grain gradually. Also, as an intrinsic characteristic, the relaxation frequency is independent of the geometrical parameters. The pressure dependence of activation energy is obtained by fitting the pressure dependence of relaxation frequency. The activation energy of grain and grain boundary decrease with pressure increasing, implying that the contribution of pressure on the conductivity of sample is positive. Furthermore, the space charge potential for the whole test pressure range is positive, which is determined by the relationship between pressure and relaxation frequency. This fact illustrates that the anion defects are easily formed in the space charge region, and the oxygen defects are the main inducement for TiO2 phase transformation.
- high pressure /
- TiO2 nanowires /
- impedance spectrum /
- electronic conductivity
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表 1 TiO2纳米线在不同压力区间的dHg/dP和dHgb/dP
Table 1. Fitting parameters from pressure dependence of active energy of grain and grain boundary of TiO2 nanowires.
Pressure region/GPa dH/dP/(meV·GPa–1) Grain Grain boundary 1.6—8.2 –0.578 –0.433 9.5—34.0 –0.084 –0.069 -
[1] Li Q J, Liu B B 2016 Chin. Phys. B 25 076107
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[2] Dong Z H, Song Y 2015 Can. J. Chem. 93 165
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[3] Swamy V, Kuznetsov A Y, Dubrovinsky L S, Kurnosov A, Prakapenka V B 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 075505
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[4] Machon D, Daniel M, Pischedda V, Daniele S, Bouvier P, LeFloch S 2010 Phys. Rev. B 82 140102
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[6] Li Q, Cheng B, Yang X, Liu R, Zou B 2013 J. Phys. Chem. C 117 8516
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Cao C N, Zhang J Q 2002 Introduction to Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Science Press) p21 (in Chinese)
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