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李晓彬 孙超 刘雄厚



李晓彬, 孙超, 刘雄厚

Source depth discrimination using peak migration line of cross-correlation output in shallow water having negative thermocline

Li Xiao-Bin, Sun Chao, Liu Xiong-Hou
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 针对浅海负跃层波导中的声源深度判别问题, 通过研究不同深度声源信号到达接收阵的简正波结构特征, 提出了一种利用互相关输出峰值迁移曲线的声源深度判别方法. 该方法利用浅海负跃层中主导简正波类型由声源深度决定这一先验信息, 根据峰值迁移曲线中互相关时延在0时刻的位置进行声源深度判别. 首先, 利用垂直线列阵波束输出与单阵元接收信号做互相关处理, 得到互相关时延—俯仰角输出二维图. 然后, 在图中提取不同时延上角度维峰值, 根据时延小于等于0、大于0的情况对所提取的峰值点进行分段线性拟合, 得到互相关输出峰值迁移曲线. 最后, 以曲线位于互相关时延为0时的位置进行声源深度判断. 理论分析表明, 曲线受波导中声速随深度变化的影响较小, 互相关时延0时刻位置的判别阈值由低阶简正波决定, 区分声源深度的区间由跃层的位置和厚度决定, 且跃层上下声速差越大越有利于声源深度判别. 仿真实验和海试数据分析结果表明, 该方法可有效进行声源深度判别, 并且无需模态分离、声源相对接收阵移动、精确声速剖面测量等前提条件.
    In this paper, the peak migration line of cross-correlation output is utilized to discriminate the depth of an underwater acoustic source in shallow water environment with a negative thermocline through studying the modal arrival structure of the source at different depths. The discrimination can be done according to the position of the migration line when the cross-correlation delay is zero since the type of dominant normal mode is determined by the depth of the source. Firstly, using the beam output of a vertical linear array and the received signal of a single array element to do cross-correlation processing, a two-dimensional intensity image of cross-correlation delay versus elevation angle is obtained. Then, the peaks in the angle domain at different delays can be extracted from the image. The cross-correlation peak migration line can be achieved by piecewise linear fitting which is divided into two parts corresponding to the delay being less than or equal to zero and the delay being more than zero, respectively. Finally, the source depth is determined by the position of the curve where the cross-correlation time delay is zero. Theoretical analysis shows that the migration line is little influenced by the sound velocity profile (SVP) varying with depth, the discrimination threshold is determined by the lower-order normal modes, the identification region is determined by the thickness and depth of the thermocline and the higher strength of the thermocline is instrumental in distinguishing. The numerical results and the experimental results prove the method's effectiveness which can be implemented without SVP details or mode separation, or source movement.
      通信作者: 孙超, csun@nwpu.edu.cn
      Corresponding author: Sun Chao, csun@nwpu.edu.cn

    Touzé G L, Nicolas B, Lacoume J L, Mars J, Fattaccioli D 2005 IEEE OCEANS Brest, France, June 20–23, 2005 p725


    Nicolas B, Mars J, Lacoume J-L 2006 EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2006 1Google Scholar


    Courtois F L, Bonnel J 2015 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138 575Google Scholar


    Lopatka M, Touzé G L, Nicolas B, Cristol X, Mars J, Fattaccioli D 2010 EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2010 1Google Scholar


    Shang E C 1985 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77 1413Google Scholar


    Neilsen T B, Westwood E K 2002 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111 748Google Scholar


    Reeder B D 2014 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135 EL1Google Scholar


    Yang T C 2015 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138 1678Google Scholar


    Turgut A, Fialkowski L T, Schindall J A 2016 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139 EL184Google Scholar


    刘志韬, 郭良浩, 闫超 2019 声学学报 5 925Google Scholar

    Liu Z T, Guo L H, Yan C 2019 Acta Acust. 5 925Google Scholar


    Jensen F B, Kuperman W A, Porter M B, Schmidt H 2011 Computational Ocean Acoustics (New York: Springer) pp739– 740


    Lee S, Makris N C 2006 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 336Google Scholar


    Gong Z, Ratilal P, Makris N C 2015 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138 2649Google Scholar


    Ewing W M, Jardetzky W S, Press F 1957 Elastic Waves in Layered Media (McGraw-Hill: New York) pp341–367


    Premus V E, Helfrick M N 2013 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133 4019Google Scholar


    Urick R J 1983 Principles of Underwater Sound (Vol. 3) (McGraw-Hill: New York) pp120–121


    张仁和 1979 声学学报 2 102Google Scholar

    Zhang R H 1979 Acta Acust. 2 102Google Scholar


    高大治 2012 博士学位论文(青岛: 中国海洋大学)

    Gao D Z 2012 Ph. D. Dissertation (Qingdao: Ocean University of China) (in Chinese)


    Weston D E. 1960 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 32 647Google Scholar


    Marine Physical Lab http://swellex96.ucsd.edu/index.htm [2021-10-19]

  • 图 1  VLA、声源位置和负跃层声速剖面示意图

    Fig. 1.  VLA, the position of the source and SVP in shallow water with a negative thermocline.

    图 2  互相关输出示意图

    Fig. 2.  The cross-correlation output.

    图 3  TM和NTM在不同接收深度上的俯仰角示意图

    Fig. 3.  The elevation angles of TM and NTM at different depths.

    图 4  互相关输出峰值迁移曲线示意图

    Fig. 4.  The peak migration line of the cross-correlation output.

    图 5  判别算法流程图

    Fig. 5.  The flow diagrams of the source depth discrimination.

    图 6  负跃层波导环境及其相关参数

    Fig. 6.  The shallow water waveguide with a negative thermocline and its environmental parameters.

    图 7  各阶模态函数

    Fig. 7.  The mode functions.

    图 8  不同声源深度的${I_{{\text{ae}}}}(s, \tau )$, ${\tilde s_{\max }}(\tau )$${s_{\max }}(\tau )$ (a)声源深度10 m, 白色虚线圈标注了峰裂分现象; (b)声源深度50 m

    Fig. 8.  ${I_{{\text{ae}}}}(s, \tau )$, ${\tilde s_{\max }}(\tau )$ and ${s_{\max }}(\tau )$ of sources at different depths: (a) Source at a depth of 10 m, with the peak splitting indicated by white dashed circle; (b) source at a depth of 50 m.

    图 9  不同声速差时的各阶模态函数 (a) $\Delta c$ = 0 m/s; (b) $\Delta c$ = 40 m/s

    Fig. 9.  The mode functions with different $\Delta c$: (a) $\Delta c$ = 0 m/s; (b) $\Delta c$ = 40 m/s.

    图 10  不同声速差时不同声源深度的${I_{{\text{ae}}}}(s, \tau )$, ${\tilde s_{\max }}(\tau )$${s_{\max }}(\tau )$ (a) $\Delta c$ = 0 m/s, 声源深度10 m; (b) $\Delta c$ = 0 m/s, 声源深度50 m; (c) $\Delta c$ = 40 m/s, 声源深度10 m; (d) $\Delta c$ = 40 m/s, 声源深度50 m

    Fig. 10.  ${I_{{\text{ae}}}}(s, \tau )$, ${\tilde s_{\max }}(\tau )$ and ${s_{\max }}(\tau )$ of sources at different depths with different $\Delta c$: (a) $\Delta c$ = 0 m/s, source at a depth of 10 m; (b) $\Delta c$ = 0 m/s, source at a depth of 50 m; (c) $\Delta c$ = 40 m/s, source at a depth of 10 m; (d) $\Delta c$ = 40 m/s, source at a depth of 50 m.

    图 11  不同SNR条件下, 不同声源深度的$ {I_{{\text{ae}}}}\left( {s, \tau } \right) $, ${\tilde s_{\max }}(\tau )$${s_{\max }}(\tau )$ (a) SNR = –10 dB, 声源深度10 m; (b) SNR = –10 dB, 声源深度50 m; (c) SNR = –20 dB, 声源深度10 m; (d) SNR = –20 dB, 声源深度50 m; (e) SNR = –25 dB, 声源深度10 m; (f) SNR = –25 dB, 声源深度50 m

    Fig. 11.  $ {I_{{\text{ae}}}}\left( {s, \tau } \right) $, ${\tilde s_{\max }}(\tau )$ and ${s_{\max }}(\tau )$ of sources at different depths with different SNR: (a) SNR = –10 dB, source at a depth of 10 m; (b) SNR = –10 dB, source at a depth of 50 m; (c) SNR = –20 dB, source at a depth of 10 m; (d) SNR = –20 dB, source at a depth of 50 m; (e) SNR = –25 dB, source at a depth of 10 m; (f) SNR = –25 dB, source at a depth of 50 m.

    图 12  S5试验情况 (a) 试验场环境与发射船轨迹; (b) 声速剖面

    Fig. 12.  Event S5: (a) The environment and the track of the source ship; (b) SVP.

    图 13  S5试验波导下频率135 Hz的各阶模态函数

    Fig. 13.  The mode functions in S5 waveguide with f = 135 Hz.

    图 14  J-13和J-15声源的${I_{{\text{ae}}}}(s, \tau )$, ${\tilde s_{\max }}(\tau )$${s_{\max }}(\tau )$ (a)J-13, 9 m; (b)J-15, 54 m

    Fig. 14.  $ {I_{{\text{ae}}}}(s, \tau ) $, ${\tilde s_{\max }}(\tau )$ and ${s_{\max }}(\tau )$ of different sources: (a) J-13, 9 m; (b) J-15, 54 m.

    表 1  不同声源的频率

    Table 1.  Frequencies transmitted by different sources.

    J-13(9 m)109 127 145 163 198 232 280 335 385
    J-15(54 m)49 64 79 94 112 130 148 166 201 235 283 338 388
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    Touzé G L, Nicolas B, Lacoume J L, Mars J, Fattaccioli D 2005 IEEE OCEANS Brest, France, June 20–23, 2005 p725


    Nicolas B, Mars J, Lacoume J-L 2006 EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2006 1Google Scholar


    Courtois F L, Bonnel J 2015 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138 575Google Scholar


    Lopatka M, Touzé G L, Nicolas B, Cristol X, Mars J, Fattaccioli D 2010 EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2010 1Google Scholar


    Shang E C 1985 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77 1413Google Scholar


    Neilsen T B, Westwood E K 2002 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111 748Google Scholar


    Reeder B D 2014 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135 EL1Google Scholar


    Yang T C 2015 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138 1678Google Scholar


    Turgut A, Fialkowski L T, Schindall J A 2016 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139 EL184Google Scholar


    刘志韬, 郭良浩, 闫超 2019 声学学报 5 925Google Scholar

    Liu Z T, Guo L H, Yan C 2019 Acta Acust. 5 925Google Scholar


    Jensen F B, Kuperman W A, Porter M B, Schmidt H 2011 Computational Ocean Acoustics (New York: Springer) pp739– 740


    Lee S, Makris N C 2006 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 336Google Scholar


    Gong Z, Ratilal P, Makris N C 2015 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138 2649Google Scholar


    Ewing W M, Jardetzky W S, Press F 1957 Elastic Waves in Layered Media (McGraw-Hill: New York) pp341–367


    Premus V E, Helfrick M N 2013 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133 4019Google Scholar


    Urick R J 1983 Principles of Underwater Sound (Vol. 3) (McGraw-Hill: New York) pp120–121


    张仁和 1979 声学学报 2 102Google Scholar

    Zhang R H 1979 Acta Acust. 2 102Google Scholar


    高大治 2012 博士学位论文(青岛: 中国海洋大学)

    Gao D Z 2012 Ph. D. Dissertation (Qingdao: Ocean University of China) (in Chinese)


    Weston D E. 1960 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 32 647Google Scholar


    Marine Physical Lab http://swellex96.ucsd.edu/index.htm [2021-10-19]

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