由大量耦合相振子组成的Kuramoto模型是研究各种自持续振荡系统同步相变和集体动力学的重要模型. 近些年, 高阶耦合Kuramoto模型引起了广泛的研究兴趣, 尤其高阶耦合结构在模拟编码和信息存储的动力学方面起到重要作用. 为了研究高阶耦合的影响, 本文通过考虑频率与耦合之间的关联对高阶耦合的Kuramoto模型进行了推广, 所得到的模型出现了一些新颖的动力学现象, 包括多集团态(多团簇态)、双稳态、爆炸性同步以及振荡态. 对无序态的线性稳定分析得到表征系统由无序向同步转变的临界耦合强度, 利用自洽方法分析得到系统的多团簇态, 并进一步在等效低维子空间中对多团簇态进行线性稳定性分析得到稳定的多团簇态解以及去同步相变点. 对理论分析结果的讨论总结了系统由迟滞到振荡态的转变. 此外, 本文强调结合表征系统不对称性的Kuramoto序参量和表征系统多团簇态的Daido序参量可以对系统宏观动力学给出完整的描述. 通过本文的研究可以进一步加深对高阶耦合相振子系统中耦合异质性以及爆炸性同步的理解.The Kuramoto model consisting of large ensembles of coupled phase oscillators serves as an illustrative paradigm for studying the synchronization transitions and collective behaviors in various self-sustained systems. In recent years, the research of the high-order coupled phase oscillators has attracted extensive interest for the high-order coupled structure playing an essential role in modeling the dynamics of code and data storage. By studying the effects of high-order coupling, we extend the Kuramoto model of high-order structure by considering the correlations between frequency and coupling, which reflects the intrinsic properties of heterogeneity of interactions between oscillators. Several novel dynamic phenomena occur in the model, including clustering, extensive multistability, explosive synchronization and oscillatory state. The universal form of the critical coupling strength characterizing the transition from disorder to order is obtained via an analysis of the stability of the incoherent state. Furthermore, we present the self-consistent approach and find the multi-cluster with their expressions of order parameters. The stability analysis of multi-cluster is performed in the subspace getting stability condition together with the stable solutions of order parameters. The discussion of all the results summarizes the mechanism of the transition from hysteresis to oscillatory states. In addition, we emphasize that the combination of the Kuramoto order parameter capturing the asymmetry of the system and the Daido order parameter representing the clustering can give a complete description of the macroscopic dynamics of the system. The research of this paper can improve the understanding of the effects of the heterogeneity among populations and the explosive synchronization occurring in higher-order coupled phase oscillators.
- coupled phase oscillators /
- synchronization /
- phase transition /
- multi-cluster
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图 1 序参量
$ R_2 $ 和$ R_1 $ 随耦合强度$ K $ 的相变图.$ g(\omega) $ 为双峰洛伦兹分布, 且$ \varDelta = 0.10 $ ,$ \omega_0 $ 分别取(a)$ 0.08 $ , (b)$ 0.12 $ , (c)$ 0.30 $ , (d)$ 0.40 $ . 其中正三角形$ \vartriangle $ 表示耦合强度$ K $ 增大的方向, 倒三角形$ \triangledown $ 表示耦合强度$ K $ 减小的方向. (a2)−(d2)中$ R1 $ 的相变曲线自上往下$ \alpha $ 分别取$ 1.00 $ (粉, 方形),$ 0.90 $ (青, 圆形),$ 0.80 $ (蓝, 菱形),$ 0.70 $ (绿, 左三角),$ 0.60 $ (红, 右三角)Fig. 1. Phase transition diagram of order parameters
$ R_ 2 $ and$ R_1 $ with the coupling strength$ K $ .$ g(\omega) $ is bimodal Lorentz distribution with$ \varDelta = 0.10 $ , and$ \omega_ 0 = $ $ 0.08 $ (a),$ 0.12 $ (b),$ 0.30 $ (c),$ 0.40 $ (d), respectively. The regular triangle$ \vartriangle $ indicates the direction of the increase of coupling strength$ K $ and the inverted triangle$ \triangledown $ indicates the direction of the decrease of coupling strength$ K $ . In (a2)−(d2), phase transition of$ R_1 $ with$ \alpha = $ $ 1.00 $ (pink, square),$ 0.90 $ (cyan, circle),$ 0.80 $ (blue, diamond),$ 0.70 $ (green, left triangle) and$ 0.60 $ (red, right triangle) from top to bottom, respectively.图 2 耦合强度
$ K = 1.6 $ 时序参量$ R_2 $ 和$ R_1 $ 随时间$ t $ 的演化.$ g(\omega) $ 为双峰洛伦兹分布, 且$\varDelta = 0.1$ ,$ \omega_0 $ 分别取(a), (b)$ 0.30 $ , (c), (d)$ 0.40 $ . (b), (d)中$ R_1(t) $ 曲线自上往下$ \alpha $ 分别取$ 1.0 $ (粉, 实线),$ 0.9 $ (青, 划线),$ 0.8 $ (蓝, 点线),$ 0.7 $ (绿, 点划线),$ 0.6 $ (红, 双点划线)Fig. 2. Evolution of the order parameters
$ R_ 2 $ and$ R_1 $ with time$ t $ at coupling strength$ K = 1.60 $ .$ g(\omega) $ is bimodal Lorentz distribution with$ \varDelta = 0.10 $ , and$ \omega_0 = $ $ 0.30 $ ((a), (b)),$ 0.40 $ ((c), (d)), respectively. The evolution of$ R_ 1(t) $ with$ \alpha = $ $ 1.00 $ (pink, solid line),$ 0.90 $ (cyan, dash line),$ 0.80 $ (blue, dot line),$ 0.70 $ (green, dash dot line),$ 0.60 $ (red, dash dots line) from top to bottom, respectively.图 3
$ g(\omega) $ 为均匀分布,$ \gamma = 1.0 $ (a), (b)序参量$ R_2 $ 和$ R_1 $ 随耦合强度$ K $ 的相变图. 其中相变曲线自上往下$ \alpha $ 分别取$ 1.00 $ (粉, 方形),$ 0.90 $ (青, 圆形),$ 0.80 $ (蓝, 菱形),$ 0.70 $ (绿, 左三角),$ 0.60 $ (红, 右三角). (c), (d)耦合强度$ K = 1.90 $ 时序参量$ R_2 $ 和$ R_1 $ 随时间$ t $ 的演化. 图中$ R_1 $ 曲线自上往下$ \alpha $ 分别取$ 1.0 $ (粉, 实线),$ 0.9 $ (青, 划线),$ 0.8 $ (蓝, 点线),$ 0.7 $ (绿, 点划线),$ 0.6 $ (红, 双点划线)Fig. 3.
$ g(\omega) $ is uniform distribution with$ \gamma = 1.0 $ (a), (b) Phase transition diagram of order parameters$ R_ 2 $ and$ R_1 $ with the coupling strength$ K $ . Phase transition of$ R_1 $ with$ \alpha = $ $ 1.00 $ (pink, square),$ 0.90 $ (cyan, circle),$ 0.80 $ (blue, diamond),$ 0.70 $ (green, left triangle) and$ 0.60 $ (red, right triangle) from top to bottom, respectively. (c), (d) Evolution of the order parameters$ R_ 2 $ and$ R_1 $ with time$ t $ at coupling strength$ K = 1.90 $ . The curve of$ R_ 1 $ with$ \alpha = $ $ 1.00 $ (pink, solid line),$ 0.90 $ (cyan, dash line),$ 0.80 $ (blue, dot line),$ 0.70 $ (green, dash dot line),$ 0.60 $ (red, dash dots line) from top to bottom, respectively. -
[1] Wiesenfeld K, Colet P, Strogatz S H 1998 Phys. Rev. E 57 1563
[2] Rohden M, Sorge A, Timme M, Witthaut D 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 064101
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[3] Pikovsky A, Rosenblum M, Kurths J 2001 Synchronization: A Universal Concept in Nonlinear Sciences (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp18–28
[4] Hoppensteadt F C, Izhikevich E M 1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 2983
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[5] Strogatz S H 2003 Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order (New York: Hypernion) pp59–60
[6] Arenas A, Díaz-Guilera A, Kurths J, Moreno Y, Zhou C 2008 Phys. Rep. 469 93
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[7] 郑志刚 2019 复杂系统的涌现动力学: 从同步到集体输运 (北京: 科学出版社) 第95−176页
Zheng Z G 2019 Emergence Dynamics in Complex Systems: From Synchronization to Collective Transport (Beijing: Science Press) pp95−176 (in Chinese)
[8] Kuramoto Y 1975 Int. Symp. on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics (Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 30) ed Araki H (New York: Springer) pp4−20
[9] Strogatz S H 2000 Physica D 143 1
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[36] Iatsenko D, Petkoski S, McClintock P V E, Stefanovska A 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 064101
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[41] Bi H, Hu X, Boccaletti S, Wang X, Zou Y, Liu Z, Guan S 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 204101
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[42] 朱廷祥, 吴晔, 肖井华 2012 62 040502
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[47] 郑志刚, 翟云 2020 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 50 010505
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Zheng Z G, Zhai Y 2020 Sci. Sin. Phys., Mech. Astron. 50 010505
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[48] Gómez-Gardeñes J, Gómez S, Arenas A, Moreno Y 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 128701
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[49] Zou Y, Pereira T, Small M, Liu Z, Kurths J 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 114102
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