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王昌 李珂 沈俊 戴巍 王亚男 罗二仓 沈保根 周远



王昌, 李珂, 沈俊, 戴巍, 王亚男, 罗二仓, 沈保根, 周远

Ultra-low temperature adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator for sub-Kelvin region

Wang Chang, Li Ke, Shen Jun, Dai Wei, Wang Ya-Nan, Luo Er-Cang, Shen Bao-Gen, Zhou Yuan
科大讯飞全文翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 随着空间观测、量子技术等前沿科研领域的发展, 亚开温区的极低温制冷需求日益增加. 本文设计并研制了一台极低温单级绝热去磁制冷机. 该制冷机由GM型制冷机提供约3 K热沉, 以钆镓石榴石为磁热工质, 由超导线圈提供最大为4 T的磁场, 通过绝热去磁, 实验最低温度可达470 mK. 在恒温控制模式下, 可在1 K下提供2.7 J冷量, 温度波动小于0.5 mK, 绝热去磁制冷的第二热力学效率为57%; 在0.8 K下, 制冷量为1.2 J. 该制冷机将作为50 mK温区三级绝热去磁制冷系统中的第一级, 在1 K下提供0.7 mW制冷功率. 本研究为进一步开展极低温多级连续绝热去磁制冷奠定了基础.
    With the development of space observation, quantum technology and other frontier scientific research fields, the demand for ultra-low temperature refrigeration in sub-Kelvin region is increasing. Compared with dilution refrigeration and sorption refrigeration, adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration (ADR) has the outstanding advantages of high efficiency, compact, gravity independence and accessibility of working materials, which make ADR a promising technology for sub-Kelvin cooling.A single-stage ultro-low temperature adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator is designed and developed. The thermodynamic principle and quantitative analysis are presented, from the macroscopic and microcosmic view, and operating results show good agreement with the theoretical value.This refrigerator is precooled to 3 K by a GM-type refrigerator, with 252 g gadolinium gallium garnet (monocrystalline) used as a working medium. The maximum magnetic field of 4 T is provided by a superconducting coil. Flexible heat connection is used between the pre-cooler and ADR, so heat generated by vibration decreases. From (3 K, 4 T), the lowest temperature can reach 0.47 K by adiabatic demagnetization, which is consistent with the result drawn from the entropy data. In a constant-temperature-control mode, the demagnetization rate is controlled by a feedback loop, so the temperature can be held in the presence of a load. A cooling capacity of 2.7 J is provided at 1 K, with temperature fluctuation being lower than 0.5 mK, and the second thermodynamic efficiency of adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration is 57%. at 0.8 K, the cooling capacity is 1.2 J.Future work on improving the performance includes the improving of the on-off ratio of the heat switch, so, the irreversible loss caused by the heat transfer temperature difference in conduction state can be reduced. Improving the heat transfer performance of the salt pill, the heat can be ejected in a shorter period.This refrigerating machine is the first Chinese adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration system that can be operated in circulation, which is expected to be the 1st stage of a three-stage adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration system in a 50 mK temperature zone. This study lays a foundation for further developing continuous multistage adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration at ultra-low temperature.
      通信作者: 沈俊, jshen@mails.ipc.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51925605)和中国科学院科研仪器设备研制项目(批准号: GJJSTD20190001)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Shen Jun, jshen@mails.ipc.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51925605) and the Scientific Instrument Developing Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. GJJSTD20190001)

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    Model 372 AC Bridge and Temperature Controller, Lakeshore http://www.lakeshore.com/products/product-detail/model-372/[2021-12-30]

  • 图 1  ADR的基本构成

    Fig. 1.  Basic components of ADR.

    图 2  ADR制冷循环

    Fig. 2.  Refrigeration cycle of ADR.

    图 3  制冷系统示意图

    Fig. 3.  Schematic diagram of refrigeration system.

    图 4  制冷系统实物图

    Fig. 4.  Photo of refrigeration system.

    图 5  ADR的实际循环

    Fig. 5.  Thermodynamic cycle of ADR.

    图 6  典型的ADR工作过程

    Fig. 6.  Typical running process of ADR.

    图 7  绝热去磁过程中温度-磁场对应关系

    Fig. 7.  T-B diagram during adiabatic demagnetization progress.

    表 1  常见亚开温区制冷技术对比

    Table 1.  Comparison of commonly used sub-Kelvin refrigeration technology.

    DR氦3从其浓相进入稀相时吸收热量5 mK—1 K制冷温度低
    对应关系, 蒸发制冷
    300 mK—1 K结构简单
    ADR磁热材料的磁熵随外加磁场变化2 mK—1 K内禀高效
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  ADR中常用的磁热工质

    Table 2.  Commonly used magnetocaloric materials (MCM) in ADR.

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    表 3  ADR中常用的热开关[18]

    Table 3.  Commonly used heat switches in ADR.

    超导式 ≤ 0.5 K > 100剩余导热
    气体式 ≥ 0.2 K≈1000剩余导热结构简单、可被动驱动
    磁阻式 ≤ 20 K > 1000剩余导热
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    Coccia E 2000 Physica B 280 525Google Scholar


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    Hornibrook J M, Colless J I, Lamb I D C, et al. 2014 Phys. Rev. Appl. 3 024010Google Scholar


    Pobell F 2006 Matters and Methods at Low Temperature (New York: Acid-free Paper) pp203, 209, 206


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    Giauque W F, MacDougall D P 1933 Phys. Rev. 43 768


    Kurti N, Simon F 1934 Nature 133 907Google Scholar


    Shirron P, Canavan E, Dipirro M, Jackson M, King T, Panek J, Tuttle J 2001 Cryogenics 41 789Google Scholar


    Shirron P J 2014 Cryogenics 62 130Google Scholar


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    Goshorn D P, Onn D G, Remeika J P 1977 Phys. Rev. B 15 3527Google Scholar


    Numazawa T, Kamiya K, Shirron P, DiPirro M, Matsumoto K 2006 AIP Conf. Proc. 850 1579Google Scholar


    Diego A P B, Jean-Maec D, Christophe M, Emmanuelle B, Jean-Pascal B, Mike Z, Nicolas L 2019 Cryogenics 2 105Google Scholar


    Hagmann C, Benford D J, Richards P L 1994 Cryogenics 34 213Google Scholar


    王昌, 王亚男, 刘远威, 戴巍, 沈俊 2019 真空与低温 25 317Google Scholar

    Wang C, Wang Y N, Liu Y W, Dai W, Shen J 2019 Vacuum & Cryogenics 25 317Google Scholar


    Daudin B, Lagnier R, Salce B 1982 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 27 315Google Scholar


    Model 372 AC Bridge and Temperature Controller, Lakeshore http://www.lakeshore.com/products/product-detail/model-372/[2021-12-30]

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