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Chaos-control and parallel queue synchronization of laser local area network

Yan Sen-Lin
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 本文提出并研究了“单队列-双参数”光电延时反馈控制条件下的激光局域网络的混沌控制及串联的动力学行为的并行队列“交叉驱动-反馈”网络同步实现, 建立了该光学局域网络的数学物理控制模型. 通过含时延超越方程理论的分析, 预言了该光学局域网络是可以实现混沌控制的, 且网络两路结点队列是可以实现实时引导控制到多个类周期状态上的, 并通过并行队列同步方程理论证明并行串联队列同步是可以获得的. 结果发现在可控的激光局域网络两个并行串联队列光路上, 分别实现了网络队列结点的混沌控制并能够实现多个类周期的网络结点的并行串联队列同步, 实现了络网结点激光器的2周期、3周期、4周期等状态的并行队列同步, 以及其他多个类周期的队列并行同步和动态同步. 还发现了两个类周期并行队列网络同步控制区域. 本文还给出了激光局域网络“并行多点混沌载波同步发射及其在光学超宽带通信中应用”的一个案例并成功实现. 这是一种新型的激光混沌局域网络控制系统, 具有光局域网络光传送与光联接核心控制技术要素, 具有复杂动力学系统与网络的多变量、多空间维度及并行两路不同队列混沌控制技术特点, 还具有光网络超宽带通信功能等. 其研究结果对局域网络、光网络的控制与同步、激光技术以及混沌的研究具有重要的参考价值.
    In this work, we study the chaos-control and parallel queue synchronization of a laser local area network (LAN). We present and study specifically a “single-queue-double-parameter” method of the parallel series queue dynamic behavior synchronization of the controlled laser LAN under two optoelectronic delay feedback controllers, and establish the mathematical and physical model of the controlled laser LAN. The LAN node is composed of two space coupled lasers with different parameters and other two single lasers, where two lasers series produce two different parallel queues, which results in two different chains of LAN nodes. Optical LAN links are composed of two optical parallel-crossing paths and two photoelectric delay feedback controllers setting in two lasers of LAN, which creates a method of double-parameter control of LAN. Through the analysis of the stability theory of differential equation and the dynamic characteristic equation of coupled lasers of LAN, our mathematical theory demonstrates that the chaos-control of laser LAN can be achieved by two photoelectric delay feedback controllers adjusting photoelectric feedback levels and feedback delay time of one of the two coupled laser and another single laser, respectively. Making analysis of the stability theory of differential equation and the dynamic characteristic equation of LAN nodes in two queue chains, we demonstrate theoretically how to obtain synchronization in network nodes of the controlled LAN on two queue chains by controlling optical feedback levels, and by the photoelectric delay feedback controllers adjusting photoelectric feedback levels and feedback delay time, respectively. Using our numerical calculation of parallel queue synchronization, the node laser’s waveform and its phase space trajectory, we find that very lasers of network nodes of the controlled LAN can lead to the parallel queue synchronization of a double-period, a three-period, a four-period and other quasi-periods while these quasi-periodic synchronizations and dynamic synchronizations are controlled in two queue chains of LAN nodes when we let the photoelectric feedback level and the delay time shift on some parameters. We find also two controlled quasi-periodic parallel queue synchronization regions. This paper also presents an application case of laser LAN multi-point chaotic carrier synchronous emission and ultra-wideband communication. This is a new type of controlled laser LAN system, which has the core elements of optical LAN and the characteristics of multi-variable, multi-dimension and parallel queue chaos-control techniques of complex dynamic networks. It also has the function of optical network ultra-wideband communication. The results have important reference value for studying the LAN, optical network and its synchronization and control, laser technology and chaos.
      通信作者: 颜森林, senlinyan@163.com
      Corresponding author: Yan Sen-Lin, senlinyan@163.com

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    Hong Y H 2015 IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron. 21 1801007Google Scholar


    颜森林 2019 68 170502Google Scholar

    Yan S L 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 170502Google Scholar

  • 图 1  激光局域控制网络图, ⊕表示光电转换控制器

    Fig. 1.  A controlled laser local area network. Signal ⊕ is the photoelectric controller.

    图 2  激光器t1与r1链路混沌同步

    Fig. 2.  Chaotic laser t1 synchronizes with the laser r1.

    图 3  激光器t2与r2链路混沌同步

    Fig. 3.  Chaotic laser t2 synchronizes with the laser r2.

    图 4  激光器t1与r1取得9周期同步

    Fig. 4.  The laser t1 synchronizes with the laser r1 at a 9-periodic state.

    图 5  激光器t2与r2取得6周期同步

    Fig. 5.  The laser t2 synchronizes with the laser r2 at a 6-periodic state.

    图 6  激光器t1与r1取得2周期同步

    Fig. 6.  The laser t1 synchronizes with the laser r1 at a 2-periodic state.

    图 7  激光器t2与r2取得2周期同步

    Fig. 7.  The laser t2 synchronizes with the laser r2 at another 2-periodic state.

    图 8  激光器t1与r1取得4周期同步

    Fig. 8.  The laser t1 synchronizes with the laser r1 at a 4-periodic state.

    图 9  激光器t2与r2取得4周期同步

    Fig. 9.  The laser t2 synchronizes with the laser r2 at another 4-periodic state.

    图 10  激光器t1与r1取得6周期同步

    Fig. 10.  The laser t1 synchronizes with the laser r1 at a 6-periodic state.

    图 11  激光器t2与r2取得5周期同步

    Fig. 11.  The laser t2 synchronizes with the laser r2 at a 5-periodic state.

    图 12  激光器t1与r1取得类周期动态同步

    Fig. 12.  The laser t1 synchronizes dynamically with the laser r1 in quasi-periodicity.

    图 13  激光器t2与r2取得类周期动态同步

    Fig. 13.  The laser t2 synchronizes dynamically with the laser r2 in quasi-periodicity.

    图 14  激光器t1超宽带通信

    Fig. 14.  The laser t1 performs an ultra-wideband communication.

    图 15  激光器r1又一个超宽带通信

    Fig. 15.  The laser r1 performs another ultra-wideband communication.

    图 16  激光器t1与r1取得混沌同步发射

    Fig. 16.  The lasers t1 and r1 emit synchronously two same chaotic carriers.

    表 1  激光器参量

    Table 1.  Laser parameters.

    腔长 L/μm350俄歇复合因子C/(cm6·s–1)3.5 × 10–29
    腔宽 w/μm2饱和光子场振幅|Es|/m–3/21.6619 × 1011
    腔厚 d/μm0.15增益常数 α/cm22.3 × 10–16
    压缩和限制因子Γ0.29光线宽增强因子 βc6
    群速度折射率ng3.8耦合驱动系数 k0.055
    光子损耗系数 αm/ cm–149频率差 Δω/(Rad·s–1)2π × 10–9
    非辐射复合速率 Anr/s–11.0 × 108激光透明时载流子密度 nth/cm–31.2 × 1018
    辐射复合因子 B/(cm3·s–1)1.2 × 10–10光在腔内来回一周的时间 τL/s8.8667 × 10–12
    驱动电流 It1, t2/ mA34, 30光反馈系数 kr0.15
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    王顺天, 吴正茂, 吴加贵, 周立, 夏光琼 2015 64 154205Google Scholar

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    Ji Y L, Guo X M, Li P, Liu X L, Zhang J G, Guo Y Q 2018 Chinese Journal of Lasers 45 1008001Google Scholar


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  • PDF下载量:  62
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  • 收稿日期:  2020-08-03
  • 修回日期:  2020-10-10
  • 上网日期:  2021-04-02
  • 刊出日期:  2021-04-20

