金属卤化物钙钛矿广泛应用于太阳能电池、发光二极管和纳米激光器等领域, 引起了科学家们极大的兴趣. 纳米材料由于具有量子约束和较强的各项异性, 表现出与普通块体材料不同的光学和电学性质. 金属卤化物钙钛矿纳米材料具有可调节带隙、高量子效率、强的光致发光、量子约束效应和长的载流子寿命等优点, 并且其成本低、储量丰富、易于合成多种化合物, 有很广阔的光电应用前景. 但另一方面, 钙钛矿由于表面存在陷阱缺陷状态以及晶体边界导致稳定性较差, 环境中的水、氧气、紫外线和温度等因素会使其光电性能大幅度降低. 本文介绍量子点、纳米线、纳米片钙钛矿纳米材料的合成与生长机制, 并且讨论其新奇的光电性能及在各种光电设备中的应用. 最后总结了钙钛矿材料新出现的挑战并讨论了下一代金属卤化物钙钛矿光电设备应用.Metal halide perovskites, which have aroused the enormous interest from scientists recently, are widely used in a variety of areas such as solar cells, light emitting diodes (LED) and lasers. Nanomaterials exhibit distinguished optical and electrical properties because of their quantum confinement as well as strong anisotropy. The metal halide perovskite nanomaterials have the advantages of adjustable band gap, high quantum efficiency, strong photoluminescence, quantum confinement and long carrier-lifetime. Besides, as a result of the low-cost fabrication and the sufficient raw material reserve, they have a broad prospect in photoelectric applications. But on the other hand, the poor stability of metal halide perovskites, due to the defect trap states and grain boundaries on the surface, cast a shadow towards their practical applications. The moisture, oxygen and ultraviolet of the environment will degrade their photoelectric performances significantly. In this review, we introduce the synthesis and growth mechanism of metal perovskite nanomaterial quantum dots, nanowires and nanoplatelets, and present their novel photoelectric properties and applications in various photoelectric devices. Finally we summarize the emerging challenges and discuss the next-generation photoelectric applications.
- metal halide perovskites /
- nanomaterials /
- synthesis and growth mechanism /
- photoelectric applications
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图 1 (a) 2009年, 使用CH3NH3PbBr3/TiO2 (实线)和CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 (虚线)的光电化学电池的入射光子到电流的量子效率(IPCE)作用谱[9]; (b) 2009年, 使用CH3NH3PbBr3/TiO2 (实线)和CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 (虚线)的电池在100 mW·cm–2, AM 1.5 G辐射下的光电流-电压特性[9]; (c) 2012年, 分别由质量百分比为1%和10%的前驱体溶液于氧化铝介孔薄膜上制备的CH3NH3PbBr3量子点的反射光谱[26]
Fig. 1. (a) The quantum efficiency (IPCE) action spectrum of incident photon to current of a photochemical cell using CH3NH3PbBr3/TiO2 (solid line) and CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 (dashed line) in 2009[9]; (b) photocurrent-voltage characteristics of CH3NH3PbBr3/TiO2 (solid line) and CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 (dotted line) under radiation of 100 mW·cm–2 and AM 1.5 in 2009[9]; (c) in 2012, the reflection spectra of CH3NH3PbBr3 quantum dots on alumina mesoporous films were prepared from precursor solutions with the weight present of 1% and 10%[26].
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Fig. 4. (a) A colloidal solution of toluene under UV lamp excitation (λ = 365 nm); (b) the spectral tunability of PL within the wavelength range shown; (c) light absorption spectra and respective PL spectra of the three samples synthesized at different precipitation temperatures[31].
图 7 (a)含Pb钙钛矿纳米线在阳极氧化铝薄膜上不同反应时间的生长情况侧视SEM图像, 其中 (a1) 0 min, (a2) 20 min, (a3) 40 min, (a4) 80 min; (b)含Pb和(c)含Sn钙钛矿纳米线在阳极氧化铝薄膜上生长俯视SEM图像[45]
Fig. 7. (a) The sideview SEM images of Pb perovskite nanowires on anodic alumina film for different growth time, in which (a1) 0 min, (a2) 20 min, (a3) 40 min and (a4) 80 min; the overlook SEM images of Pb containing (b) and (c) Sn containing perovskite nanowires on the anodic alumina film[45].
图 9 单晶CsPbBr3纳米线的结构表征 (a) 由PbI2在8 mg/mL CsBr的乙醇溶液中于50 ℃加热12 h得到的CsPbBr3纳米线和纳米片的SEM图像, 比例尺为10 μm; (b) CsPbBr3 (黑色)的XRD图样, 立方(红色)和正交晶(蓝色) CsPbBr3的标准XRD图谱[48]
Fig. 9. Structural characterization of single crystal CsPbBr3 nanowires: (a) SEM images of CsPbBr3 nanowires and nanoplatelets with a scale of 10 μm obtained by heating PbI2 in
$8 \; {\rm{m}}{\rm{g}}/{\rm{m}}{\rm{L}} $ CsBr ethanol solution at 50 ℃ for 12 h; (b) XRD pattern of CsPbBr3 (black), standard XRD pattern of cubic (red) and orthorhombic (blue) CsPbBr3[48].图 10 CsPbBr3胶体合成中反应温度影响的研究 (a)在150 ℃, 形成绿色发射的8—10 nm纳米立方体; (b)在130 ℃下, 形成了侧面尺寸为20 nm, 厚度为几个单位晶胞(约3 nm)的蓝绿色发射纳米片; (c)在90 ℃下, 观察到了呈蓝色发光的纳米片以及数百纳米的层状[61]
Fig. 10. Study on the influence of reaction temperature in the synthesis of CsPbBr3 colloid: (a) Formation of green-emitting 8–10 nm nanoplatelet at 150 ℃; (b) at 130 ℃, a blue-green emitting nanoplatelet with a side size of 20 nm and a thickness of several unit cells (about 3 nm) was formed; (c) at 90 ℃, blue-emitting nanoplatelet and layers of several hundred nanometers were observed[61].
图 12 (a) 卤化物纳米片与甲基卤化铵进行插层示意图; (b) 卤化物晶体转化为卤化物钙钛矿前后厚度对比图; (c)各种卤化物钙钛矿的光学性质[55]
Fig. 12. (a) Schematic diagram of intercalation between halide nanosheet and methyl ammonium halide; (b) comparison of the thickness of halide crystals before and after conversion to halide perovskite; (c) optical properties of various halide perovskites[55].
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Fig. 14. (a) Mechanical spalling method for the preparation of (C4H9NH3)2PbI4 optical images[70]; (b) dark field optical image of two-dimensional (C4H9NH3)2PbBr4 crystal on Si/SiO2; (c) TEM image crystal of two-dimensional(C4H9NH3)2PbBr4[24].
图 15 (a)钙钛矿太阳能电池结构的示意图, 其中光滑而致密的钙钛矿覆盖层完全覆盖了介孔TiO2层(mp-TiO2)的顶部[79]; (b)整体设备结构: 玻璃/铟锡氧化物/NiOx/钙钛矿/ZnO/Al[80]
Fig. 15. (a) Schematic diagram of perovskite solar cell structure, in which the smooth and dense perovskite covering layer completely covers the top of mesoporous TiO2 layer (MP-TiO2); (b) overall equipment structure of glass/indium tin oxide /NiOx
/ perovskite/ZnO/Al[80]. -
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