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徐依全 王聪



徐依全, 王聪

All-optical devices based on two-dimensional materials

Xu Yi-Quan, Wang Cong
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 近年通信技术的飞跃, 对光学设备的紧凑性、响应速度、工作带宽和控制效率提出新的挑战. 石墨烯的发现, 使得二维材料飞速发展, 不断涌现出一系列新材料, 如MXene、黑磷、过渡金属硫化物等. 这些新型二维材料有着出色的非线性光学效应、强光-物质交互作用、超宽的工作带宽. 利用其热光效应、非线性效应并结合光学结构, 能够满足光通信中超快速的需求. 紧凑、超快、超宽将会是未来二维材料全光器件的标签. 本文重点综述基于二维材料的热光效应与非线性效应的全光器件, 介绍光纤型的马赫-曾德尔干涉仪结构、迈克耳孙干涉仪结构、偏振干涉结构以及微环结构, 最后阐述并回顾最新的进展, 分析全光器件面临的挑战和机遇, 提出全光领域的前景与发展趋势.
    The leap in communication technology in recent years has brought new challenges to the compactness, modulation speed, working bandwidth and control efficiency of modulation equipment. The discovery of graphene has led the two-dimensional materials to develop rapidly, and a series of new materials have continuously emerged, such as MXene, black phosphorus, transition metal sulfides, etc. These new two-dimensional materials have excellent nonlinear optical effects, strong light-matter interaction, and ultra-wide working bandwidth. Using their thermo-optic effect, nonlinear effect and the combination with optical structure, the needs of ultra-fast modulation in optical communication can be met. Compact, ultra-fast, and ultra-wide will become the tags for all-optical modulation of two-dimensional materials in the future. This article focuses on all-optical devices based on thermo-optical effects and non-linear effects of two-dimensional materials, and introduces fiber-type Mach-Zehnder interferometer structures, Michelson interferometer structures, polarization interferometer structures, and micro-ring structures. In this paper, the development status of all-optical devices is discussed from the perspectives of response time, loss, driving energy, extinction ratio, and modulation depth. Finally, we review the latest developments, analyze the challenges and opportunities faced by all-optical devices, and propose that all-optical devices should be developed in the direction of ring resonators and finding better new two-dimensional materials. We believe that all-optical devices will maintain high-speed development, acting as a cornerstone to promote the progress of all-optical systems.
      通信作者: 王聪, gxgcwang@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(批准号: 2019YFB2203503)、国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61435010, 61575089, 61705140, 61805146) 和台北科技大学与深圳大学学术合作专题研究计划(批准号: 2019007) 资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Wang Cong, gxgcwang@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2019YFB2203503), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61435010, 61575089, 61705140, 61805146), and the “ National ” Taipei University of Technology-Shenzhen University Joint Research Program, China (Grant No. 2019007).

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  • 图 1  (a)石墨烯[27], (b) TMDs[27], (c) BP[27]和(d) MXene[78]的原子结构及带隙结构; (e)各材料带隙分布图[27,78]

    Fig. 1.  Atomic structures and band structures of (a) graphene[27], (b) TMDs[27], (c) BP[27]and (d) MXene[78]. (e) Distribution diagram of the bandgap of each material[27]. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [27]. Copyright Nature Photonics. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [78]. Copyright Advanced Materials.

    图 2  (a)基于MXene材料的MZI全光调制器的实验装置[100]; (b) MXene Ti3C2Tx纳米片的高放大倍数HRTEM原子晶格结构[100]; (c)沉积有MXenes的微纳光纤的光学显微镜图像[100]; (d) Ti3C2Tx和Ti3AlC2的拉曼光谱图[100]

    Fig. 2.  (a) Experimental setup of an MZI all-optical modulator based on MXene materials; (b) high-magnification HRTEM atomic lattice structure of MXene nanosheet; (c) optical microscopy image of microfibers deposited with MXenes; (d) Raman spectrum of Ti3C2Tx and Ti3AlC2. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [100]. Copyright Advanced Materials.

    图 3  (a)两个输出端口的干涉频谱[100]; (b)在122 mW的控制光(泵)功率下的干涉条纹[100]; (c)相移与不同控制光功率的关系[100]

    Fig. 3.  (a) Interference spectra of two output ports; (b) interference fringes at a control light (pump) power of 122 mW; (c) phase shift versus different control light (pump) powers. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [100]. Copyright Advanced Materials.

    图 4  (a) 980 nm控制光波形图[100]; (b)信号光开关转换及其拟合曲线[100]; (c)错误输出[100]; (d)信号光为40 Hz时的输出[100]

    Fig. 4.  (a) Waveform of the 980 nm control light (pump); (b) signal light switch conversion and its fitting curve; (c) output breaking; (d) waveforms of signal light at 40 Hz. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [100]. Copyright Advanced Materials.

    图 5  (a) MI结构的全光开关实验装置[104]; (b)控制光和信号光的波形及拟合曲线[104]; (c)控制光调制频率改变时的信号光波形[104]

    Fig. 5.  (a) All-optical switch experimental device with MI structure; (b) waveforms of control light and signal light and their fitting curves; (c) waveforms of signal light when control light modulation frequency changes. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [104]. Copyright Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

    图 6  (a) MI双芯光纤三维结构示意图[108]; (b)双芯光纤横截面[108]; (c), (d)双芯光纤抛光区域的横截面和抛光表面[108]; (e)双芯光纤输出光强度监视[108]

    Fig. 6.  (a) Schematic diagram of the three-dimensional structure of MI twin-core fiber; (b) cross section of twin-core fiber; (c) cross section and (d) polished surface of the polished area of twin-core fiber; (e) twin-core fiber output light intensity monitoring. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [108]. Copyright Optics Letters.

    图 7  (a) PI结构全光调制实验装置[106]; (b)信号光波形, 插图为控制光波形[106]; (c)单个全光信号切换以及相应的拟合曲线[106]; (d)长期测量的输出信号光[106]

    Fig. 7.  (a) PI structure all-optical modulation experimental device; (b) signal light waveform, illustration: control light waveform; (c) single all optical signal switching and corresponding fitting curve; (d) output signal light for long-term measurement. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [106]. Copyright Chinese Optics Letters.

    图 8  (a)基于MFR的全光开光实验装置[107]; (b) GMFR制备过程[107]; (c) GMFR光学显微镜图像[107]; (d)控制光开(黑色)和控制光关(蓝色)的GMFR透射光谱, 红线表示FBG过滤的反射峰[107]

    Fig. 8.  (a) All-optical switch experimental device; (b) GMFR preparation process; (c) GMFR optical microscope image; (d) GMFR transmission spectrum of controlled light on (black) and controlled light off (blue), the red line represents the reflection peak of FBG filtering. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [107]. Copyright Applied Physics Letters.

    图 9  全光开关的信号光与控制光波形对比[107]

    Fig. 9.  Comparison of signal light and control light waveforms of all-optical switches. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [107]. Copyright Applied Physics Letters.

    图 10  (a)基于锑材料微纳光纤的全光阈值器实验装置[76]; (b)光纤激光源脉冲的波形[76]; (c)噪声脉冲的波形[76]; (d)光纤激光源和噪声源合并后的脉冲波形[76]

    Fig. 10.  (a) Experimental diagram of all-optical thresholder; (b) pulse profile of fiber laser source; (c) noise pulse tracking; (d) merger pulse trajectory includes fiber laser source and noise source. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [76]. Copyright 2D Materials.

    图 11  (a)光脉冲穿过锑材料微纳光纤之前的波形[76]; (b)光脉冲穿过锑材料微纳光纤之后的波形[76]

    Fig. 11.  (a) Waveform of light pulse before passing through antimony micro-nano fiber; (b) waveform of light pulse after passing through micro-nano fiber of antimony material. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [76]. Copyright 2D Materials.

    图 12  (a)基于石墨烯光克尔效应的全光相位调制器实验装置[118]; (b) GCM的光学显微镜图像[118]; (c) GCM的传输频谱[118]; (d)顶部: 成对的开关脉冲; 中部: GCM的光纤的脉冲调制信号; 底部: 包含GCM的MZI脉冲调制信号[118]; (e)对于包含GCM的损耗调制(红色实线), MZI调制器相位调制(红色实线)以及MZI的损耗调制(蓝色虚线)的输出信号的MD与峰值开关功率的关系[118]

    Fig. 12.  (a) Experimental device of all-optical phase modulator based on graphene optical Kerr effect; (b) optical microscope image of GCM; (c) transmission spectrum of GCM; (d) top: paired switching pulses; middle: pulse modulation signal of GCM fiber; bottom: MZI pulse modulation signal containing GCM; (e) for loss modulation including GCM (solid red line), MZI modulator phase modulation (solid red line) and MZI loss modulation (blue dotted line) output signal modulation depth and peak switching power relationship. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [118]. Copyright Optica.

    图 13  输出信号光在不同时间范围内的波形[118]

    Fig. 13.  Waveforms of the output signal light in different time ranges. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [118]. Copyright Optica.

    图 14  (a)具有BP涂层的微纳光纤光学显微镜图像[122]; (b)基于BP四波混频的波长转换器示意图[122]; (c)系统输出光谱图[122]; (d)不同RF频率下的消光比和转换效率[122]; (e)不同RF频率下对应的FWM光频谱细节[122]

    Fig. 14.  (a) Optic microscope image of BP-coated microfiber; (b) schematic diagram of wavelength converter based on BP four-wave mixing; (c) system output spectrum; (d) extinction ratio and conversion at different RF frequencies efficiency; (e) details of the corresponding FWM optical spectrum at different RF frequencies. Reprinted by permission from Ref. [122]. Copyright Acs Photonics.

    表 1  二维材料特性总结

    Table 1.  Properties of different 2D materials.

    $ {\rm{Im}}\chi^{(3)} $/esu
    graphene03.351600—5300583–8.7 × 10–1510–7200 fs—1 ps[8486]
    TMDs1—26.04—6.9119—112381—590–(0.145—1.38) × 10–1410–121 ps—400 ps[84, 85]
    BP0.3—2.25.24—5.296—89459–7.85 × 10–156.8 × 10–9360 fs—1.36 ps[84, 89, 87]
    MXene$ < 0.2 $298—4601010–13–10–16[82, 88]
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    表 2  基于二维材料热光效应的全光纤器件总结

    Table 2.  Comparison of all-fiber devices based on two-dimensional material thermo-optic effect.

    MZIgrapheneMF4.00 ms1.40 ms200.091[101]
    MxeneMF4.10 ms3.55 ms18.530.061[100]
    phosphoreneMF2.50 ms2.10 ms170.029[75]
    boronMF0.48 ms0.69 ms10.50.01329[90]
    WS2MF7.30 ms3.50 ms150.0174[102]
    MIantimoneneMF3.20 ms2.90 ms250.049[103]
    bismutheneMF1.56 ms1.53 ms250.076[104]
    MXeneMF2.30 ms2.10 ms270.034[105]
    grapheneSPTCF55.80 ms15.50 ms70.0102[108]
    PIMoS2TF324.5 μs353.1 μs10NA[106]
    micro-ringgraphenenMF294.7 μs212.2 μs130.115[107]
    MXeneMF306 μs301 μs12.90.196[109]
    注: MF, microfiber. TF, Thin film. SPTCF, side-polished twin-core fiber.
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    表 3  基于不同二维材料非线性效应的全光器件总结

    Table 3.  Comparison of all-optical devices based on nonlinear effects of different two-dimensional materials.

    SAgrapheneMF~0~073.08, 79.11, 81.38
    (1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1610 nm)
    BPMF~0.2 ns~0.4 ns4.7[116]
    Kerr effectgrapheneMF3 μs100 μs[118]
    Topological insulatorsMF140.0125[124]
    Topological insulatorsMF-346.4[124]
    注: MF, microfiber. SA, saturable absorption. FWM, four-wave-mixing.
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