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武璟楠 徐志浩 陆展鹏 张云波



武璟楠, 徐志浩, 陆展鹏, 张云波

Topological quantum phase transitions in one-dimensional p-wave superconductors with modulated chemical potentials

Wu Jing-Nan, Xu Zhi-Hao, Lu Zhan-Peng, Zhang Yun-Bo
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 本文研究了一维公度势和非公度势调制下的p波超导量子线系统的拓扑相变. 在公度势调制下, 通过计算$Z_2$拓扑不变量确定系统的相图, 指出系统的拓扑相变强烈地依赖于调制参数$\alpha$和相移$\delta$. 在非公度势调制下, 以$\alpha=(\sqrt{5}-1)/2$, $\delta=0$为例, 计算系统的低能激发谱、$Z_2$拓扑不变量以及逆参与率等, 发现p波配对强度$\varDelta\in(0,0.33)$时, 系统存在拓扑非平庸超导相, 拓扑平庸超导相和拓扑平庸局域相的转变. 而当p波配对强度$\varDelta > 0.33$时, 系统存在拓扑非平庸超导相和拓扑平庸局域相的转变.
    We consider a one-dimensional p-wave superconducting quantum wire with the modulated chemical potential, which is described by $\hat{H}= \displaystyle\sum\nolimits_{i}\left[ \left( -t\hat{c}_{i}^{\dagger }\hat{c}_{i+1}+\Delta \hat{c}_{i}\hat{c}_{i+1}+ h.c.\right) +V_{i}\hat{n}_{i}\right]$, $V_{i}=V\dfrac{\cos \left( 2{\text{π}} i\alpha + \delta \right) }{1-b\cos \left( 2{\text{π}} i\alpha+\delta \right) }$ and can be solved by the Bogoliubov-de Gennes method. When $b=0$, $\alpha$ is a rational number, the system undergoes a transition from topologically nontrivial phase to topologically trivial phase which is accompanied by the disappearance of the Majorana fermions and the changing of the $Z_2$ topological invariant of the bulk system. We find the phase transition strongly depends on the strength of potential V and the phase shift $\delta$. For some certain special parameters $\alpha$ and $\delta$, the critical strength of the phase transition is infinity. For the incommensurate case, i.e. $\alpha=(\sqrt{5}-1)/2$, the phase diagram is identified by analyzing the low-energy spectrum, the amplitudes of the lowest excitation states, the $Z_2$ topological invariant and the inverse participation ratio (IPR) which characterizes the localization of the wave functions. Three phases emerge in such case for $\delta=0$, topologically nontrivial superconductor, topologically trivial superconductor and topologically trivial Anderson insulator. For a topologically nontrivial superconductor, it displays zero-energy Majorana fermions with a $Z_2$ topological invariant. By calculating the IPR, we find the lowest excitation states of the topologically trivial superconductor and topologically trivial Anderson insulator show different scaling features. For a topologically trivial superconductor, the IPR of the lowest excitation state tends to zero with the increase of the size, while it keeps a finite value for different sizes in the trivial Anderson localization phase.
      通信作者: 徐志浩, xuzhihao@sxu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家级-国家自然科学基金(11604188)
      Corresponding author: Xu Zhi-Hao, xuzhihao@sxu.edu.cn

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    Pientka F, Keselman A, Berg E, Yacoby A, Stern A, Halperin B I 2017 Phys. Rev. X 7 021032


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    Hubener H, Sentef M A, Giovannini U D, Kemper A F, Rubio A 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 13940Google Scholar


    Cheng Q, Pan Y, Wang H, Zhang C, Yu D, Gover A, Zhang H, Li T, Zhou L, Zhu S 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 173901Google Scholar


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    Wu Y J, Liu H W, Liu J, Jiang H, Xie X C https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwz189 [2020-1-8]


    Amorim C S, Ebihara K, Yamakage A, Tanaka Y, Sato M 2015 Phys. Rev. B 91 174305Google Scholar


    Chen C Z, Xie Y M, Liu J, Lee P A, Law K T 2018 Phys. Rev. B 97 104504Google Scholar


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    Hegde S S, Vishveshwara S 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 115166


    DeGottardi W, Thakurathi M, Vishveshwara S, Sen D 2013 Phys. Rev. B 88 165111Google Scholar


    Wakatsuki R, Ezawa M, Tanaka Y, Nagaosa N 2014 Phys. Rev. B 90 014505Google Scholar


    Lang L J, Cai X M, Chen S 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 220401Google Scholar


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    Sen A, Damle K, Moessner R 2012 Phys. Rev. B 86 205134Google Scholar


    Zhu J X 2016 Bogoliubov-de Gennes Method and Its Applications (New Mexico: Springer) p3


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    Zhou B, Shen S Q 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 054532Google Scholar


    Liu T, Yan H Y, Guo H 2017 Phys. Rev. B 96 174207Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  Hofstadter蝴蝶谱: 随$\alpha$变化的能谱, 红色点是零能Majorana费米子b = 0.5, L = 120, $\varDelta=0.2$, V = 1.5, δ = 0

    Fig. 1.  Hofstadter butterfly: the energy spectrum varying with $\alpha$. The red dotted point denotes the Majorana Fermion. $b=0.5,\; L=120,\; \varDelta=0.2, \;V=1.5$ and $\delta=0$

    图 2  $b=0.5$时, 参数$\varDelta-V$平面的拓扑相图 (a) $\alpha= $$1/2, L=120$; (b) $\alpha=1/3, L=120$; (c) $\alpha= ( \sqrt{5}-1) /2$, L = 2584

    Fig. 2.  Topological phase diagram in $\varDelta-V$ plane with $b=0.5$. (a) $\alpha=1/2, L=120$; (b) $\alpha=1/3, L=120$; (c) $\alpha= ( \sqrt{5}-1) /2$, L = 2584

    图 3  在开边界条件下, 本征能量随相移$\delta$的变化. $b=0.5$, $\varDelta=0.2$, $L=2584$

    Fig. 3.  Energy varying with phase shift $\delta$ with $b=0.5$, $\varDelta=0.2$ and $L=2584$ under open boundary condition.

    图 4  (a)在开边界和周期性边界条件下最低激发态能量$E_{1}$随准周期调制强度V的变化及其空间分布$\phi_1$(b)和$\psi_1$(c), $\alpha= $$(\sqrt{5}-1)/2$, $b=0.5$, $\varDelta=0.2$, $L=2584$

    Fig. 4.  (a) The lowest excitation energies, $E_{1}$, varying with the quasi-periodic modulation amplitude, V, under OBC and PBC, respectively. The spatial distribution of the lowest excited state $\phi_1$(b), $\psi_1$(c). $\alpha=(\sqrt{5}-1) /2$, $b=0.5$, $\varDelta=0.2$, $L=2584$.

    图 5  (a)$Z_{2}$拓扑不变量随非公度势强度的变化; (b) V = 2时$\mathrm{IPR}_{1}$的标度分析; (c) $V=3$$\mathrm{IPR}_{1}$的标度分析 $b=0.5$, $\alpha= (\sqrt{5}-1) /2$, $\varDelta=0.2$, $L=2584$

    Fig. 5.  (a) $Z_{2}$ topological invariant varying with the strength of the potential V; (b) the scaling of $\mathrm{IPR}_{1}$ $V=2$; (c) the scaling of $\mathrm{IPR}_{1}$ $V=3$. Here, $\alpha= (\sqrt{5}-1)/2$, $b=0.5$, $\varDelta=0.2$, $L=2584$.

    图 6  ${\rm {IPR}}$随准周期调制强度V和本征能量$E_{n}$的变化 $\alpha=(\sqrt{5}-1) /2$, $b=0.5, L=144, \delta=0$ (a) $\varDelta=0$; (b) $\varDelta=0.01$; (c) $\varDelta=0.5$; (d) $\varDelta=0.8$

    Fig. 6.  ${\rm {IPR}}$ varying with the amplitude of quasi-periodic modulation V and energy $E_{n}$. $\alpha=(\sqrt{5}-1) /2$, $b=0.5, L=144$, $\delta=0$: (a) $\varDelta=0$; (b) $\varDelta=0.01$; (c) $\varDelta=0.5$; (d) $\varDelta=0.8$

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    Nadj-Perge S, Drozdov I K, Bernevig B A, Yazdani A 2013 Phys. Rev. B 88 020407Google Scholar


    Nadj-Perge S, Drozdov I K, Li J, Chen H, Jeon S, Seo J, MacDonald A H, Bernevig B A, Yazdani A 2014 Science 346 602Google Scholar


    Jeon S, Xie Y L, Li Jian, Wang Z J, Bernevig B A, Yazdani A 2017 Science 358 772


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    Pientka F, Keselman A, Berg E, Yacoby A, Stern A, Halperin B I 2017 Phys. Rev. X 7 021032


    Fornieri A, Whiticar A M, Setiawan F, Marín E P, Asbjórn C C D, Keselman A, Gronin S, Thomas C, Wang T, Kallaher R, Gardner G C, Berg E, Manfra M J, Stern A, Marcus C M, Nichele F 2019 Nature 569 89Google Scholar


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    Hubener H, Sentef M A, Giovannini U D, Kemper A F, Rubio A 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 13940Google Scholar


    Cheng Q, Pan Y, Wang H, Zhang C, Yu D, Gover A, Zhang H, Li T, Zhou L, Zhu S 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 173901Google Scholar


    Cadez T, Mondaini R, Sacramento P D 2019 Phys. Rev. B 99 014301Google Scholar


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    Okuma N, Sato M 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 097701Google Scholar


    Ezawa M 2019 Phys. Rev. B 100 045407Google Scholar


    Wu Y J, Liu H W, Liu J, Jiang H, Xie X C https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwz189 [2020-1-8]


    Amorim C S, Ebihara K, Yamakage A, Tanaka Y, Sato M 2015 Phys. Rev. B 91 174305Google Scholar


    Chen C Z, Xie Y M, Liu J, Lee P A, Law K T 2018 Phys. Rev. B 97 104504Google Scholar


    Lang L J, Chen S 2012 Phys. Rev. B. 86 205135Google Scholar


    Cai X M, Lang L J, Chen S, Wang Y P 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 176403Google Scholar


    Hegde S S, Vishveshwara S 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 115166


    DeGottardi W, Thakurathi M, Vishveshwara S, Sen D 2013 Phys. Rev. B 88 165111Google Scholar


    Wakatsuki R, Ezawa M, Tanaka Y, Nagaosa N 2014 Phys. Rev. B 90 014505Google Scholar


    Lang L J, Cai X M, Chen S 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 220401Google Scholar


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    Gennes P G d (translated by Pincus P A) 1999 Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys (Boulder: Westview Press) pp137–160


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    Zhou B, Shen S Q 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 054532Google Scholar


    Liu T, Yan H Y, Guo H 2017 Phys. Rev. B 96 174207Google Scholar


    Akhmerov A R, Dahlhaus J P, Hassler F, Wimmer M, Beenakker C W J 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 057001Google Scholar


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