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魏天丽 吴德伟 杨春燕 罗均文 苗强 李响



魏天丽, 吴德伟, 杨春燕, 罗均文, 苗强, 李响

A phase locking scheme of two-mode squeezed microwave preparation

Wei Tian-Li, Wu De-Wei, Yang Chun-Yan, Luo Jun-Wen, Miao Qiang, Li Xiang
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 相位锁定是双模压缩微波制备的关键问题之一. 针对基于超导180°混合环的制备方案相位稳定度不高且信息处理复杂等问题, 提出一种相位锁定方案. 对约瑟夫森参量放大器的信号输入进行相位调制, 输出的单模压缩微波与另一未调制的同频单模压缩微波在超导180°混合环内干涉, 实现双模压缩微波的制备与路径分离. 将未调制的单模压缩微波与一路双模压缩微波混频, 解调出相位调制信号可得到两路单模压缩微波的相对相位及误差, 将相位误差反馈于约瑟夫森参量放大器的抽运实现相对相位的锁定, 获得稳定的双模压缩输出. 本研究对高性能纠缠微波源的设计提供了理论参考.
    As the core of quantum entanglement, two-mode squeezing is manifested in cross-correlations of incompatible observables between two subsystems, which makes the two-mode squeezed microwave an ideal resource for applications in quantum communication, quantum illumination, and quantum microwave navigation. Currently the preparation scheme of two-mode squeezed microwave, based on the Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA) and a superconducting 180° hybrid ring coupler, proves to be the most efficient and excellent in quantum properties. Nevertheless, the difficult phase locking processing restricts the further improvement of entanglement. There is no effective solution but the dual-path receiver with phase stabilization measures, and the phase error reaches as high as 0.3°, which still does not meet the requirements for phase locking precision and entanglement stability. To overcome the academic obstacle, we propose a phase locking scheme to achieve a stable two-mode squeezed microwave. There are two JPAs used to separately generate single-mode squeezed microwaves, between which the difference lies in the fact that the input of one JPA is phase-modulated but the other is not. A superconducting 180° hybrid ring coupler is used to distribute the two single-mode squeezed microwaves into two output paths, which are two-mode squeezing if the squeezing directions of the two single-mode squeezed microwave are orthogonal. That is to say, the relative phase satisfies the condition $\theta = {\text{π}}/2$. By mixing the unmodulated single-mode squeezed microwave and one output of the superconducting 180° hybrid ring coupler, a relative phase is obtained in subsequent process. Proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is used as the input of phase error, and the output is used to adjust the pump phase of JPA, which is the key to phase locking and stable two-mode squeezing. The present research not only provides an effective strategy to achieve stable two-mode squeezed microwave, but also may attract more attention to the precisive measurement of two-mode squeezed microwave.
      通信作者: 杨春燕, ycy220@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61603413, 61573372)、陕西省自然科学基金(批准号: 2017JM6017)和空军工程大学校长基金(批准号: ZJK2018019, XZJY2018038)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Yang Chun-Yan, ycy220@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61603413, 61573372), the Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No.2017JM6017), and the Principal Fund of Air Force Engineering University (Grant Nos. ZJK2018019, XZJY2018038)

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    Pogorzalek S, Fedorov K G, Xu M, Parra-Rodriguez A, Sanz M, Fischer M, Xie E, Inomata K, Nakamura Y, Solano E, Marx1 A, Deppe1 F, Gross R 2019 Nature Commun. 10 2604Google Scholar


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    Ockeloen-Korppi C F., Damskägg E, Pirkkalainen J M, Heikkilä T T, Massel F, Sillanpää M A 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 103601Google Scholar


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    Li X, Wu D W, Zhu H N, Miao Q, Wei T L 2018 Results Phys. 11 920Google Scholar

  • 图 1  双模压缩微波制备方案原理图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic of two-mode squeezed microwave preparation scheme.

    图 2  双模压缩微波制备的相位锁定方案原理图

    Fig. 2.  Schematic of phase locking scheme for two-mode squeezed microwave preparation.

    图 3  扫描$\theta $时的鉴频曲线.

    Fig. 3.  Frequency discrimination curve when scanning $\theta $.

    图 4  相位锁定示意图.

    Fig. 4.  Schematic of phase locking process.

    图 5  相位误差与输出信噪比及自身相位值的变化关系

    Fig. 5.  Variance of $\text{δ}\theta $ versus ${s/n}$ and $\theta $.

    图 6  ${\text δ}{E_N}$与相位误差${\text δ}\theta $及压缩度r的关系

    Fig. 6.  Variance of ${\text δ}{E_N}$ versus ${\text δ}\theta $ and r.

    图 7  ${\text δ}{E_N}/{E_N}$与相位误差${\rm{\delta }}\theta $及压缩度r的关系图

    Fig. 7.  Variance of ${{{\rm{\delta }}{E_N}}/{{E_N}}}$ versus ${\rm{\delta }}\theta $ and r.

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    Braunstein S L, Loock P V 2005 Rev. Mod. Phys. 77 513Google Scholar


    Weedbrook C, Pirandola S, Garcia-Patron R, Cerf N J, Ralph T C, Shapiro J H, Lloyd S 2012 Rev. Mod. Phys. 84 621Google Scholar


    Einstein A, Podolsky B, Rosen N 1935 Phys. Rev. 47 777Google Scholar


    Liu C C, Wang D, Sun W Y, Ye L 2017 Quantum Inf. Process. 16 219Google Scholar


    苗强, 李响, 吴德伟, 罗均文, 魏天丽, 朱浩男 2019 68 070302Google Scholar

    Miao Q, Li X, Wu D W, Luo J W, Wei T L, Zhu H N 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 070302Google Scholar


    Hofheinz M, Huard B, Portier F 2016 C. R. Physique 17 679Google Scholar


    Sanz M, las Heras U, García-Ripoll J J, Solano E, di Candia R 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 070803Google Scholar


    Madsen L S, Usenko V C, Lassen M, Filip R, Andersen U L 2012 Nat. Commun. 3 1083Google Scholar


    di Candia R, Fedorov K G, Zhong L, Felicetti S, Menzel E P, Sanz M, Deppe F, Marx A, Gross R, Solano E 2015 EPJ Quantum Technol. 2 25Google Scholar


    las Heras U, di Candia R D, Fedorov K G, Deppe F, Sanz M, Solano E 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 9333Google Scholar


    Barzanjeh S, Guha S, Weedbrook C, Vitali D, Shapiro J H, Pirandola S 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 080503Google Scholar


    Li X, Wu D W, Miao Q, Zhu H N, Wei T L 2018 IEEE Photonics J. 10 6101107


    Li X, Wu D W, Wei T L, Miao Q, Zhu H N, Yang C Y 2018 AIP Adv. 8 065217Google Scholar


    Castellanos-Beltran M A, Irwin K D, Hilton G C, Vale L R, Lehnert K W 2008 Nat. Phys. 4 929Google Scholar


    Menzel E P, Candia R D, Deppe F, Eder P, Zhong L, Haeberlein M, Baust A, Hoffmann E, Ballester D, Inomata K, Yamamoto T, Nakamura Y, Solano E, Marx1 A, Ihmig M, Gross R 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 250502Google Scholar


    Fedorov K G, Pogorzalek S, Heras U L, Sanz M, Yard P, Eder P, Fischer M, Goetz J, Xie1 E, Inomata K, Nakamura Y, di Candia R, Solano E, Marx1 A, Deppe1 F, Gross R 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 6416Google Scholar


    Pogorzalek S, Fedorov K G, Xu M, Parra-Rodriguez A, Sanz M, Fischer M, Xie E, Inomata K, Nakamura Y, Solano E, Marx1 A, Deppe1 F, Gross R 2019 Nature Commun. 10 2604Google Scholar


    Li P B, Li F L 2011 Opt. Commun. 284 294Google Scholar


    Ockeloen-Korppi C F., Damskägg E, Pirkkalainen J M, Heikkilä T T, Massel F, Sillanpää M A 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 103601Google Scholar


    Abdi M, Tombesi P, Vitali D 2015 Ann. Phys. 527 139Google Scholar


    Sete E A, Eleuch H 2014 Phys. Rev. A 89 013841Google Scholar


    Marković D, Pillet J D, Flurin E, Roch N, Huard B 2019 Phys. Rev. Applied 12 024034Google Scholar


    Duan L M, Giedke G, Cirac J I, Zoller P 1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 2722


    Li X, Wu D W, Zhu H N, Miao Q, Wei T L 2018 Results Phys. 11 920Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-09-06
  • 修回日期:  2019-10-14
  • 刊出日期:  2020-02-05

