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杨玖龙 元晴晨 陈润丰 方汉林 肖发俊 李俊韬 姜碧强 赵建林 甘雪涛



杨玖龙, 元晴晨, 陈润丰, 方汉林, 肖发俊, 李俊韬, 姜碧强, 赵建林, 甘雪涛

Enhanced third-harmonic generation in silicon metasurface

Yang Jiu-Long, Yuan Qing-Chen, Chen Run-Feng, Fang Han-Lin, Xiao Fa-Jun, Li Jun-Tao, Jiang Bi-Qiang, Zhao Jian-Lin, Gan Xue-Tao
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 利用超构表面结构实现硅介质内局域电磁场的极大增强, 进而实现强烈增强的三次谐波激发(THG). 该超构表面结构由L形的单晶硅共振子组成, 通过调节抽运波长与超构表面共振波长重合, 可以实现最高220倍的THG增强, THG的转化效率提升至~ 3 × 10–7. 数值模拟和THG信号的空间扫描结果表明, 场增强主要源于超构表面结构中心区域处的共振模式耦合效应. 此外, 实验结果表明该结构的共振模式具有明显的偏振选择性, 且THG信号同样为线偏振光, 消光比为15 dB.
    We report the enhanced third-harmonic generation (THG) from a silicon metasurface consisting of an array of L-shaped nanoresonators. The L-shaped nanoresonator is designed as a small cuboid with a notch cut from one corner. And 16 × 15 L-shaped nanoresonators are arranged into an array with a square lattice. In order to fabricate the structure, a 600-nm-thick silicon layer is first deposited on a 500-μm-thick sapphire substrate, which is then patterned into the metasurface structure by using electron beam lithography and inductively coupled plasma dry etching process. To evaluate the linear optical property of the fabricated metasurface, a continuous-wave narrow band laser with a tunable wavelength range of 1530−1560 nm is employed to measure the transmission and reflection spectrum. The measurement results show a Fano resonance at a wavelength of 1548 nm when the incident laser is linearly polarized along the long arm of the L-shaped nanoresonator. Pumping at the resonant wavelength, the metasurface shows significant polarization sensitivity for the transmitted light and the reflected light. To excite the THG signal from the metasurface, a femtosecond pulsed laser with a tunable wavelength range of 1540−1560 nm is then employed as the pump. Strong THG signal is observed when the laser wavelength is tuned on the resonant wavelength (1548 nm), indicating a conversion efficiency of ~ 3×10–7. By comparing the THG signals triggered on- and off-resonance, an enhancement factor of 220 is extracted, which is attributed to the field-enhancement of the Fano resonance. The resonance enhanced THG signal also has polarization-dependence with an extinction ratio of 15 dB. These experimental results are verified well by numerical simulations based on a finite-element technique, including the Fano resonance and the enhanced THG process. By combining the numerically calculated electrical field of the resonant mode and the calculation of nonlinear polarizations, the resonance enhanced THG as well as its polarization-dependence are confirmed numerically. The realized strongly enhanced THG from the silicon metasurface promises to extend their linear optical functionalities into nonlinear regime.
      通信作者: 姜碧强, bqjiang@nwpu.edu.cn ; 甘雪涛, xuetaogan@nwpu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(批准号: 2017YFA0303800)、国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61775183, 11634010)、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(批准号: 2017KJXX-12, 2018JM1058) 和中央高校基本科研业务费(批准号: 3102019JC008, 3102018jcc034)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Jiang Bi-Qiang, bqjiang@nwpu.edu.cn ; Gan Xue-Tao, xuetaogan@nwpu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017 YFA0303800), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61775183, 11634010), the Basic Research Plan of the Natural Science Research Project of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant Nos. 2017KJXX-12, 2018JM1058), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant Nos. 3102019JC008, 3102018jcc034)

    Priolo F, Gregorkiewicz T, Galli M, Krauss T F 2014 Nat. Nanotechnol. 9 19Google Scholar


    Koos C, Vorreau P, Vallaitis T, Dumon P, Bogaerts W, Baets R, Esembeson B, Biaggio I, Michinobu T, Diederich F, Freude W, Leuthold J 2009 Nat. Photon. 3 216Google Scholar


    Ji H, Pu M, Hu H, Galili M, Oxenlowe L K, Yvind K, Hvam J M, Jeppesen P 2011 J. Lightwave Technol. 29 426Google Scholar


    Rong H, Jones R, Liu A, Cohen O, Hak D, Fang A, Paniccia M 2005 Nature 433 725Google Scholar


    Foster M A, Turner A C, Sharping J E, Schmidt B S, Lipson M, Gaeta A L 2006 Nature 441 960Google Scholar


    Chen S, Rahmani M, Li K F, Miroshnichenko A, Zentgraf T, Li G, Neshev D, Zhang S 2018 ACS Photonics 5 1671Google Scholar


    Boyd R, Fischer G 2001 Nonlinear Optical Materials (Oxford: Elsevier) p6237


    Jung Y, Tong L, Tanaudommongkon A, Cheng J X, Yang C 2009 Nano Lett. 9 2440Google Scholar


    Wiecha P R, Arbouet A, Kallel H, Periwal P, Baron T, Paillard V 2015 Phys. Rev. B 91 121416Google Scholar


    Soljačić M, Joannopoulos J D 2004 Nat. Mater. 3 211Google Scholar


    Bravo-Abad J, Rodriguez A, Bermel P, Johnson S G, Joannopoulos J D, Soljačić M 2007 Opt. Express 15 16161Google Scholar


    Martemyanov M G, Kim E M, Dolgova T V, Fedyanin A A, Aktsipetrov O A, Marowsky G 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70 073311Google Scholar


    Campione S, Liu S, Basilio L I, Warne L K, Langston W L, Luk T S, Wendt J R, Reno J L, Keeler G A, Brener I, Sinclair M B 2016 ACS Photonics 3 2362Google Scholar


    Yan J H, Liu P, Lin Z Y, Wang H, Chen H J, Wang C X, Yang G W 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 7042Google Scholar


    Wang L, Kruk S, Koshelev K, Kravchenko I, Luther-Davies B, Kivshar Y 2018 Nano Lett. 18 3978Google Scholar


    Markovich D, Baryshnikova K, Shalin A, Samusev A, Krasnok A, Belov P, Ginzburg P 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 22546Google Scholar


    Albella P, Shibanuma T, Maier S A 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 18322


    Yuan Q, Fang L, Fang H, Li J, Wang T, Jie W, Zhao J, Gan X 2019 arXiv: 1904.06027[physics.optics]


    Boltasseva A, Atwater H A 2011 Science 331 290Google Scholar


    Staude I, Schilling J 2017 Nat. Photon. 11 274Google Scholar


    Bar-David J, Levy U 2019 Nano Lett. 19 1044Google Scholar


    Khorasaninejad M, Aieta F, Kanhaiya P, Kats M A, Genevet P, Rousso D, Capasso F 2015 Nano Lett. 15 5358Google Scholar


    West P R, Stewart J L, Kildishev A V, Shalaev V M, Shkunov V V, Strohkendl F, Zakharenkov Y A, Dodds R K, Byren R 2014 Opt. Express 22 26212Google Scholar


    Chong K E, Staude I, James A, Dominguez J, Liu S, Campione S, Subramania G S, Luk T S, Decker M, Neshev D N, Brener I, Kivshar Y S 2015 Nano Lett. 15 5369Google Scholar


    Mie G 1908 Ann. Phys.-Berlin 330 377Google Scholar


    Wynne J J 1969 Phys. Rev. 178 1295Google Scholar


    Jha S S, Bloembergen N 1968 Phys. Rev. 171 891Google Scholar


    Yang Z J, Jiang R, Zhuo X, Xie Y M, Wang J, Lin H Q 2017 Phys. Rep. 701 1Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a)硅基超构表面中的三次谐波激发; (b)结构正面的扫描电子显微镜图像; (c)共振单元的尺寸示意图; (d)光路系统示意图

    Fig. 1.  (a) Schematic of THG from the silica-based metasurface; (b) a top-view scan electron microscope image of the metasuface; (c) the schematic diagram of the L-shaped resonators; (d) illustration of experimental set-up.

    图 2  (a)超构表面在1530−1560 nm范围内的反射和透射光谱(T, 透射谱; R, 反射谱); (b)抽运波长与共振波长(1548 nm)重合时产生的THG信号峰; (c) THG信号相对于抽运光的功率依赖性; (d) THG强度分布的空间扫描; (e)不同抽运波长下THG信号的光谱演化, 插图为对谱线进行归一化后的结果; (f)对(e)中所有THG信号谱线进行能量积分的结果

    Fig. 2.  (a) Reflection and transmission spectra of the metasurface in the wavelength range of 1530−1560 nm (T, transmission spectrum; R, reflection spectrum); (b) THG signal peak when the pump wavelength coincides with the resonant wavelength at 1548 nm; (c) power dependence of THG intensity; (d) spatial scanning of THG intensity distribution; (e) spectra of THG signals pumped with different wavelengths, and the inset shows the result of normalizing each line; (f) integral results for all THG spectra shown in panel (e).

    图 3  (a)左图为超构表面电场在x-y平面内分布情况的数值模拟, 右图为单共振单元横向的电场分量(右上)和纵向的磁场分量(右下); (b)样品各向异性透射谱的数值模拟; (c)透射、反射信号以及THG信号强度的数值计算结果

    Fig. 3.  (a) Numerical simulation of the distribution of electric field of the metasurface in the x-y plane; (b) numerical simulation of the anisotropic transmission spectra of the sample; (c) numerical simulation of reflection (R), transmission (T) spectra and intensity of THG signals.

    图 4  (a)方位示意图; (b)实验测量透射/反射信号的偏振依赖性; (c)实验测量THG信号强度对抽运光的偏振依赖性; (d) THG 信号的偏振检测

    Fig. 4.  (a) Orientation illustrated in the metasurface; (b) experimental measurement of polarization dependence of transmitted and reflected signals; (c) experimental measurement of the polarization dependence of THG signal intensity on pump light; (d) polarization detection of THG signals.

  • [1]

    Priolo F, Gregorkiewicz T, Galli M, Krauss T F 2014 Nat. Nanotechnol. 9 19Google Scholar


    Koos C, Vorreau P, Vallaitis T, Dumon P, Bogaerts W, Baets R, Esembeson B, Biaggio I, Michinobu T, Diederich F, Freude W, Leuthold J 2009 Nat. Photon. 3 216Google Scholar


    Ji H, Pu M, Hu H, Galili M, Oxenlowe L K, Yvind K, Hvam J M, Jeppesen P 2011 J. Lightwave Technol. 29 426Google Scholar


    Rong H, Jones R, Liu A, Cohen O, Hak D, Fang A, Paniccia M 2005 Nature 433 725Google Scholar


    Foster M A, Turner A C, Sharping J E, Schmidt B S, Lipson M, Gaeta A L 2006 Nature 441 960Google Scholar


    Chen S, Rahmani M, Li K F, Miroshnichenko A, Zentgraf T, Li G, Neshev D, Zhang S 2018 ACS Photonics 5 1671Google Scholar


    Boyd R, Fischer G 2001 Nonlinear Optical Materials (Oxford: Elsevier) p6237


    Jung Y, Tong L, Tanaudommongkon A, Cheng J X, Yang C 2009 Nano Lett. 9 2440Google Scholar


    Wiecha P R, Arbouet A, Kallel H, Periwal P, Baron T, Paillard V 2015 Phys. Rev. B 91 121416Google Scholar


    Soljačić M, Joannopoulos J D 2004 Nat. Mater. 3 211Google Scholar


    Bravo-Abad J, Rodriguez A, Bermel P, Johnson S G, Joannopoulos J D, Soljačić M 2007 Opt. Express 15 16161Google Scholar


    Martemyanov M G, Kim E M, Dolgova T V, Fedyanin A A, Aktsipetrov O A, Marowsky G 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70 073311Google Scholar


    Campione S, Liu S, Basilio L I, Warne L K, Langston W L, Luk T S, Wendt J R, Reno J L, Keeler G A, Brener I, Sinclair M B 2016 ACS Photonics 3 2362Google Scholar


    Yan J H, Liu P, Lin Z Y, Wang H, Chen H J, Wang C X, Yang G W 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 7042Google Scholar


    Wang L, Kruk S, Koshelev K, Kravchenko I, Luther-Davies B, Kivshar Y 2018 Nano Lett. 18 3978Google Scholar


    Markovich D, Baryshnikova K, Shalin A, Samusev A, Krasnok A, Belov P, Ginzburg P 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 22546Google Scholar


    Albella P, Shibanuma T, Maier S A 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 18322


    Yuan Q, Fang L, Fang H, Li J, Wang T, Jie W, Zhao J, Gan X 2019 arXiv: 1904.06027[physics.optics]


    Boltasseva A, Atwater H A 2011 Science 331 290Google Scholar


    Staude I, Schilling J 2017 Nat. Photon. 11 274Google Scholar


    Bar-David J, Levy U 2019 Nano Lett. 19 1044Google Scholar


    Khorasaninejad M, Aieta F, Kanhaiya P, Kats M A, Genevet P, Rousso D, Capasso F 2015 Nano Lett. 15 5358Google Scholar


    West P R, Stewart J L, Kildishev A V, Shalaev V M, Shkunov V V, Strohkendl F, Zakharenkov Y A, Dodds R K, Byren R 2014 Opt. Express 22 26212Google Scholar


    Chong K E, Staude I, James A, Dominguez J, Liu S, Campione S, Subramania G S, Luk T S, Decker M, Neshev D N, Brener I, Kivshar Y S 2015 Nano Lett. 15 5369Google Scholar


    Mie G 1908 Ann. Phys.-Berlin 330 377Google Scholar


    Wynne J J 1969 Phys. Rev. 178 1295Google Scholar


    Jha S S, Bloembergen N 1968 Phys. Rev. 171 891Google Scholar


    Yang Z J, Jiang R, Zhuo X, Xie Y M, Wang J, Lin H Q 2017 Phys. Rep. 701 1Google Scholar

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