近年来, 封闭系统中非平衡热力学性质, 特别是自旋链中经过一个淬火过程后的平衡热力学性质已经成为了量子热力学研究中的一个热点之一. 研究了横向磁场作用下含XZX+YZY型三体相互作用的XY自旋链中的非平衡态热力学性质. 具体考虑了当XY型链中横向外磁场发生一个突变(淬火)时链中XZX+YZY三格点相互作用分别对淬火过程中产生的平均功、功涨落和不可逆熵产生等热力学量的影响. 研究显示: XZX+YZY三格点相互作用可能对平均功的增加起正面作用和负面作用, 关键取决于初始外磁场强度的取值. 接着, 还发现: 通过调节XZX+YZY三格点相互作用强度可以很有效地抑制功涨落. 最后, 考虑了不可逆熵产生在不同XZX+YZY三格点相互作用下随外磁场强度的变化关系, 结果发现: 不可逆熵产生在临界磁场附近会出现特殊的尖峰特征, 并且尖峰值随XZX+YZY三格点相互作用的增加有不断减少的趋势, 同时给出了相应的物理解释.
- 含多格点相互作用的XY自旋链 /
- 平均功 /
- 功涨落 /
- 不可逆熵产生
In recent years, the property of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in closed system, especially in spin chain system undergoing a quenching process, has become one of the hot topics in the quantum thermodynamics. The nonequilibrium thermodynamic properties of XY spin chain with XZX + YZY type of three-site interaction under a transverse field are studied by considering an exactly solvable model. First we review some basic concepts, i.e., the work distribution, the averaged work, the fluctuation of work, and the irreversible entropy in the nonequilibrium thermodynamics, and give the theoretical model and its solutions. Then, we concretely discuss the effects of the three-site interaction of XZX + YZY type on the average work, the fluctuation of work and the irreversible entropy in the extended XY chain undergoing a quench process. The theoretical calculation and numerical simulation show that the three-site interaction of XZX + YZY type may play a positive and negative role in the increase of the averaged work, which depends on the strength of initial external magnetic field. Moreover, we also find that work fluctuation can be effectively suppressed by adjusting the intensity of XZX + YZY three-site interaction. Finally, it is found that the irreversible entropy production presents a sharp peak characteristic near the critical magnetic field, and the value of the peak sharp decreases with the increase of XZX + YZY three-site interaction. Simultaneously, the corresponding physical explanations are also given. In a word, the results given in present paper may increasingly arouse one’s interest in the nonequilibrium quantum thermodynamics.-
- XY spin chain with multisite interaction /
- averaged work /
- fluctuation of work /
- irreversible entropy production
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图 2 平均功
$\left\langle W \right\rangle$ 在不同的三格点相互作用强度$\alpha$ 和各向异性参数$\gamma $ 下随初始外磁场强度$\lambda _0$ 的变化 (a)$\gamma = 0.1$ ; (b)$\gamma = 0.8$ ; 其他的参数被设定为$\beta = 100$ ,$ \text {δ} \lambda = \lambda _\tau - \lambda _0 = 0.01$ ,$N = 5000$ Fig. 2. Averaged work
$\left\langle W \right\rangle$ and work distribution fluctuation$\varSigma ^2$ as a function of$\lambda _0$ under various$\alpha$ for$\gamma = 0.1 $ (a) and$\gamma = 0.8$ (b). Other parameters are$\beta = 100$ ,$ \text{δ} \lambda = \lambda _\tau - \lambda _0 = 0.01$ and$N = 5000$ .图 3 功涨落
$\varSigma ^2$ 对于不同的三格点相互作用强度$\alpha$ 和各向异性参数$\gamma $ 随初始外磁场强度$\lambda _0$ 的变化 (a)$\gamma = 0.1$ ; (b)$\gamma = 0.8$ ; 其他的参数被设定为$\beta = 100$ ,$ \text{δ} \lambda = \lambda _\tau - \lambda _0 = 0.01$ ,$N = 5000$ Fig. 3. Work fluctuation
$\varSigma ^2$ as a function of$\lambda _0$ under various$\alpha$ for$\gamma = 0.1$ (a) and$\gamma = 0.8$ (b). Other parameters are$\beta = 100,$ $ \text{δ} \lambda = \lambda _\tau - \lambda _0 = 0.01$ and$N = 5000$ .图 4 不可逆熵产生
$\Delta S_{{\rm{irr}}}$ 对于不同的三格点相互作用强度$\alpha$ 和各向异性参数$\gamma $ 随初始外磁场强度$\lambda _0$ 的变化 (a)$\gamma = 0.1$ ; (b)$\gamma = 0.8$ ; 其他的参数被设定为$\beta = 100$ ,$ {\text{δ}} \lambda = \lambda _\tau - \lambda _0 = 0.01$ ,$N = 5000$ Fig. 4. Irreversible entropy production
$\Delta S_{{\rm{irr}}}$ as a function of$\lambda _0$ under various$\alpha$ for$\gamma = 0.1$ (a) and$\gamma = 0.8$ (b). Other parameters are$\beta = 100$ ,$ {\text{δ}} \lambda = \lambda _\tau - \lambda _0 = 0.01$ and$N = 5000$ . -
[1] Greiner M, Mandel O, Hansch T W, Bloch I 2002 Nature 419 51
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