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石俊凯 王国名 黎尧 高书苑 刘立拓 周维虎



石俊凯, 王国名, 黎尧, 高书苑, 刘立拓, 周维虎

Influence of spectral filtering on mode-locking operation of figure-eight Er-doped fiber laser

Shi Jun-Kai, Wang Guo-Ming, Li Yao, Gao Shu-Yuan, Liu Li-Tuo, Zhou Wei-Hu
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 构建了基于损耗非对称非线性光学环镜的8字腔掺铒光纤锁模激光器, 并讨论了腔内滤波带宽对腔内脉冲演化和激光器输出特性的影响. 在非线性光学环镜中引入双向输出耦合器, 耦合器和传输光纤位置的不对称产生非互易性, 实现锁模运转. 利用自制的可调谐滤波器实验研究了滤波带宽对激光器的影响. 当滤波带宽为2.1 nm时, 腔内脉冲的演化过程受滤波和孤子效应的共同作用, 激光器顺时针和逆时针输出脉冲半高全宽分别为583.7 fs和2.94 ps. 随着滤波带宽增大, 滤波的作用逐渐减弱, 激光器两路输出脉冲参数逐渐接近, 并接近傅里叶变换极限脉冲. 当滤波带宽较大时, 腔内脉冲的演化过程受增益谱和孤子效应的共同作用, 激光器顺时针和逆时针输出脉冲均为变换极限脉冲, 半高全宽约为440 fs. 通过调节滤波器中心波长实现了对激光器输出脉冲光谱的连续调谐, 调节范围大于30 nm.
    Over the last decades, passive mode-locked fiber laser has received considerable attention because of ultrashort pulse, compactness, and low cost. As a saturable absorber, nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) has shown the advantages of high damage threshold, possibility of all-PM fiber implementation, short response time and therefore potentially low intrinsic noise. Spectral filtering plays an important role in NOLM mode locked fiber laser, but the influence of filtering parameters on mode locking operation is rarely reported. In this paper, the influence of filtering bandwidth on mode locking operation and on output pulse characteristics are experimentally investigated. A 2 × 2 optical coupler with a splitting ratio of 10 : 90 is introduced at one end of fiber loop to form a loss-imbalanced NOLM, and extracts 90% of intracavity pulse energy as outputs. With this architecture, an all polarization-maintaining figure-8 Er-doped fiber ultrafast laser is achieved. A home-made bandwidth and wavelength tunable bandpass filter is utilized in the cavity, and the filtering bandwidth is defined by 10 dB bandwidth. The clockwise and counter-clockwise mode locked output power are 8.4 mW and 8.6 mW, respectively, with a repetition rate of 2.734 MHz. With a spectral bandwidth of 2.1 nm, the intracavity pulse is shaped by spectral filtering and soliton effect. The 3 dB bandwidth of the clockwise and counter-clockwise mode locked output pulse are 10.1 nm and 1.8 nm, and the values of corresponding full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the direct outputs are 583.7 fs and 2.94 ps, respectively. As the filtering bandwidth increases, the role of filter in spectral shaping weakens, and the parameters of two output pulses become close. When spectral bandwidth is larger than 7.3 nm, the intracavity pulse is shaped by gain spectrum and soliton effect. Both of the clockwise and counter-clockwise output pulses become the transform-limited pulses with almost the same FWHMs of 440 fs. Besides, the wavelength of the figure-8 fiber laser can be adjusted in a range larger than 30 nm by modulating the wavelength of the filter. The tunable mode-locked fiber laser has great potential applications in various application fields.
      通信作者: 周维虎, zhouweihu@aoe.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61475162, 61575105)、中国科学院前沿科学重点研究计划(批准号: QYZDY-SSW-JSC008)和中国科学院国际合作局对外合作重点项目(批准号: 181811KYSB20160029)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhou Wei-Hu, zhouweihu@aoe.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61475162, 61575105), the Key Research Project of Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. QYZDY-SSW-JSC008), and the International Partnership Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. 181811KYSB20160029).

    石俊凯, 纪荣祎, 黎尧, 刘娅, 周维虎 2017 66 134203Google Scholar

    Shi J K, Ji R Y, Li Y, Liu Y, Zhou W H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 134203Google Scholar


    Zhu Z W, Liu Y, Zhang W C, Luo D P, Wang C, Zhou L, Deng Z J, Li W X 2018 IEEE Photo. Tech. Lett. 30 1139Google Scholar


    王莎莎, 潘玉寨, 高仁喜, 祝秀芬, 苏晓慧, 曲士良 2013 62 024209Google Scholar

    Wang S S, Pan Y Z, Gao R X, Zhu X F, Su X H, Qu S L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 024209Google Scholar


    Khegai A, Melkumov M, Firstov S, Riumkin K, Gladush Y, Alyshev S, Lobanov A, Khopin V, Afanasiev F, Nasibulin A, Dianov E 2018 Opt. Express 26 23911Google Scholar


    Zhu G W, Zhu X S, Wang F Q, Xu S, Li Y, Guo X L, Balakrishnan K, Norwood R A, Peyghambarian N 2016 IEEE Photo. Tech. Lett. 28 7Google Scholar


    Boguslawski J, Sotor J, Sobon G, Kozinski R, Librant K, Aksienionek M, Lipinska L, Abramski K M 2015 Photon. Res. 3 119Google Scholar


    Li J, Zhao Y F, Chen Q Y, Niu K D, Sun R Y, Zhang H N 2017 IEEE Photon. J. 9 1506707Google Scholar


    Wang J T, Jiang Z K, Chen H, Li J R, Yin J D, Wang J Z, He T C, Yan P G, Ruan S C 2018 Photon. Res. 6 535Google Scholar


    张大鹏, 胡明列, 谢辰, 柴路, 王清月 2011 61 044206Google Scholar

    Zhang D P, Hu M L, Xie C, Chai L, Wang Q Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 044206Google Scholar


    刘欢, 巩马理, 曹士英, 林百科, 方占军 2015 64 114210Google Scholar

    Liu H, Gong M L, Cao S Y, Lin B K, Fang Z J 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 114210Google Scholar


    Liu Z W, Ziegler Z M, Wright L G, Wise F W 2017 Optica 4 649Google Scholar


    Sidorenko P, Fu W, Wright L G, Olivier M, Wise F W 2018 Opt. Lett. 43 2672Google Scholar


    Doran N J, Wood D 1988 Opt. Lett. 13 56Google Scholar


    Zhao L M, Bartnik A C, Tai Q Q, Wise F W 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 1942Google Scholar


    Szczepanek J, Kardas T M, Michalska M, Radzewicz C, Stepanenko Y 2015 Opt. Lett. 40 3500Google Scholar


    Fermann M E, Haberl F, Hofer M, Hochreiter H 1990 Opt. Lett. 15 752Google Scholar


    Krzempek K, Sotor J, Abramski K 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 4995Google Scholar


    Yu Y, Teng H, Wang H B, Wang L N, Zhu J F, Fang S B, Chang G Q, Wang J L, Wei Z Y 2018 Opt. Express 26 10428Google Scholar


    Seong N H, Kim D Y 2002 IEEE Photo. Tech. Lett. 14 459Google Scholar


    Hao Q, Chen F H, Yang K W, Zhu X Y, Zhang Q S, Zeng H P 2016 IEEE Photo. Tech. Lett. 28 87Google Scholar


    Shi J K, Li Y, Gao S Y, Pan Y L, Wang G M, Ji R Y, Zhou W H 2018 Chin. Opt. Lett. 16 121404Google Scholar


    Jiang T X, Cui Y F, Lu P, Li C, Wang A M, Zhang Z G 2016 IEEE Photo. Tech. Lett. 28 1786Google Scholar


    Hänsel W, Hoogland H, Giunta M, Schmid S, Steinmetz T, Doubek R, Mayer P, Dobner S, Cleff C, Fischer M, Holzwarth R 2017 Appl. Phys. B 123 40Google Scholar


    Liu W, Shi H S, Cui J H, Xie C, Song Y J, Wang C Y, Hu M L 2018 Opt. Lett. 43 2848Google Scholar


    Dianov E M, Karasik A Y, Mamyshev P V, Prokhorov A M, Serkin V N, Stelmakh M F, Fomichev A A 1985 JETP Lett. 41 294

  • 图 1  实验装置图(LD, 激光二极管; WDM, 波分复用器; EDF, 掺铒光纤; OC, 光学耦合器; OI, 光学隔离器; TBPF, 可调谐带通滤波器; PF, 被动光纤; OPCW/OPCCW, 顺时针/逆时针输出输出)

    Fig. 1.  Experimental setup. LD, laser diode; WDM, wavelength division multiplexer; EDF, Er-doped fiber; OC, optical coupler; OI, optical isolator; TBPF, tunable bandpass filter; PF, passive fiber; OPCW/OPCCW, clockwise/counter-clockwise output.

    图 2  滤波性能测试结果 (a)自发辐射光谱; (b)滤波带宽设定为1.4 nm条件下输出可调谐滤波光谱; (c)滤波中心波长设定为1556 nm条件下输出带宽调谐滤波光谱; (d)带宽调谐滤波光谱3 dB带宽和10 dB带宽的对比

    Fig. 2.  Test results of the spectral filtering performance: (a) Spontaneous emission spectrum; (b) the central wavelength tunable spectra with fixed bandwidth of 1.4 nm; (c) bandwidth tunable spectra with fixed central wavelength of 1556 nm; (d) comparison of 3 dB bandwidth and 10 dB bandwidth of bandwidth tunable spectra.

    图 3  激光器顺时针和逆时针输出特性 (a)线性坐标和对数坐标(插图)下的光谱; (b)自相关曲线; (c)脉冲序列; (d)一次谐波射频谱和0—50 MHz范围的射频谱(插图)

    Fig. 3.  Laser CW and CCW output characteristics: (a) Spectra on linear scale and log scale (inset); (b) autocorrelation traces; (c) pulse train; (d) radio frequency spectra around repetition rate and in wider range (inset).

    图 4  滤波带宽对激光器输出的(a)脉宽、谱宽和(b)时间带宽积的影响; 不同滤波带宽条件下(c) CW和(d) CCW输出的光谱与自相关曲线(插图)

    Fig. 4.  Impact of filtering bandwidth on (a) pulse durations, spectral bandwidths and (b) time-bandwidth products; spectra and autocorrelation traces (inset) of (c) CW and (d) CCW output pulses with different filtering bandwidth.

    图 5  CW和CCW输出的可调谐光谱 (a) CW; (b) CCW

    Fig. 5.  Output tunable spectra of CW and CCW: (a) CW; (b) CCW.

  • [1]

    石俊凯, 纪荣祎, 黎尧, 刘娅, 周维虎 2017 66 134203Google Scholar

    Shi J K, Ji R Y, Li Y, Liu Y, Zhou W H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 134203Google Scholar


    Zhu Z W, Liu Y, Zhang W C, Luo D P, Wang C, Zhou L, Deng Z J, Li W X 2018 IEEE Photo. Tech. Lett. 30 1139Google Scholar


    王莎莎, 潘玉寨, 高仁喜, 祝秀芬, 苏晓慧, 曲士良 2013 62 024209Google Scholar

    Wang S S, Pan Y Z, Gao R X, Zhu X F, Su X H, Qu S L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 024209Google Scholar


    Khegai A, Melkumov M, Firstov S, Riumkin K, Gladush Y, Alyshev S, Lobanov A, Khopin V, Afanasiev F, Nasibulin A, Dianov E 2018 Opt. Express 26 23911Google Scholar


    Zhu G W, Zhu X S, Wang F Q, Xu S, Li Y, Guo X L, Balakrishnan K, Norwood R A, Peyghambarian N 2016 IEEE Photo. Tech. Lett. 28 7Google Scholar


    Boguslawski J, Sotor J, Sobon G, Kozinski R, Librant K, Aksienionek M, Lipinska L, Abramski K M 2015 Photon. Res. 3 119Google Scholar


    Li J, Zhao Y F, Chen Q Y, Niu K D, Sun R Y, Zhang H N 2017 IEEE Photon. J. 9 1506707Google Scholar


    Wang J T, Jiang Z K, Chen H, Li J R, Yin J D, Wang J Z, He T C, Yan P G, Ruan S C 2018 Photon. Res. 6 535Google Scholar


    张大鹏, 胡明列, 谢辰, 柴路, 王清月 2011 61 044206Google Scholar

    Zhang D P, Hu M L, Xie C, Chai L, Wang Q Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 044206Google Scholar


    刘欢, 巩马理, 曹士英, 林百科, 方占军 2015 64 114210Google Scholar

    Liu H, Gong M L, Cao S Y, Lin B K, Fang Z J 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 114210Google Scholar


    Liu Z W, Ziegler Z M, Wright L G, Wise F W 2017 Optica 4 649Google Scholar


    Sidorenko P, Fu W, Wright L G, Olivier M, Wise F W 2018 Opt. Lett. 43 2672Google Scholar


    Doran N J, Wood D 1988 Opt. Lett. 13 56Google Scholar


    Zhao L M, Bartnik A C, Tai Q Q, Wise F W 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 1942Google Scholar


    Szczepanek J, Kardas T M, Michalska M, Radzewicz C, Stepanenko Y 2015 Opt. Lett. 40 3500Google Scholar


    Fermann M E, Haberl F, Hofer M, Hochreiter H 1990 Opt. Lett. 15 752Google Scholar


    Krzempek K, Sotor J, Abramski K 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 4995Google Scholar


    Yu Y, Teng H, Wang H B, Wang L N, Zhu J F, Fang S B, Chang G Q, Wang J L, Wei Z Y 2018 Opt. Express 26 10428Google Scholar


    Seong N H, Kim D Y 2002 IEEE Photo. Tech. Lett. 14 459Google Scholar


    Hao Q, Chen F H, Yang K W, Zhu X Y, Zhang Q S, Zeng H P 2016 IEEE Photo. Tech. Lett. 28 87Google Scholar


    Shi J K, Li Y, Gao S Y, Pan Y L, Wang G M, Ji R Y, Zhou W H 2018 Chin. Opt. Lett. 16 121404Google Scholar


    Jiang T X, Cui Y F, Lu P, Li C, Wang A M, Zhang Z G 2016 IEEE Photo. Tech. Lett. 28 1786Google Scholar


    Hänsel W, Hoogland H, Giunta M, Schmid S, Steinmetz T, Doubek R, Mayer P, Dobner S, Cleff C, Fischer M, Holzwarth R 2017 Appl. Phys. B 123 40Google Scholar


    Liu W, Shi H S, Cui J H, Xie C, Song Y J, Wang C Y, Hu M L 2018 Opt. Lett. 43 2848Google Scholar


    Dianov E M, Karasik A Y, Mamyshev P V, Prokhorov A M, Serkin V N, Stelmakh M F, Fomichev A A 1985 JETP Lett. 41 294

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