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刘雄波 林丹樱 吴茜茜 严伟 罗腾 杨志刚 屈军乐



刘雄波, 林丹樱, 吴茜茜, 严伟, 罗腾, 杨志刚, 屈军乐

Recent progress of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy technology and its application

Liu Xiong-Bo, Lin Dan-Ying, Wu Qian-Qian, Yan Wei, Luo Teng, Yang Zhi-Gang, Qu Jun-Le
  • 由于荧光寿命不受探针浓度、激发光强度和光漂白效应等因素影响,荧光寿命显微成像技术(fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy,FLIM)在监测微环境变化、反映分子间相互作用方面具有高特异性、高灵敏度、可定量测量等优点,近年来已被广泛应用于生物医学等领域.然而,尽管FLIM的发明和发展已历经数十年时间,其在实际应用中仍然面临着许多挑战.例如,其成像分辨率受衍射极限限制,而其成像速度与成像质量和寿命测量精度则存在相互制约的关系.近几年来,相关硬件和软件的快速发展及其与其他光学技术的结合,极大地推动了FLIM技术及其应用的新发展.本文简要介绍了基于时域和频域的不同寿命探测方法的FLIM技术的基本原理及特点,在此基础上概述了该技术的最新研究进展,包括其成像性能的提升和在生物医学应用中的研究现状,详细阐述了近几年来研究者们通过硬件和软件算法的改进以及与自适应光学、超分辨成像技术等新型光学技术的结合来提升FLIM的成像速度、寿命测量精度、成像质量和空间分辨率等方面所做的努力,以及FLIM在生物医学基础研究、疾病诊断与治疗、纳米材料的生物医学研究等方面的应用,最后对其未来发展趋势进行了展望.
    In the past decade, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) has been widely used in biomedical research and other fields. As the fluorescence lifetime is unaffected by probe concentration, excitation intensity and photobleaching, the FLIM has the advantages of high specificity, high sensitivity and capability of quantitative measurement in monitoring microenvironment changes and reflecting the intermolecular interactions. Despite decades of technical development, the FLIM technology still faces some challenges in practical applications. For example, its resolution is still difficult to overcome the diffraction limit and the trade-off among imaging speed, image quality and lifetime accuracy needs to be considered. In recent years, a great advance in FLIM and its application has been made due to the rapid development of hardware and software and their integration with other optical technologies. In this review, we first introduce the principle and characteristics of FLIM technology based on time domain and frequency domain. We then summarize the latest progress of FLIM technology:1) imaging speed enhancement based on hardware improvement such as optimized time-correlated single photon counting module, single photon avalanche diode array detector, and acousto-optic deflector scanner; 2) lifetime measurement accuracy improvement by the proposed algorithms such as maximum likelihood estimate, Bayesian analysis and compressed sensing; 3) imaging quality enhancement and spatial resolution improvement by integrating FLIM with other optical technologies such as adaptive optics for correcting the aberration generated in the optical path, special illumination for equipping wide-field FLIM with optical sectioning ability, and super-resolution techniques for exceeding the resolution limit. We then highlight some recent applications in biomedical studies such as signal transduction or plant cell growth, disease diagnosis and treatment in cancers, Alzheimer's disease and skin diseases, assessment for toxicity and treatment efficiency of nanomaterials developed in the past few years. Finally, we present a short discussion on the current challenges and provide an outlook of the future development of enhanced imaging performance for FLIM technology. We hope that our summary on the state-of-the-art FLIM, our commentary on future challenges, and some proposed avenues for further advances will contribute to the development of FLIM technology and its applications in relevant fields.
      通信作者: 林丹樱, dylin@szu.edu.cn;jlqu@szu.edu.cn ; 屈军乐, dylin@szu.edu.cn;jlqu@szu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61775144,61525503,61620106016,81727804)、国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2015CB352005)和广东省自然科学基金创新研究团队项目(批准号:2014A030312008)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Lin Dan-Ying, dylin@szu.edu.cn;jlqu@szu.edu.cn ; Qu Jun-Le, dylin@szu.edu.cn;jlqu@szu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61775144, 61525503, 61620106016, 81727804), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2015CB352005), and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province for Innovation Research Team, China (Grant No. 2014A030312008).

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    Krishnan R V, Saitoh H, Terada H, Centonze V E, Herman B 2003 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74 2714


    Koenig M, Orthaus-Mueller S, Dowler R, Kraemer B, Tannert A, Schulz O, Roehlicke T, Wahl M, Rahn H J, Patting M, Koberling F, Erdmann R 2017 Biophys. J. 112 298a


    O'Connor D V 2012 Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (London:Academic Press) pp36-54


    Karami M A, Ansarian M 2017 Basic Clin. Neurosci. 8 19


    Field R M, Realov S, Shepard K L 2014 IEEE J. Solid-St. Circ. 49 867


    Hirvonen L M, Suhling K 2017 Meas. Sci. Technol. 28 012003


    Suhling K, Hirvonen L M, Becker W, Smietana S, Netz H, Milnes J, Conneely T, Marois A L, Jagutzki O 2016 Proc. SPIE 9858 98580I


    Nie K M, Wang X L, Qiao J, Xu J T 2016 Sensors 16 160


    Poland S P, Krstajić N, Monypenny J, Coelho S, Tyndall D, Walker R J, Devauges V, Richardson J, Dutton N, Barber P, Li D D U, Suhling K, Ng T, Henderson R K, Ameer-Beg S M 2015 Biomed. Opt. Express 6 277


    Liu L X, Li Y H, Sun L G, Li H, Peng X, Qu J L 2014 Proc. SPIE 8948 89482L


    Qi J, Shao Y H, Liu L X, Wang K G, Chen T S, Qu J L, Niu H B 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 1697


    Wu Q Q, Qi J, Lin D Y, Yan W, Hu R, Peng X, Qu J L 2017 Proc. SPIE 10069 1006922


    Maus M, Cotlet M, Gensch T, Hofkens J, Schryver F C D 2001 Anal. Chem. 73 2078


    Chessel A, Waharte F, Salamero J, Kervrann C 2013 21st European Signal Processing Conference Marrakech, Morocco, September 9-13, 2013 pp1-5


    Day R N 2014 Methods 66 200


    Digman M A, Caiolfa V R, Zamai M, Gratton E 2008 Biophys. J. 94 L14


    Lakner P H, Monaghan M G, Mller Y, Olayioye M A, Schenke-Layland K 2017 Sci. Rep-UK. 7 42730


    Marois A L, Labouesse S, Suhling K, Heintzmann R 2017 J. Biophotonics 10 1124


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    Greger K, Neetz M J, Reynaud E G, Stelzer E H K 2011 Opt. Express 19 20743


    Lenz M O, Brown A C N, Auksorius E, Davis D M, Dunsby C, Neil M A A, French P M W 2011 Proc. SPIE 7903 79032D


    Auksorius E, Boruah B R, Dunsby C, Lanigan P M P, Kennedy G, Neil M A A, French P M W 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 113


    Auksorius E 2017 Ph. D. Dissertation (London:Imperial College London)


    Gu Z T, Kuang C F, Li S, Xue Y, Zheng Z R, Liu X 2012 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference Guangzhou, China, November 7-10, 2012 pp1-3


    Lin D Y, Qu J L 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 148703 (in Chinese)[林丹樱, 屈军乐 2017 66 148703]


    Yan W, Yang Y L, Tan Y, Chen X, Li Y, Qu J L, Ye T 2017 Photonics Res. 5 176


    Grlitz F, Corcoran D, Castano E G, Leitinger B, Mark Neil M, Dunsby C, French P 2017 Photonics 4 40


    Walsh A J, Sedelnikova A, Tolstykh G P, Ibey B L, Beier H T 2017 Proc. SPIE 10069 100691B


    Margineanu A, Chan J J, Kelly D J, Warren S C, Flatters D, Kumar S, Katan M, Christopher W, Dunsby C W, French P W M 2016 Sci. Rep.-UK 6 28186


    Frederik G F, Kelly D J, Warren S C, Alibhai D, West L, Kumar S, Alexandrov Y, Munro L, Garcia E, McGinty J, Talbot C, Serwa R A, Thinon E, Paola V D, Murray E J, Stuhmeier F, Neil M A A, Tate E W, Dunsby C, French P W M 2017 Jove-J. Vis. Express 119 e55119


    Tian W M, Chen J, Deng L Z, Yang H P, Zheng Y, Fei L P, Cui R R, Sha G H, Zhang C H 2013 The 13th National Conference on Chemical Dynamics Wuhan, August 23-28, 2013 pp5-158 (in Chinese)[田文明, 陈钧, 邓列征, 杨何平, 郑阳, 费丽萍, 崔荣荣, 沙国河, 张存浩 2013 第13届全国化学动力学会议 武汉, 2013年8月2328日, 第5158页]


    Long Y C, Stahl Y, Weidtkamp-Peters S, Postma M, Zhou W K, Goedhart J, Snchez-Prez M I, Gadella J T W J, Simon R, Scheres B, Blilou I 2017 Nature 548 97


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    Camborde L, Jauneau A, Brire C, Deslandes L, Dumas B, Gaulin E 2017 Nat. Protoc. 12 1933


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    Alam S R, Wallrabe H, Svindrych Z, Christopher K G, Chandra D, Periasamy A 2017 Proc. SPIE 10069 100691L


    Shirmanova M V, Lukina M M, Lyubov'E S, Kuimova M K, Dudenkova V V, Shcheslavskiy V I, Zagaynova E V 2017 Proc. SPIE-OSA 10411 1041102


    Chen W Y, Young L J, Lu M, Zaccone A, Strohl F, Yu N, Schierle G S K, Kaminski C F 2016 Nano Lett. 17 143


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    Li J 2016 M. S. Thesis (Kaifeng:Henan University) (in Chinese)[李珺 2016 硕士学位论文 (开封:河南大学)]


    Wu Q Q 2017 M. S. Thesis (Shenzhen:Shenzhen University) (in Chinese)[吴茜茜 2017 硕士学位论文 (深圳:深圳大学)]


    Wang X, Uchida T, Minami S 1989 Appl. Spectrosc. 43 840


    Marois A L, Suhling K 2017 Quantitative Live Cell FLIM Imaging in Three Dimensions (Cham, Switzerland:Springer International Publishing) pp31-48


    Alexiev U, Volz P, Boreham A, Brodwolf R 2017 Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 116 111


    Krishnan R V, Saitoh H, Terada H, Centonze V E, Herman B 2003 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74 2714


    Koenig M, Orthaus-Mueller S, Dowler R, Kraemer B, Tannert A, Schulz O, Roehlicke T, Wahl M, Rahn H J, Patting M, Koberling F, Erdmann R 2017 Biophys. J. 112 298a


    O'Connor D V 2012 Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (London:Academic Press) pp36-54


    Karami M A, Ansarian M 2017 Basic Clin. Neurosci. 8 19


    Field R M, Realov S, Shepard K L 2014 IEEE J. Solid-St. Circ. 49 867


    Hirvonen L M, Suhling K 2017 Meas. Sci. Technol. 28 012003


    Suhling K, Hirvonen L M, Becker W, Smietana S, Netz H, Milnes J, Conneely T, Marois A L, Jagutzki O 2016 Proc. SPIE 9858 98580I


    Nie K M, Wang X L, Qiao J, Xu J T 2016 Sensors 16 160


    Poland S P, Krstajić N, Monypenny J, Coelho S, Tyndall D, Walker R J, Devauges V, Richardson J, Dutton N, Barber P, Li D D U, Suhling K, Ng T, Henderson R K, Ameer-Beg S M 2015 Biomed. Opt. Express 6 277


    Liu L X, Li Y H, Sun L G, Li H, Peng X, Qu J L 2014 Proc. SPIE 8948 89482L


    Qi J, Shao Y H, Liu L X, Wang K G, Chen T S, Qu J L, Niu H B 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 1697


    Wu Q Q, Qi J, Lin D Y, Yan W, Hu R, Peng X, Qu J L 2017 Proc. SPIE 10069 1006922


    Maus M, Cotlet M, Gensch T, Hofkens J, Schryver F C D 2001 Anal. Chem. 73 2078


    Chessel A, Waharte F, Salamero J, Kervrann C 2013 21st European Signal Processing Conference Marrakech, Morocco, September 9-13, 2013 pp1-5


    Day R N 2014 Methods 66 200


    Digman M A, Caiolfa V R, Zamai M, Gratton E 2008 Biophys. J. 94 L14


    Lakner P H, Monaghan M G, Mller Y, Olayioye M A, Schenke-Layland K 2017 Sci. Rep-UK. 7 42730


    Marois A L, Labouesse S, Suhling K, Heintzmann R 2017 J. Biophotonics 10 1124


    Xu L L 2013 Ph. D. Dissertation (Wuhan:Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese)[徐玲玲 2013 博士学位论文 (武汉:华中科技大学)]


    Shao Y X 2015 M. S. Thesis (Tianjin:Tianjin University of Technology) (in Chinese)[邵永鑫 2015 硕士学位论文 (天津:天津理工大学)]


    Liu C 2013 M. S. Thesis (Beijing:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)[刘超 2013 硕士学位论文 (北京:中国科学院大学)]


    Liu Y, Zhou Y, Liu Y L 2015 Las. Optoelect. Prog. 52 101102 (in Chinese)[刘洋, 周燕, 刘育梁 2015 激光与光电子学进展 52 101102]


    Rowley M I, Coolen A C C, Vojnovic B, Barber P R 2016 PLoS One 11 e0158404


    Yang S, Lee J, Lee Y, Lee M, Lee B U 2015 J. Biomed. Opt. 20 096003


    Zhang Y L, Li D D U 2017 Phys. Med. Biol. 62 1632


    Wan W B, Hua D X, Yue J, Liu M X, Cao N 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 190601 (in Chinese)[万文博, 华灯鑫, 乐静, 刘美霞, 曹宁 2013 62 190601]


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    Gao K, Li D D U 2017 Electron. Lett. 53 1027


    Feeks J A, Hunter J J 2017 Biomed. Opt. Express 8 2483


    Hinsdale T, Olsovsky C, Rico-Jimenez J J, Brodwolf R, Maitland K C, Jo J A, Malik B H 2017 Biomed. Opt. Express 8 1455


    Greger K, Neetz M J, Reynaud E G, Stelzer E H K 2011 Opt. Express 19 20743


    Lenz M O, Brown A C N, Auksorius E, Davis D M, Dunsby C, Neil M A A, French P M W 2011 Proc. SPIE 7903 79032D


    Auksorius E, Boruah B R, Dunsby C, Lanigan P M P, Kennedy G, Neil M A A, French P M W 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 113


    Auksorius E 2017 Ph. D. Dissertation (London:Imperial College London)


    Gu Z T, Kuang C F, Li S, Xue Y, Zheng Z R, Liu X 2012 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference Guangzhou, China, November 7-10, 2012 pp1-3


    Lin D Y, Qu J L 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 148703 (in Chinese)[林丹樱, 屈军乐 2017 66 148703]


    Yan W, Yang Y L, Tan Y, Chen X, Li Y, Qu J L, Ye T 2017 Photonics Res. 5 176


    Grlitz F, Corcoran D, Castano E G, Leitinger B, Mark Neil M, Dunsby C, French P 2017 Photonics 4 40


    Walsh A J, Sedelnikova A, Tolstykh G P, Ibey B L, Beier H T 2017 Proc. SPIE 10069 100691B


    Margineanu A, Chan J J, Kelly D J, Warren S C, Flatters D, Kumar S, Katan M, Christopher W, Dunsby C W, French P W M 2016 Sci. Rep.-UK 6 28186


    Frederik G F, Kelly D J, Warren S C, Alibhai D, West L, Kumar S, Alexandrov Y, Munro L, Garcia E, McGinty J, Talbot C, Serwa R A, Thinon E, Paola V D, Murray E J, Stuhmeier F, Neil M A A, Tate E W, Dunsby C, French P W M 2017 Jove-J. Vis. Express 119 e55119


    Tian W M, Chen J, Deng L Z, Yang H P, Zheng Y, Fei L P, Cui R R, Sha G H, Zhang C H 2013 The 13th National Conference on Chemical Dynamics Wuhan, August 23-28, 2013 pp5-158 (in Chinese)[田文明, 陈钧, 邓列征, 杨何平, 郑阳, 费丽萍, 崔荣荣, 沙国河, 张存浩 2013 第13届全国化学动力学会议 武汉, 2013年8月2328日, 第5158页]


    Long Y C, Stahl Y, Weidtkamp-Peters S, Postma M, Zhou W K, Goedhart J, Snchez-Prez M I, Gadella J T W J, Simon R, Scheres B, Blilou I 2017 Nature 548 97


    Kodama Y 2016 PLoS One 11 e0152484


    Camborde L, Jauneau A, Brire C, Deslandes L, Dumas B, Gaulin E 2017 Nat. Protoc. 12 1933


    Pastore M N, Studier H, Bonder C S, Roberts M S 2017 Exp. Dermatol. 26 607


    Alam S R, Wallrabe H, Svindrych Z, Wallrabe H 2017 Proc. SPIE-OSA 10414 1041402


    Alam S R, Wallrabe H, Svindrych Z, Christopher K G, Chandra D, Periasamy A 2017 Proc. SPIE 10069 100691L


    Shirmanova M V, Lukina M M, Lyubov'E S, Kuimova M K, Dudenkova V V, Shcheslavskiy V I, Zagaynova E V 2017 Proc. SPIE-OSA 10411 1041102


    Chen W Y, Young L J, Lu M, Zaccone A, Strohl F, Yu N, Schierle G S K, Kaminski C F 2016 Nano Lett. 17 143


    Li W Y, Fang B Q, Jin M, Tian Y 2017 Anal. Chem. 89 2553


    Chen M H, Li H, Chen R, Song C L 2014 Acta Laser Biol. Sin. 23 207 (in Chinese)[陈明惠, 李昊, 陈荣, 宋成利 2014 激光生物学报 23 207]


    Jin L 2013 M. S. Thesis (Nanjing:Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine) (in Chinese)[金路 2013 硕士学位论文 (南京:南京中医药大学)]


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