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高汉峰 张欣 吴福根 姚源卫



高汉峰, 张欣, 吴福根, 姚源卫

Semi-Dirac cone and singular features of two-dimensional three-component phononic crystals

Gao Han-Feng, Zhang Xin, Wu Fu-Gen, Yao Yuan-Wei
  • 设计了一种二维三组元声子晶体结构, 利用偶然简并的方法在布里渊区中心实现了半狄拉克点, 探究了随着组元几何参数的改变半狄拉克点的演变过程. 利用有限元方法研究发现在半狄拉克点频率附近沿着X 方向声子晶体表现出与零折射率材料相似的行为, 许多奇异特性如单向透射等均可以观察到. 另外还发现在半狄拉克点频率附近声子晶体是各向异性的, 沿着不同方向声波的传播现象是不同的, 这种特性是狄拉克点及类狄拉克点所不具备的. 这种各向异性的声波传播特性有许多重要的应用, 如单方向完美透射和单方向波前整形等.
    Due to accidental degeneracy, a semi-Dirac point is realized at the center of the Brillouin zone in a two-dimensional phononic crystal (PC) consisting of a square array of core-shell-structure elliptical cylinders in water. In the vicinity of the semi-Dirac point, the dispersion is linear along the X direction, but it is quadratic along the Y direction. The semi-Dirac point is formed by the degeneracy of dipole and quadrupole modes, through accurately adjusting the radius of the cores and shells, the two modes will coincide and the dispersion relation will become linear. It is worth to be emphasised that the frequency of the semi-Dirac point is very low in our designed PC, and this is exactly the special advantage of a three-component system. Since the dispersion relation is different in the vicinity of the semi-Dirac point, some new features may be seen. Firstly, the anisotropic transmission phenomenon is demonstrated. A PC slab is placed in a rectangular waveguide where the sound hard boundary conditions are used on the upper and lower walls; a plane wave impinges on the PC slab along the X direction at the semi-Dirac point frequency, and total transmission can be achieved, so that the sound energy transmissivity is also equal to one. In the meantime, the waves experience no spatial phase changes when they are transmitting through the PC slab; this behavior indicates that the PC can be equivalent to zero index medium along the X direction. However, when the plane wave is incident along the Y direction, the transmitted field is very weak, and the sound energy transmission is nearly zero. Secondly, the properties of the semi-Dirac point can be applied to design acoustic diode. The scatterers of the PC are arranged in triangular prism shapes and placed into a straight waveguide; when the wave is incident along the X direction, it can be transmitted through the PC slab and emerge in the right area, but when the waves is incident from the opposite direction, it will be totally reflected back. Therefore, the semi-Dirac point in PC provides a way to realize the acoustic diode. Finally, the unidirectional wave-front shape effect can also be observed in our considered system. We put a square sample with 16-by-16 coating rods into water medium. When a tightly focused Gaussian beam impinges on the PC sample along the X direction at the semi-Dirac point frequency, the outgoing wave will be modulated to a plan wave. Whereas, when the incident wave along the Y direction, the Gaussian beam will be totally reflected. In conclusion, the singular features of semi-Dirac point in PC will provides an advantageous means to manipulate acoustic waves and exploit new functional materials.
      通信作者: 张欣, xinxintwinkle@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11374066, 11374068)和广东省自然科学基金重点项目(批准号: S2012020010885)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Xin, xinxintwinkle@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11374066, 11374068) and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong, China (Grant No. S2012020010885).

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