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聂敏 王林飞 杨光 张美玲 裴昌幸



聂敏, 王林飞, 杨光, 张美玲, 裴昌幸

Transmission protocol and its performance analysis of quantum communication network based on packet switching

Nie Min, Wang Lin-Fei, Yang Guang, Zhang Mei-Ling, Pei Chang-Xing
  • 量子纠缠交换能够建立可靠的量子远程传输信道, 实现量子态的远程传输. 然而, 基于纠缠交换的量子信道要求网络高度稳定, 否则会浪费大量纠缠资源. 为节省纠缠资源, 本文根据隐形传态理论, 提出了一种基于分组交换的量子通信网络传输协议, 建立了发送量子态所需的纠缠数目与所经过的路由器数、链路错误率的定量关系, 并与纠缠交换传输协议进行了比较. 仿真结果表明, 在链路错误率为0.1% 时, 分组传输协议所使用的纠缠数目少于纠缠交换的数目, 另外, 随着错误率的升高, 分组传输协议所需的纠缠数比纠缠交换协议明显减少. 由此可见, 基于分组交换的量子通信网络传输协议在网络不稳定时, 能够节省大量纠缠资源, 适用于链路不稳定的量子通信网络.
    Quantum entanglement swapping can be used to establish reliable quantum remote transmission channel so as to realize transmission of quantum states. However, the highly stable quantum network is required in the quantum channels when using quantum entanglement swapping, otherwise it will waste a lot of entanglement resources. In order to save entanglement resources, we have to put forward a kind of quantum communication network transmission protocol based on packet switching, according to the theory of quantum teleportation. Firstly, the principle of packet switching in computer network is introduced. Next we describe the implementation process of quantum network transmission protocols which are based on entanglement swapping and packet switching. We then analyze the reliability, security and utilization rate of entanglement of the protocol we have proposed. And after that the quantitative relationship about the number of entanglement quantum states, the number of routers and link error rates are calculated. Finally, we compare these two transmission protocols. Simulation results show that the number of entanglement for these two protocols is equal without consideration of the link errors. When taking them into account, the packet switching transmission protocol can save numbers of entanglement resources obviously. In addition, with the increase of number of routers and the rise in link error rates, the quantum communication network transmission protocol based on packet switching will need less entanglement resources than that based on entanglement swapping. Therefore, when the quantum transmission network is not stable, the packet switching transmission protocol has a better transmission performance, and it can be applied to the future construction of quantum network.
      通信作者: 王林飞, 304375220@qq.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61172071, 61201194)、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(批准号: 2014JQ8318)和陕西省国际科技合作与交流计划项目(项目编号: 2015KW-013) 资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wang Lin-Fei, 304375220@qq.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61172071, 61201194), the Natural Science Research Foundation of Shaanxi Province, China(Grant No. 2014JQ8318), and the International Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Exchange Program in Shaanxi Province, China(Grant No. 2015KW-013).

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-04-28
  • 修回日期:  2015-06-23
  • 刊出日期:  2015-11-05

