大规模量子通信网络中, 采用量子分组传输技术能有效提升发送节点的吞吐量, 提高网络中链路的利用率, 增强通信的抗干扰性能. 然而量子分组的快速传输与路由器性能息息相关. 路由器性能瓶颈将严重影响网络的可扩展性和链路的传输效率. 本文提出一种量子通信网络分层结构, 并根据量子密集编码和量子隐形传态理论, 给出一种基于分层的量子分组信息传输方案, 实现端到端的量子信息传输. 该方案先将量子分组按照目的地址进行聚类, 再按聚类后的地址进行传输. 仿真结果表明, 基于分层的量子分组信息传输方案能够有效减少量子分组信息在量子通信网络中的传输时间, 并且所减少的时间与量子路由器性能与发送的量子分组数量有关. 因此, 本文提出的量子分组信息传输方案适用于大规模量子通信网络的构建.By using quantum packet transmission technology in large scale quantum communication networks, the throughput of transmission node, network link utilization, and the anti-interference performance of communication can be effectively improved. However, the fast transmission of quantum packets is closely related to the performance of router. The bottleneck of the router performance will seriously affect the scalability of the network and the transmission efficiency of the link. In order to reduce the number of quantum packet queues in nodes of the quantum communication network and to reduce the transmission delay of quantum packets, firstly, according to the classical computer communication network structure, in our paper, we divide the quantum communication network into quantum local area network, quantum metropolitan area network and quantum wide area network. Secondly, the quantum packet format and the quantum cluster format compatible with the packet format in the computer network are determined. Then, a quantum information packet transmission scheme based on the hierarchy is proposed, to realize the end-to-end transmission of quantum information. In our scheme, the quantum packets are divided into quantum packet header information and quantum data information. Quantum dense coding mode is used to transmit the quantum packet header information, while the quantum data information uses quantum teleportation to transmit. First, the quantum packets are sent to the router of the quantum local area network at source address, then the quantum LAN router relay the packets to the quantum metropolitan area network router, the router here makes the quantum packets into quantum cluster according to destination address. Quantum clusters are transmitted in the quantum metropolitan area network and quantum wide area network, ending in the quantum metropolitan area network routing. After the quantum clusters are decomposed, they are sent to the destination address through the local area network router of each quantum packet.We analyze the number of quantum entanglement pairs and the total transmission time in our scheme. The results show that the more the routers by the quantum packet and the quantum cluster are, the more the number of quantum entanglement pairs required by the transmission of a certain quantum packet is. When the number of routers is certain, the number of entanglement pairs required in the transmission process of quantum packet and quantum cluster depends on the number of quantum packets. Finally, the theoretical analysis and calculation are carried out by Matlab simulation, the results show that hierarchical quantum packet information transmission scheme can effectively reduce the transmission time of quantum packet information in the quantum communication network, and the reduced time is related to the quantum router performance and the number of quantum packets to send: the more the number of quantum packets to send, the longer the length of packet processing time needs is and the more obvious the advantage of our scheme is. Therefore, the proposed scheme in this paper is suitable for the construction of large scale quantum communication networks.
- quantum communication /
- packet transmission /
- quantum teleportation
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[24] Schaet T, Barrett M D, Leibried D, Chiaverini J, Britton J, Itano W M, Jost J D, Langer C, WIneland D J 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 040505
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