针对Ni基单晶合金建立初始压入γ 相的γ /γ' 模型和初始压入γ'相的γ'/γ 模型, 采用分子动力学方法模拟金刚石压头压入两种模型的纳米压痕过程, 计算两种模型[001]晶向硬度. 采用中心对称参数分析两种模型(001)相界面错配位错对纳米压痕过程的影响. 结果显示: 弛豫后, 两种模型(001)相界面错配位错形式不同, 其中γ'/γ 模型(001)相界面错配位错以面角位错形式存在; 压入深度在0.930 nm 之前, 两种模型(001)相界面错配位错变化不大, 压入载荷-压入深度及硬度-压入深度曲线较符合; 压入深度在0.930 nm之后, γ'/γ 模型(001)相界面错配位错长大很多, 导致相同压入深度时γ'/γ 模型比γ /γ'模型压入载荷和硬度计算结果小; 压入深度在2.055 nm之后, γ /γ'模型(001)相界面错配位错对γ 相中位错进入γ'相有阻碍作用, 但仍有部分位错越过(001) 相界面进入γ' 相中, γ'/γ 模型(001)相界面处面角位错对γ' 相中位错进入γ 相有更明显的阻碍作用, 几乎无位错越过(001) 相界面进入γ 相中, 面角位错的强化作用更明显, 所以γ'/γ 模型比γ /γ'模型压入载荷上升速度快.Ni-based single crystal line alloy is constituted with γ phase and γ' phase in the form of coherency. Since an indenter for two-phase coherent structure is bigger than the usual nano-scale indenter, the press location of indenter may be unclear in nanoindentation simulation. Both γ phase and γ' phase may be pressed initially, and the mechanical properties shown are different because of the initial press locations. The nanoindentation of Ni-based single crystal line alloys is simulated by molecular dynamics method. Two models are used to study about the hardness in [001] crystal orientation, one is the model γ /γ' with the initial indentation on γ phase, and the other is the model γ'/γ with the initial indentation on γ' phase. The influence of misfit dislocation at (001) interface on nanoindentation of the two models is analyzed using a center-symmetry parameter. Results show that the misfit dislocation shape of the two models are different after relaxation. Lomer-Cottrell dislocation occurs on (001) interface in the γ'/γ model. Before 0.930 nm press depth is reached, there is little change in the (001) interface misfit dislocation of the two models. Relationship between press load and press depth is similar for the two models, and it is the same in the relationship between hardness and press depth. After press depth reaches 0.930 nm, the misfit dislocation at (001) interface for model γ'/γ grows big, which results in a smaller press load and a smaller hardness computation in the model γ'/γ than that in model γ /γ'. When the press depth reach 2.055 nm, we find only a small amount of dislocations in γ phase that can go into γ' phase since the misfit dislocation at (001) interface in model γ /γ' hinders the process. However, none of dislocations can go into γ phase because of the prevention caused by Lomer-Cottrell dislocation at the (001) interface in the model γ'/γ . That means the Lomer-Cottrell dislocation reinforces the material obviously. So the press load in model γ'/γ grows faster than that in model γ /γ'.
- nanoindentation /
- molecular dynamics /
- misfit dislocation
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[1] Erickson G L 1995 J. of Metals 47 36
[2] Probst-Hein M, Dlouhy A, Eggeler G 1999 Acta Mater. 47 2497
[3] Hu Z Q, Peng P, Liu Y, Jin T, Sun X F, Guan H R 2002 Acta Metall. Sin. 38 1121 (in Chinese) [胡壮麒, 彭平, 刘轶, 金涛, 孙晓峰, 管恒荣 2002 金属学报 38 1121]
[4] Zhang J X, Murakumo T, Koizumi Y, Harada H, Masaki J S 2002 Metall. Mater. Trans. A 33 3741
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[7] Wu W P, Guo Y F, Wang Y S, Xu S 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 056802 (in Chinese) [吴文平, 郭雅芳, 汪越胜, 徐爽 2011 60 056802]
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[11] Gao Y, Wen S P, Wang X H, Pan F 2006 J. Aeronaut. Mater. 26 148 (in Chinese) [高阳, 文胜平, 王晓慧, 潘峰 2006 航空材料学报 26 148]
[12] Zhang P, Li S X, Zhang Z F 2011 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 529 62
[13] Caceres C H, Griffiths J R, Pakdel A R, Davidson C J 2005 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 402 258
[14] Hu X J, Zheng B L, Hu T Y, Yang B, He P F, Yue Z F 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 176201 (in Chinese) [胡兴健, 郑百林, 胡腾越, 杨彪, 贺鹏飞, 岳珠峰 2014 63 176201]
[15] Fang T H, Chang W Y, Huang J J 2009 Acta Mater. 57 3341
[16] Hoffmann K H, Schreiber M 1996 Computational Physics (Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag) p268
[17] Imran M, Hussain F, Rashid M, Ahmad S A 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 116201
[18] Imran M, Hussain F, Rashid M, Ahmad S A 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 126802
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