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王树山 李梅 马峰



王树山, 李梅, 马峰

Dynamics of the interaction between explosion bubble and free surface

Wang Shu-Shan, Li Mei, Ma Feng
  • 为探究爆炸水幕形态与水下流场变化之间的联系,设计了小当量RDX装药水箱内爆炸实验系统. 采用两台高速录像机同步拍摄了气泡和水幕形态的演变过程,获得了三种典型气泡形态和六种典型水幕形态. 通过观察气泡-水面-空气之间的流场变化和理论分析,揭示了六种形态水幕的演变规律及其形成机理,并与电火花形成气泡实验结果进行了对比分析. 通过对不同比例深度条件下的气泡横向半径、纵向半径、膨胀时间、脉动周期、气泡边界运动过程等的统计分析,揭示了近水面水下爆炸形成气泡的动力学过程.
    A strong coupling effect between the bubble and water occurs when an explosive bubble expands and contracts near the water surface, leading to the complex changes of the flow field and various shapes of water plumes. An experimental system for small equivalent of charge RDX is designed to investigate the relations between the shapes of water plumes and the changes of the flow field. Two synchronized high speed cameras are used to record the changing process of the shapes of bubbles and water plume. Three typical shapes of bubble and six typical shapes of water plumes are observed. By theoretical analysis and direct observation of flow field changes among the bubble, the water surface, and the air, the evolution rule and formation mechanism of the six shapes of water plumes are allready revealed. Experimental results are also compared with that from the experiment of bubbles formed by electric spark. Through statistical analysis of bubble radius, expansion time, pulsation period, and bubble boundary movement, the dynamic process of bubble formation in near water surface explosion is clarified.
    • 基金项目: 爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室基金(批准号:YBKT09-07)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology Foundation, China (Grant No: YBKT09-07).

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    Li M, Wang S S, Wei J F, Zhong X 2013 J. Ship Mech. 17 1230(in Chinese) [李梅, 王树山, 魏继锋, 仲霄 2013 船舶力学 17 1230]

  • [1]

    Gao J H, Lu L, He Y Y 2010 Shallow water explosion and its destruction effect (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) pp38-41 (in Chinese) [高建华, 陆林, 何洋扬2010浅水中爆炸及其破坏效应(北京: 国防工业出版社)第38–41页]


    Zhi B W, Zhang Z J, Li J, Ma Y X 2009 Trans. BIT 29 5 (in Chinese) [郅斌伟, 张志江, 李健, 马雨祥2009北京理工大学学报 29 5]


    Kedrinskii V K (translated by Knyazeva S Y) 2005 Hydrodynamics of Explosion Experiments and Models (New York: Springer) pp297-347


    Jiang G Y, Jin H, Li B 2009 Sci. Technol. Review 27 87(in Chinese) [蒋国岩, 金辉, 李兵 2009 科技导报 27 87]


    Han R, Zhang A M, Li S 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 034703


    Wang C H, Cheng J C 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 014304


    Ni B Q, Li S, Zhang A M 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 124704(in Chinese) [倪宝玉, 李帅, 张阿漫 2013 62 124704]


    Li S, Zhang A M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 054705(in Chinese) [李帅, 张阿漫 2014 63 054705]


    Blake J R, Taib B B, Doherty G 1987 J. Fluid Mech. 181 197


    Shervani T M T, Dadvand A, Khoo B C, Nobari M R H 2009 Theoret. Comput. FluidDynamics 23 297


    Wang Q X, Yeo K S, Khoo B C, Lam K Y 1996 Theoret. Comput. Fluid Dynamics 8 73


    Blake J R, Gibson D C 1981 J. Fluid Mech. 111 123


    Cole R H (translated by Luo Y J, Han R Z, Guan X) 1965 Underwater Explosion (Beijing: National DefenceIndustry Press) pp231-253 (in Chinese) [库尔R H 著(罗耀杰, 韩润泽, 官信译) 1965水下爆炸(北京: 国防工业出版社)第231–253页]


    Swisdak M M 1978 ADA 056694


    Higdon C E 1994 ADA 294929


    Qian D, Yuan H 2001 Torpedo Technology 9 49(in Chinese) [钱东, 袁辉 2001 鱼雷技术 9 49]


    Zhu Q H 1999 Inform. Comm. Contr. Syst. Simul. 11 14(in Chinese) [朱庆和 1999 情报指挥控制系统和仿真技术 11 14]


    Connor J G, Higdon C E 1996 NSWCDD/TR-96/178


    Abdolrahman D, Khoo B C, Mohammad T, Shervani T 2009 Res. Art. 46 419


    Chahine G L, Frederick G S, Lambrecht C J,Harris G S, Mair H U 1995 SAVIAC Proceedings 66th Shock and Vibrations Symposium Biloxi, Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 1995 p265


    Zhang A M, Wang C, Wang S P, Cheng X D 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 084701(in Chinese) [张阿漫, 王超, 王诗平, 程晓达 2012 61 084701]


    Robinson P B, Blake J R, Kodama T, Shima A, Tomita Y 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 89 12


    Tomita Y, Kodama T, Shima A 1991 Appl. Phys. Lett. 59 3


    Peter G, Rok P, Janez M 2007 J. Appl.Phys. 102 094904


    Li M, Wang S S, Wei J F, Zhong X 2013 J. Ship Mech. 17 1230(in Chinese) [李梅, 王树山, 魏继锋, 仲霄 2013 船舶力学 17 1230]

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