利用PC2D二维模拟软件对选择性发射极晶体硅太阳电池(SE电池)进行了器件模拟和参数优化的研究. 在对丝网印刷磷浆法制备的SE电池的实测典型电流-电压曲线实现完美拟合的基础上,全面系统地研究了栅线、基区、选择性发射区和背表面场层等的参数对电池性能的影响. 模拟表明:基区少子寿命、前表面复合速度和背表面复合速度是对电池效率影响幅度最大的三个参数. 在所研究的参数范围内,当基区少子寿命从50 s上升到600 s时,电池效率从18.53%上升到19.27%. 低的前表面复合速度是使发射区方块电阻配比优化有意义的前提. 要取得理想的电池效率,背表面复合速度需控制在500 cm/s以下. 此外,对于不同的前表面复合速度,电池效率的最大值总是在5090 / 的重掺区方阻、110180 /的轻掺区方阻的范围内取得. 对不同的栅线数目,重掺区宽度与栅线间距之比为32%时,电池的效率最高. 另外,在主栅结构保持较低面积比率的前提下,主栅数目的增加也可提高效率. 最后,通过优化p型SE电池的效率可达到20.45%.In this paper, device simulation and parameter optimization on crystalline silicon (c-Si) selective-emitter (SE) solar cell are performed by using PC2D two-dimensional simulator. On the basis of achieving perfect fitting to the measured I-V curve of a typical c-Si SE solar cell fabricated by screen printing phosphoric paste method, the effects of physical parameters of gridlines, base, selective emitter and back surface field layer on the optoelectronic performance of the SE solar cell are comprehensively and systematically investigated. Simulation results show that the base minority carrier lifetime, the front surface recombination velocity and the back surface recombination velocity are the three largest efficiency-affecting parameters. In the studied parameter range, when the base minority carrier lifetime rises from 50 s to 600 s, the cell efficiency increaes from 18.53% to 19.27%. Low front surface recombination velocity is the premise of making the optimization of selective emitter sheet resistance meaningful. To obtain an ideal efficiency, the back surface recombination velocity should be controlled to be under 500 cm/s. In addition, under different front surface recombination velocities, the maximum of cell efficiency is always achieved in a range of 5090 / heavily doped region sheet resistance and 110180 / lightly doped region sheet resistance. For different numbers of gridlines, when the radio of heavily doped region width to the gridline pitch equals 32%, the solar cell has the highest efficiency. Moreover, under the condition of low area radio of bas bar, increasing bus bar number appropriately can improve the efficiency. The efficiency of p-type SE solar cell reaches 20.45% after optimization.
- selective emitter /
- PC2D device simulation /
- parameters optimization /
- solar cell
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[8] de Rose R, Zanuccoli M, Magnone P, Tonini D, Galiazzo M, Cellere G, Frei M, Guo H W, Fiegna C, Sangiorgi E 2011 Proceedings of Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) Seattle, USA, Junuary 19–24, 2011 p002556
[9] Zanuccoli M, Bresciani P F, Frei M, Guo H W, Fang H, Agrawal M, Fiegna C, Sangiorgi E 2010 Proceedings of Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) Honolulu, HI, USA, June 20–25, 2010 p002262
[10] Rapolu K, Singh P, Shea S P 2009 Proceedings of Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Philadelphia PA, USA, June 7–12, 2009 p001048
[11] Rapolu K, Singh P, Shea S P 2010 Proceedings of Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Honolulu HI, USA, June 20–25, 2010 p002227
[12] Basore P, Cabanas-Holmen K 2012 PC2D Help Index 2013 p0609
[13] Basore P, Cabanas-Holmen K 2011 The IEEE J. Photovolt. 1 72
[14] Cabanas-Holmen K, Basore P 2012 Proceedings of 7th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference Frankfurt, September 25, 2012 2BV.5.42
[15] Cabanas-Holmen K, Basore P 2011 Proceedings of Silicon PV Leuven, Belgium
[16] Meier D, Good E, Garcia R, Bingham B, Yamanaka S, Chandrasekaran V, Bucher C 2006 Proceedings of Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE 4th World Conference Waikoloa HI, May 7–12, 2006 p1315
[1] Kerr M J, Cuevas A 2002 J. Appl. Phys. 91 2473
[2] Kopecek R, Libal J 2012 Proceedings of the 22nd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference Hangzhou, China, November 5–9, 2012 1-I-6
[3] Hu Z Z, Liao X B, Diao H W, Xia C F, Xu L, Zeng X B, Hao H Y, Kong G L 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 2302 (in Chinese) [胡志华, 廖显伯, 刁宏伟, 夏朝凤, 许玲, 曾湘波, 郝会颖, 孔光临 2005 54 2302]
[4] Hu Z Z, Liao X B, Zeng X B, Xu Y Y, Zhang S B, Diao H W, Kong G L 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 217 (in Chinese) [胡志华, 廖显伯, 曾湘波, 徐艳月, 张世斌, 刁宏伟, 孔光临 2003 52 217]
[5] Huang Z H, Zhang J J, Ni J, Cao Y, Hu Z Y, Li C, Geng X H, Zhao Y 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 098803
[6] Ai B, Zhang Y H, Deng Y J, Shen H 2012 Sci. China E 55 3187
[7] Nijsa J, Demesmaekera E, Szlufcika J, Poortmansa J, Frissona L, De Clercqa K, Ghannamb M, Mertensa R, van Overstraetena R 1996 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 41 101
[8] de Rose R, Zanuccoli M, Magnone P, Tonini D, Galiazzo M, Cellere G, Frei M, Guo H W, Fiegna C, Sangiorgi E 2011 Proceedings of Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) Seattle, USA, Junuary 19–24, 2011 p002556
[9] Zanuccoli M, Bresciani P F, Frei M, Guo H W, Fang H, Agrawal M, Fiegna C, Sangiorgi E 2010 Proceedings of Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) Honolulu, HI, USA, June 20–25, 2010 p002262
[10] Rapolu K, Singh P, Shea S P 2009 Proceedings of Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Philadelphia PA, USA, June 7–12, 2009 p001048
[11] Rapolu K, Singh P, Shea S P 2010 Proceedings of Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Honolulu HI, USA, June 20–25, 2010 p002227
[12] Basore P, Cabanas-Holmen K 2012 PC2D Help Index 2013 p0609
[13] Basore P, Cabanas-Holmen K 2011 The IEEE J. Photovolt. 1 72
[14] Cabanas-Holmen K, Basore P 2012 Proceedings of 7th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference Frankfurt, September 25, 2012 2BV.5.42
[15] Cabanas-Holmen K, Basore P 2011 Proceedings of Silicon PV Leuven, Belgium
[16] Meier D, Good E, Garcia R, Bingham B, Yamanaka S, Chandrasekaran V, Bucher C 2006 Proceedings of Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE 4th World Conference Waikoloa HI, May 7–12, 2006 p1315
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