The measurement of implosion velocity is the core problem of inertial confinement fusion and it is also a key quantity of estimation of fusion ignition. A clear implosion trajectory X-ray image of hohlraum-radiative-driven CH-capsule is obtained in Sheng-GuangII laser facility with 1600 J laser energy, triple frequency and 1 ns pulse width. KB-microscope coupled with X-ray streak camera whose temporal resolution is about 10 ps is used for diagnosis. The maximal velocity of implosion is about 160 km/s which can be extracted from the experimental trajectory data. The experimental data are compared with Multi1D simulation results of velocity and both are in good agreement with each other.
- KB microscope /
- X-ray streak camera /
- radiation drive /
- implosion trajectory
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[1] Kirpatrick P, Beaz A V 1948 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 38 766
[2] Attwood D T , Zhang J 2004 Soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation: principles and applications(1st Ed.) (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p83-84 (in Chinese) [阿特伍德著, 张杰译 2004 软X射线与极紫外辐射的原理及应用(北京: 高等教育出版社) 第83-84页]
[3] Rosch R, Boutin J Y, le Breton J P,Gontier D, Jadaud J P, Reverdin C, Soullie G, Lidove G, Maroni R 2007 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78 033704
[4] Gotchev O V, Hayes L J, Jaanimagi P A, Knauer J P, Marshall F J, Meyerhofer D D 2003 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74 5056
[5] Budil K S, Remington B A, Peyser T A, Mikael K O, Miller PL, Woolsey N C, Wood-Casey W M, Rubenchik A M 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 4536
[6] Aglitskij Y, Velikovich A L, Karasik M, Serlin V, Pawley C J, Schmitt A J, Obenschain S P, Mostovych A N, Gardner J H, Metzler N 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 265001
[7] Betti R, Zhou C D 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 110702
[8] Lindl D J, Amendt P, Richard L, Berger S, Glendinning G, Siegfried H, Hann, S W, Kauffman R L, Landen O L, Suter L 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 459
[9] Hicks D G, Spears B K, Braun D G, Olson R E, Sorce C M, Celliers P M, Collins G W, Landen O L 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 102703
[10] Bourgade J L, Trousse P, Casner A, Huser G, Sangster T C, Pien G, Marshall F J, Fariaud J, Remond C, Gontier D, Chollet C, Zuber C, Reverdin C, Richard A, Jaanimagi P A, Keck R L, Bahr R E, Armstrong W J, Dewandel J, Maroni R, Aubard F, Angelier B, Cote C Y, Magnan 2008 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 10E904
[11] Jiang S E ,Ding Y K, Miao W Y,Liu S Y, Zhen Z J, Zhang B H, Zhang J Y, Huang T X, Li S W, Cheng J B, Jiang X H, Yi R Q, Yang G H, Yang J M, Hu X, Cao Z R, Huang Y X 2009 Science in Chian G 39 1571 (in Chinese) [江少恩, 丁永坤, 缪文勇, 刘慎业, 郑志坚, 张保汉, 张继彦, 黄天暄, 李三伟, 陈家斌, 蒋小华, 易荣清, 杨国洪, 杨家敏, 胡昕, 曹柱荣, 黄翼翔 2009 中国科学G辑 39 1571]
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