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黄传禄 丁耀根 王勇



黄传禄, 丁耀根, 王勇

The theory and computer simulation of beam-loading conductance in the double-gap coupled cavity

Huang Chuan-Lu, Ding Yao-Gen, Wang Yong
  • 在速调管双间隙耦合谐振腔中,电子与每个间隙的电场相互作用进行能量交换,在两个间隙上体现出不同的电子负载效应.传统的电子电导计算模型,只能从整体上而无法在每个间隙上考虑这个效应.基于空间电荷波理论,建立了双间隙耦合腔中单个间隙电子电导的理论模型,推导出相应的计算公式.利用三维粒子模拟工具进行了仿真研究,理论计算与仿真结果相符.与传统的电子电导模型相比,该理论模型能反映出双间隙耦合腔中每个间隙的电子负载效应.利用该模型能更加深入和准确地进行间隙注波互作用的研究以及耦合腔中模式稳定性的分析.
    In a double-gap coupled cavity of klystrons, the electrons exchange energy with the electric field in each gap through beam-wave interaction process, and different beam-loading effects take place in each gap. However in this case the traditional beam-loading model does not hold true. To solve this problem, we present a novel model according to the space-charge-wave theory to calculate the beam-loading conductance in each gap of the coupled-cavity, and also derive the formulations. Moreover, we perform a simulation study using a three-dimensional particle-in-cell code. The results obtained by the model show good agreement with the simulation results. In comparison with the traditional model, the new model can be used to calculate the beam-loading conductances in diffident regions of the coupled-cavity, and then it can be used to study the beam-wave interactions in the gaps and analyze the mode stability in the coupled-cavity in a high accuracy.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:60971073)资助的课题.

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  • [1]

    Chodorow M, Wessel-Berg T 1961 IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 8 44


    Wessel-Berg T 1957 A General Theory of Klystrons with Arbitrary Extended Interaction Fields (California: Microwave Laboratory of Stanford University) p376


    Zhang K C, Wu Z H, Liu S G 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 3402


    Lin F M, Ding Y G 2004 Vac. Electron. Techn. 2 10


    Quan Y M, Ding Y G, Wang S Z 2008 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 37 30


    Quan Y M 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [全亚民 2008 博士学位论文 (北京:中国科学院电子学研究所)]


    Hsu H L 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Davis: University of California Davis)


    Craig E 1967 IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 14 273


    Kowalczyk R, Lau Y Y 2005 IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 52 2087


    Wilsen B C, Lau Y Y 2002 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 30 1160


    Cui J, Luo J R, Zhu M, Guo W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7383 (in Chinese) [崔 健、罗积润、朱 敏、郭 炜 2011 59 7383]


    Zhao D, Ding Y G, Wang Y 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3324 (in Chinese) [赵 鼎、丁耀根、王 勇 2007 56 3324]


    Yonezawa H, Okazaki Y 1984 A One-Dimension Disk Model Simulation for Klystron Design (California:SLAC of Stanford University)p5


    Cui J, Luo J R, Zhu M, Guo W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 061101(in Chinese) [崔 健、罗积润、朱 敏、郭 炜 2011 60 061101]


    Xie J L, Zhao Y X 1966 Bunching Theory of Klystrons (Beijing: Science Press) pp88, 94 (in Chinese) [谢家麟、赵永翔 1966 速调管群聚理论 (北京:科学出版社) 第88,94页]


    Pierce J R, Shepherd W G 1947 J. Bell. Syst. Techn. 26 663


    Ding Y G 2008 Theory and Computer Simulation of High Power Klystron (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp42, 64, 70 (in Chinese) [丁耀根2008大功率速调管的理论与计算模拟 (北京:国防工业出版社) 第42,64,70页]


    Dong Y H, Ding Y G, Xiao L 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 5629 (in Chinese) [董玉和、丁耀根、肖 刘 2005 54 5629]


    Gong H R, Gong Y B, Wei Y Y, Tang C J, Xue D H, Wang W X 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 5368 (in Chinese) [巩华荣、宫玉彬、魏彦玉、唐昌建、薛东海、王文祥 2006 55 5368]


    Hu Y L, Yang Z H, Li J Q, Li B, Gao P, Jin X L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6665 (in Chinese) [胡玉禄、杨中海、李建清、李 斌、高 鹏、金晓林 2009 58 6665]


    Chodorow M, Kulke B 1966 IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev.13 439

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  • 收稿日期:  2010-12-28
  • 修回日期:  2011-07-13
  • 刊出日期:  2011-06-05

