量子Fisher信息作为经典Fisher信息的自然推广,与量子信息中的纠缠判断具有密切联系.在表现为典型量子混沌特征的受击两分量玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚系统中,研究了与经典相空间对应的纠缠和量子Fisher信息动力学性质. 结果表明,初次撞击后的系统量子态是纠缠的,与初态所处相空间中的混乱程度无关.而量子Fisher信息的动力学演化对系统初态非常敏感,当初态处于混沌区域时,量子Fisher信息值比初态处于规则区域时大.利用这种较好的量子-经典对应关系,得到量子Fisher信息可以刻画量子混沌的结论.
- 量子Fisher信息 /
- 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚 /
- 量子混沌 /
- 量子-经典对应
Quantum Fisher information,derived from the classical Fisher information, is closely related to the quantum entanglement in quantum information. The entanglement and the quantum information which are both associated with the classical phase space are investigated in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate impacted by the impulses. The results reveal that the states regardless of disorder of the phase space after the first impulse are entangled. However, the quantum information is very sensitive to the state centred in the classical phase space, concretely, the value of the quantum information centred in the chaotic region is greater than in the regular region. By employing the good quantum-classical correspondence, we conclude that the quantum information can serve as a signature of the quantum chaos.-
- quantum Fisher information /
- Bose-Einstein condensate /
- quantum chaos /
- quantum-classical correspondence
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[1] Anderson M H, Ensher J R, Matthews M R, Wieman C E, Cornell E A 1995 Science 269 198
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