以高纯石墨做靶,CHF3和Ar气为源气体,采用射频反应磁控溅射法在不同流量比条件下制备了氟化类金刚石(F-DLC)薄膜.利用原子力显微镜、纳米压痕仪、拉曼光谱和红外光谱、摩擦磨损测试仪对薄膜的表面形貌、硬度、键结构以及摩擦性能做了具体分析.表面形貌测试结果表明,制备的薄膜整体均匀致密,表现出了良好的减摩性能.当CHF3与Ar气流量比r为1 ∶6时,所得薄膜的摩擦系数减小至0.42,而纳米压痕结果显示,此时薄膜的硬度也最高.拉曼和红外光谱显示,随着r的增加,薄膜中的F浓度呈上升趋势,薄膜中的芳香环比例减小.研究表明,F原子的键入方式是影响F-DLC薄膜摩擦系数的一个重要因素,CF2反对称伸缩振动强度的减弱和C C中适量碳氢氟键的形成都能导致薄膜具有相对较低的摩擦系数.The fluorinated diamond-like carbon (F-DLC) films are prepared by radio frequency reactive magnetron sputtering with different flow ratios of CHF3 and Ar as a source gas and pure graphite as a target. Surface morphology, hardness, bonding configuration and tribological properties are investigated by atomic force microscope, nanoindenter, Raman spectra, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra and a ball-on-disk test rig, respectively. The results show that the F-DLC films are distributed compactly and homogeneously and exhibit good friction-reducing behaviors. The minimum of friction coefficient reaches about 0.42 at r=1 ∶6 while the hardness of films is highest. Raman spectra and FTIR spectra reveal that with the increase of r, the fluorine content gradually increases. However, the intensity ratio ID/IG of Raman bands of disordered graphite (D-band) and graphite (G-band) of F-DLC films decreases, which is indicative of the decrease of the fraction of aromatic ring. The results also show that the F content is another significant factor which affects the friction coefficient. The weakening of —CF2 asymmetric stretch vibration intensity and the formation of CFH in C C chains may result in a lower friction coefficient of F-DLC films.
- frictional properties /
- radio frequency reactive magnetron sputtering /
- fluorinated diamond-like carbon films
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[1] Hirakuri K K, Yoshimuraa M, Friedbacherb G 2003 Diam. Relat. Mater. 12 1013
[2] Zhong M, Zhang C H, Luo J B, Lu X C 2009 Appl. Surf. Sci. 256 322
[3] Hauert R 2004 Tribol. Int. 37 996
[4] Ban M, Hasegawa T, Fujii S, Fujioka J 2003 Diam. Relat. Mater. 12 47
[5] Jan D J, Ai C F 2001 Mater. Chem. Phys. 72 158
[6] Zhang W, Tanaka A 2004 Tribol. Int. 37 979
[7] Wang P, Wang X, Xu T, Liu W M, Zhang J Y 2007 Thin Solid Films 515 6899
[8] Bares J A, Sumant A V, Grierson D S, Carpick R W, Sridharan K 2007 Tribol. Lett. 27 82
[9] Bendavid A, Martin P J, Randeniya L, Amin M S 2009 Diam. Relat. Mater. 18 66
[10] Trippe S C, Mansano R D, Costa F M, Silva R F 2004 Thin Solid Films 446 85
[11] Jiang M F, Ning Z Y 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 1588 (in Chinese) [江美福、 宁兆元 2004 53 1588]
[12] Zhu L, Jiang M F, Ning Z Y, Du J L, Wang P J 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6430 (in Chinese) [朱 丽、 江美福、 宁兆元、 杜记龙、 王培君 2009 58 6430]
[13] Zhang X J, Dong Y K, Liu Y H, Schaefer J A 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 236
[14] Liu Z M 2009 Principles and Design of Tribology (Wuhan: Wuhan University of Technology Press) p67 (in Chinese) [刘佐民 2009 摩擦学理论与设计 (武汉:武汉理工大学出版社)第67页]
[15] Jiang M F, Ning Z Y 2006 Surf. Coat. Technol. 200 3682
[16] Sui J H, Zhang Z G, Cai W 2009 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 267 2477
[17] Jung H S, Park H H 2002 Thin Solid Films 420—421 250
[18] Yu G Q, Tay B K, Sun Z, Pan L K 2003 Appl. Surf. Sci. 219 235
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