- Tl-2212超导薄膜 /
- CeO2缓冲层 /
- 蓝宝石基片
High quality large area Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8(Tl-2212)superconducting thin films were fabricated on CeO2 buffered two-side sapphire substrates. Using metallic cerium target as the sputtering source, CeO2 buffer film with c-axis orientation was deposited by radio frequency reactive magnetron sputtering, and the influence of preparation conditions on the structure and surface morphology of the CeO2 layer was studied. The Tl-2212 superconducting thin film was fabricated on CeO2 buffered sapphire substrate by direct current magnetron sputtering and post annealing. Scanning electron microscope showed that the film has a compact microstructure with uniform flat surface. The X-ray diffraction indicated that the film was pure Tl-2212 phase with c-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface, and epitaxially grown on the CeO2 buffered sapphire. The superconducting film exhibited excellent uniform electric properties. The critical transition temperature Tc was around 105 K, the critical current density Jc(77 K, 0 T) was around (1.2±0.1) MA/cm2 and (1.25±0.1) MA/cm2, respectively, and the microwave surface resistance Rs (77 K, 10 GHz ) of the film was as low as 390 μΩ.[1] Yan S L, Fang L, Song Q X, Yan J, Zhu Y P, Chen J H, Zhang S B 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 1845
[2] Yan S L, Fang L, Si M S, Cao H L, Song Q X, Yan J, Zhou X D, Hao J M 1994 Supercond. Sci. Tech. 7 681
[3] Yan S L, Fang L, Si M S, Wang J, Cao H L, Song Q X, Zhou X D 1996 Solid State Communications 98 723
[4] Yi C H, Hu F R, Zhang Q G, Chen Y F, Xu X P, Zheng D N 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3525 (in Chinese) [伊长虹、胡芳仁、张庆刚、陈莺飞、徐小平、郑东宁 2004 53 3525]
[5] Xie Q L, Yan S L, Fang L, Zhao X J, You S T, Zhang X, Zuo T, Zhou T G, Ji L, He M, Yue H W, Wang Z, Li J L, Zhang Y T 2008 Cryo. Supercond. 36 1(in Chinese) [谢清连、阎少林、方 兰、赵新杰、游石头、张 旭、左 涛、周铁戈、季 鲁、何 明、岳宏卫、王 争、李加蕾、张玉婷 2008 低温与超导 36 1]
[6] Yu Y D, Xie S S 1993 Acta Phys. Sin. 42 605 (in Chinese) [俞育德、解思深 1993 42 605]
[7] Xu X Y, Zhang X K, Fan D P, Jiang D M 1993 Acta Phys. Sin. 42 72 (in Chinese) [徐秀英、张杏奎、范德培、蒋冬梅 1993 42 72]
[8] Mazierska J, Wilker C 2001 IEEE Trans. Appl. Superconduct. 11 4140
[9] Speller S C, Wu H Z, Grovenor C R M 2003 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 13 2713
[10] Zhao X J, Ji L, Zhang C, Chen E, Zhou T G, Zhang X, Xie Q L, Li S, Li Y G, Zuo X, Fang L, Yan S L 2006 Journal of the Korean Physical Society 48 1143
[11] Xie Q L, Yan S L, Zhao X J, Fang L, Ji L, Zhang Y T, You S T, Li J L, Zhang X, Zhou T G, Zuo T, Yue H W 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 519 (in Chinese) [谢清连、阎少林、赵新杰、方 兰、季 鲁、张玉婷、游石头、李加蕾、张 旭、周铁戈、左 涛、岳宏卫 2008 57 519]
[12] Kim L, Kim J, Lee H, Jung D, Roh Y 2000 Thin Solid Films 360 154
[13] Schneidewind H, Manzel M, Bruchlos G, Kirsch K 2001 Supercon. Sci. Technol. 14 200
[1] Yan S L, Fang L, Song Q X, Yan J, Zhu Y P, Chen J H, Zhang S B 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 1845
[2] Yan S L, Fang L, Si M S, Cao H L, Song Q X, Yan J, Zhou X D, Hao J M 1994 Supercond. Sci. Tech. 7 681
[3] Yan S L, Fang L, Si M S, Wang J, Cao H L, Song Q X, Zhou X D 1996 Solid State Communications 98 723
[4] Yi C H, Hu F R, Zhang Q G, Chen Y F, Xu X P, Zheng D N 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3525 (in Chinese) [伊长虹、胡芳仁、张庆刚、陈莺飞、徐小平、郑东宁 2004 53 3525]
[5] Xie Q L, Yan S L, Fang L, Zhao X J, You S T, Zhang X, Zuo T, Zhou T G, Ji L, He M, Yue H W, Wang Z, Li J L, Zhang Y T 2008 Cryo. Supercond. 36 1(in Chinese) [谢清连、阎少林、方 兰、赵新杰、游石头、张 旭、左 涛、周铁戈、季 鲁、何 明、岳宏卫、王 争、李加蕾、张玉婷 2008 低温与超导 36 1]
[6] Yu Y D, Xie S S 1993 Acta Phys. Sin. 42 605 (in Chinese) [俞育德、解思深 1993 42 605]
[7] Xu X Y, Zhang X K, Fan D P, Jiang D M 1993 Acta Phys. Sin. 42 72 (in Chinese) [徐秀英、张杏奎、范德培、蒋冬梅 1993 42 72]
[8] Mazierska J, Wilker C 2001 IEEE Trans. Appl. Superconduct. 11 4140
[9] Speller S C, Wu H Z, Grovenor C R M 2003 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 13 2713
[10] Zhao X J, Ji L, Zhang C, Chen E, Zhou T G, Zhang X, Xie Q L, Li S, Li Y G, Zuo X, Fang L, Yan S L 2006 Journal of the Korean Physical Society 48 1143
[11] Xie Q L, Yan S L, Zhao X J, Fang L, Ji L, Zhang Y T, You S T, Li J L, Zhang X, Zhou T G, Zuo T, Yue H W 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 519 (in Chinese) [谢清连、阎少林、赵新杰、方 兰、季 鲁、张玉婷、游石头、李加蕾、张 旭、周铁戈、左 涛、岳宏卫 2008 57 519]
[12] Kim L, Kim J, Lee H, Jung D, Roh Y 2000 Thin Solid Films 360 154
[13] Schneidewind H, Manzel M, Bruchlos G, Kirsch K 2001 Supercon. Sci. Technol. 14 200
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