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徐爽 许晟瑞 王心颢 卢灏 刘旭 贠博祥 张雅超 张涛 张进成 郝跃



徐爽, 许晟瑞, 王心颢, 卢灏, 刘旭, 贠博祥, 张雅超, 张涛, 张进成, 郝跃

Dislocation reduction mechanism os GaN films on vicinal sapphire substrates

Xu Shuang, Xu Sheng-Rui, Wang Xin-Hao, Lu Hao, Liu Xu, Yun Bo-Xiang, Zhang Ya-Chao, Zhang Tao, Zhang Jin-Cheng, Hao Yue
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • GaN材料以其宽禁带、高击穿电场、高热导率、直接带隙等优势被广泛应用于光电子器件、大功率器件以及高频微波器件等方面. 由于GaN材料异质外延带来的大晶格失配和热失配问题, GaN在生长过程中会产生大量位错, 降低了GaN材料晶体质量, 导致器件性能难以进一步提升. 为此, 研究人员提出使用斜切衬底来降低位错密度, 但是关于斜切衬底上外延层的位错湮灭机制的研究还不充分. 所以, 本文采用金属有机化合物化学气相淀积技术在不同角度的斜切蓝宝石衬底上生长了GaN薄膜, 采用原子力显微镜、高分辨X射线衍射仪、光致发光测试、透射电子显微镜详细地分析了斜切衬底对GaN材料的影响. 斜切衬底可以显著降低GaN材料的位错密度, 但会导致其表面形貌发生退化. 并且衬底斜切角度越大, 样品的位错密度越低. 通过透射电子显微镜观察到了斜切衬底上特殊的位错终止现象, 这是斜切衬底降低位错密度的主要原因之一. 基于上述现象, 提出了斜切衬底上GaN生长模型, 解释了斜切衬底提高GaN晶体质量的原因.
    GaN materials are widely used in optoelectronic devices, high-power devices and high-frequency microwave devices because of their excellent characteristics, such as wide frequency band, high breakdown electric field, high thermal conductivity, and direct band gap. Owing to the large lattice mismatch and thermal mismatch brought by the heterogeneous epitaxy of GaN material, the GaN epitaxial layer will produce a great many dislocations in the growth process, resulting in the poor crystal quality of GaN material and the difficulty in further improving the device performance. Therefore, researchers have proposed the use of vicinal substrate to reduce the dislocation density of GaN material, but the dislocation annihilation mechanism in GaN film on vicinal substrate has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, in this paper, GaN thin films are grown on vicinal sapphire substrates at different angles by using metal organic chemical vapor deposition technique. Atomic force microscope, high resolution X-ray diffractometer, photoluminescence testing, and transmission electron microscopy are used to analyze in detail the effects of vicinal substrates on GaN materials. The use of vicinal substrates can significantly reduce the dislocation density of GaN materials, but lead to degradation of their surface morphology morphologies. And the larger the substrate vicinal angle, the lower the dislocation density of the sample is. The dislocation density of the sample with a 5º bevel cut on the substrate is reduced by about one-third compared to that of the sample with a flat substrate. The special dislocation termination on the mitered substrate is observed by transmission electron microscopy, which is one of the main reasons for the reducing the dislocation density on the mitered substrate. The step merging on the vicinal sapphire substrate surface leads to both transverse growth and longitudinal growth of GaN in the growth process. The transverse growth region blocks the dislocations, resulting in an abrupt interruption of the dislocations during propagation, which in turn reduces the dislocation density.Based on the above phenomena, a model of GaN growth on vicinal substrate is proposed to explain the reason why the quality of GaN crystal can be improved by vicinal substrate.
      通信作者: 许晟瑞, srxu@xidian.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(批准号: 2022YFB3604400)、国家自然科学基金(批准号: 62074120, 62134006)和中央高校基本科研业务费(批准号: JB211108)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Xu Sheng-Rui, srxu@xidian.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2022YFB3604400), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62074120, 62134006), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. JB211108).

    Morkoc H, Strite S, Gao G B, Lin M E, Sverdlov B, Burns M 1994 J. Appl. Phys. 76 1363Google Scholar


    Kneissl M, Seong T Y, Han J, Amano H 2019 Nat. Photonics 13 233Google Scholar


    郭海君, 段宝兴, 袁嵩, 谢慎隆, 杨银堂 2017 66 167301Google Scholar

    Guo H J, Duan B X, Yuan S, Xie S L, Yang Y T 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 167301Google Scholar


    武鹏, 张涛, 张进成, 郝跃 2022 71 158503Google Scholar

    Wu P, Zhang T, Zhang J C, Hao Y 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 158503Google Scholar


    Li G Q, Wang W L, Yang W J, Lin Y H, Wang H Y, Lin Z T, Zhou S Z 2016 Rep. Prog. Phys. 79 056501Google Scholar


    Jena D, Mishra U K 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 64Google Scholar


    刘成, 李明, 文章, 顾钊源, 杨明超, 刘卫华, 韩传余, 张勇, 耿莉, 郝跃 2022 71 057301Google Scholar

    Liu C, Li M, Wen Z, Gu Z Y, Yang M C, Liu W H, Han C Y, Zhang Y, Geng L, Hao Y 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 057301Google Scholar


    Zhou S J, Zhao X Y, Du P, Zhang Z Q, Liu X, Liu S, Guo A 2022 Nanoscale 14 4887Google Scholar


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    Zhao Y, Xu S R, Feng L S, Peng R S, Fan X M, Du J J, Su H K, Zhang J C, Hao Y 2022 Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 143 106535Google Scholar


    Ni Y Q, He Z Y, Zhou D Q, Yao Y, Yang F, Zhou G L, Shen Z, Zhong J, Zhen Y, Zhang B J, Liu Y 2015 Superlattices Microstruct. 83 811Google Scholar


    Fatemi M, Wickenden A E, Koleske D D, Twigg M E, Freitas J A, Henry R L, Gorman R J 1998 Appl. Phys. Lett. 73 608Google Scholar


    Shen X Q, Shimizu M, Okumura H 2003 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42 L1293Google Scholar


    Chang P C, Yu C L 2008 J. Electrochem. Soc. 155 H369Google Scholar


    Zhang H C, Sun Y, Song K, et al. 2022 Appl. Phys. Lett. 119 072104Google Scholar


    Fan X M, Bai J C, Xu S R, Zhang J C, Li P X, Peng R S, Zhao Y, Du J J, Shi X F, Hao Y 2018 Thin Solid Films 663 44Google Scholar


    Shen X Q, Matsuhata H, Okumura H 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 021912Google Scholar


    林志宇, 张进成, 许晟瑞, 吕玲, 刘子扬, 马俊彩, 薛晓咏, 薛军帅, 郝跃 2012 61 186103Google Scholar

    Lin Z Y, Zhang J C, Xu S R, Lü L, Liu Z Y, Ma J C, Xue X Y, Xue J S, Hao Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 186103Google Scholar


    Chuang R W, Yu C L, Chang S J, Chang P C, Lin J C, Kuan T M 2007 J. Cryst. Growth 308 252Google Scholar


    Xu Z H, Zhang J C, Zhang Z F, Zhu Q W, Duan H T, Hao Y 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 5457Google Scholar


    Sun H D, Mitra S, Subedi R C, et al. 2019 Adv. Funct. Mater. 29 1905445Google Scholar


    Zhang H C, Sun Y, Song K, Xing C, Yang L, Wang D H, Yu H B, Xiang X Q, Gao N, Xu G W, Sun H D, Long S B 2021 Appl. Phys. Lett. 119 072104Google Scholar


    Shen X Q, Furuta K, Nakamura N, Matsuhata H, Shimizu M, Okumura H 2007 J. Cryst. Growth 301 404Google Scholar


    Chierchia R, Bottcher T, Heinke H, Einfeldt S, Figge S, Hommel D 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 93 8918Google Scholar


    郝跃, 张金风, 张进成 2013 氮化物宽禁带半导体材料与电子器件(北京: 科学出版社) 第25页

    Hao Y, Zhang J F, Zhang J C 2013 Nitride Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Electronic Devices (Beijing: Science Press) p25


    Xu S R, Hao Y, Zhang J C, Jiang T, Yang L A, Lu X L, Lin Z Y 2013 Nano Lett. 13 3654Google Scholar


    Yu H B, Chen H, Li D S, Wang J, Xing Z G, Zheng X H, Huang Q, Zhou J M 2004 J. Cryst. Growth 266 455Google Scholar


    Lee J H, Lee D Y, Oh B W, Lee J H 2010 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 57 157Google Scholar


    Kong B H, Sun Q, Han J, Lee I H, Cho H K 2012 Appl. Surf. Sci. 258 2522Google Scholar


    Pakula K, Baranowski J M, Borysiuk J 2007 Cryst. Res. Technol. 42 1176Google Scholar


    Tao H C, Xu S R, Zhang J C, Su H K, Gao Y, Zhang Y C, Zhou H, Hao Y 2023 Opt. Express 31 20850Google Scholar

  • 图 1  四个样品的AFM测试图 (a) 样品A, RMS = 0.371 nm; (b) 样品B, RMS = 18.3 nm; (c) 样品C, RMS = 54.1 nm; (d) 样品D, RMS = 56.9 nm

    Fig. 1.  AFM images of four samples: (a) Sample A, RMS = 0.371 nm; (b) sample B, RMS = 18.3 nm; (c) sample C, RMS = 54.1 nm; (d) sample D, RMS = 56.9 nm.

    图 2  样品A, B, C, D的(002)面(a)和(102)面(b)的XRD摇摆曲线图

    Fig. 2.  XRD rocking curves of (002) (a) and (102) (b) of samples A, B, C and D.

    图 3  四个样品的室温下PL图(a)和局部放大图(b)

    Fig. 3.  PL images (a) and local enlarged images (b) of four samples at room temperature.

    图 4  样品D的TEM测试图 (a) g = [0002]; (b) $ g = $$ [ {11\bar 2 0} ] $

    Fig. 4.  TEM images of sample D: (a) g = [0002]; (b) $ g= $$ [ {11\bar 2 0} ] $.

    图 5  斜切衬底上GaN的生长过程及位错传播过程

    Fig. 5.  Growth process and dislocation spread of GaN on vicinal substrates.

    图 6  平面衬底上GaN的生长过程及位错传播过程

    Fig. 6.  Growth process and dislocation spread of GaN on planar substrates.

    表 1  样品A, B, C, D的RC曲线FWHM值和位错密度

    Table 1.  FWHM values and dislocation density of RC curves of samples A, B, C and D.

    样品 (002)面
    密度/(107 cm–2)
    密度/(108 cm–2)
    密度/(108 cm–2)
    Sample A 235 282 11.0 4.20 5.30
    Sample B 221 274 9.76 3.97 4.94
    Sample C 196 251 7.69 3.33 4.11
    Sample D 165 240 5.47 3.07 3.62
    下载: 导出CSV
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    Morkoc H, Strite S, Gao G B, Lin M E, Sverdlov B, Burns M 1994 J. Appl. Phys. 76 1363Google Scholar


    Kneissl M, Seong T Y, Han J, Amano H 2019 Nat. Photonics 13 233Google Scholar


    郭海君, 段宝兴, 袁嵩, 谢慎隆, 杨银堂 2017 66 167301Google Scholar

    Guo H J, Duan B X, Yuan S, Xie S L, Yang Y T 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 167301Google Scholar


    武鹏, 张涛, 张进成, 郝跃 2022 71 158503Google Scholar

    Wu P, Zhang T, Zhang J C, Hao Y 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 158503Google Scholar


    Li G Q, Wang W L, Yang W J, Lin Y H, Wang H Y, Lin Z T, Zhou S Z 2016 Rep. Prog. Phys. 79 056501Google Scholar


    Jena D, Mishra U K 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 64Google Scholar


    刘成, 李明, 文章, 顾钊源, 杨明超, 刘卫华, 韩传余, 张勇, 耿莉, 郝跃 2022 71 057301Google Scholar

    Liu C, Li M, Wen Z, Gu Z Y, Yang M C, Liu W H, Han C Y, Zhang Y, Geng L, Hao Y 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 057301Google Scholar


    Zhou S J, Zhao X Y, Du P, Zhang Z Q, Liu X, Liu S, Guo A 2022 Nanoscale 14 4887Google Scholar


    Kung P, Walker D, Hamilton N, Diaz J, Razeghi M 1999 Appl. Phys. Lett. 74 570Google Scholar


    Zhao Y, Xu S R, Feng L S, Peng R S, Fan X M, Du J J, Su H K, Zhang J C, Hao Y 2022 Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 143 106535Google Scholar


    Ni Y Q, He Z Y, Zhou D Q, Yao Y, Yang F, Zhou G L, Shen Z, Zhong J, Zhen Y, Zhang B J, Liu Y 2015 Superlattices Microstruct. 83 811Google Scholar


    Fatemi M, Wickenden A E, Koleske D D, Twigg M E, Freitas J A, Henry R L, Gorman R J 1998 Appl. Phys. Lett. 73 608Google Scholar


    Shen X Q, Shimizu M, Okumura H 2003 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42 L1293Google Scholar


    Chang P C, Yu C L 2008 J. Electrochem. Soc. 155 H369Google Scholar


    Zhang H C, Sun Y, Song K, et al. 2022 Appl. Phys. Lett. 119 072104Google Scholar


    Fan X M, Bai J C, Xu S R, Zhang J C, Li P X, Peng R S, Zhao Y, Du J J, Shi X F, Hao Y 2018 Thin Solid Films 663 44Google Scholar


    Shen X Q, Matsuhata H, Okumura H 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 021912Google Scholar


    林志宇, 张进成, 许晟瑞, 吕玲, 刘子扬, 马俊彩, 薛晓咏, 薛军帅, 郝跃 2012 61 186103Google Scholar

    Lin Z Y, Zhang J C, Xu S R, Lü L, Liu Z Y, Ma J C, Xue X Y, Xue J S, Hao Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 186103Google Scholar


    Chuang R W, Yu C L, Chang S J, Chang P C, Lin J C, Kuan T M 2007 J. Cryst. Growth 308 252Google Scholar


    Xu Z H, Zhang J C, Zhang Z F, Zhu Q W, Duan H T, Hao Y 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 5457Google Scholar


    Sun H D, Mitra S, Subedi R C, et al. 2019 Adv. Funct. Mater. 29 1905445Google Scholar


    Zhang H C, Sun Y, Song K, Xing C, Yang L, Wang D H, Yu H B, Xiang X Q, Gao N, Xu G W, Sun H D, Long S B 2021 Appl. Phys. Lett. 119 072104Google Scholar


    Shen X Q, Furuta K, Nakamura N, Matsuhata H, Shimizu M, Okumura H 2007 J. Cryst. Growth 301 404Google Scholar


    Chierchia R, Bottcher T, Heinke H, Einfeldt S, Figge S, Hommel D 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 93 8918Google Scholar


    郝跃, 张金风, 张进成 2013 氮化物宽禁带半导体材料与电子器件(北京: 科学出版社) 第25页

    Hao Y, Zhang J F, Zhang J C 2013 Nitride Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Electronic Devices (Beijing: Science Press) p25


    Xu S R, Hao Y, Zhang J C, Jiang T, Yang L A, Lu X L, Lin Z Y 2013 Nano Lett. 13 3654Google Scholar


    Yu H B, Chen H, Li D S, Wang J, Xing Z G, Zheng X H, Huang Q, Zhou J M 2004 J. Cryst. Growth 266 455Google Scholar


    Lee J H, Lee D Y, Oh B W, Lee J H 2010 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 57 157Google Scholar


    Kong B H, Sun Q, Han J, Lee I H, Cho H K 2012 Appl. Surf. Sci. 258 2522Google Scholar


    Pakula K, Baranowski J M, Borysiuk J 2007 Cryst. Res. Technol. 42 1176Google Scholar


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