在玻恩近似下,建立了高能电子与原子、离于非弹性碰撞过程的相对论性理论计算方法,并以类Li等电子系列为例,阐明了电子与原子、离子非弹性碰撞过程的相对论效应.它包括:1.靶原子的相对论效应,它随原子序数的增加而增大.低z靶(如Li)的相对论效应可以忽略;对Au~(+76)靶的2_3—3p跃迁,广义振子强度相对论性计算值比相应的非相对论性值小27.1%.2.入射电子的相对论效应,它随入射电子能量的增加而增大.对高能入射电子,在特殊角度,要考虑广义振子强度横场项对微分截面的影响.在极端相对论情况下,如入射电子动能Based on relativistic Born approximation theory, we have calculated the relati-vistic and non-relativistic generalized oscillator strengthes (GOS) of the Li-liks iso-electron sequence. The difference between the two calculations shows the relativistic effect of both the target and impact electron in the inelastic collision process. For low Z target (e.g. Li), the relativistic effect is negligible. For the 2s?p transition of Au+76, the relativistic GOS is 27.1% smaller than the non-relativistic one. At high impact energy, the contribution of transverse term of GOS to the differential cross section is important at certain angle. At extremely high impact energy (e.g. 106, 107eV), the transverse term of GOS becomes dominant at forward small angle and such forward peak makes overwhelming contribution to the totalinelastic cross section.
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