传统冯·诺依曼计算机在并行性计算和自适应学习方面效率较低, 无法满足当前飞速发展的信息技术对高效、高速计算的迫切需求. 受脑启发的神经形态计算具有高度并行性、超低功耗等优势, 被认为是打破传统计算机局限性, 实现新一代人工智能的理想途径. 神经形态器件是实施神经形态计算的硬件载体, 是构建神经形态芯片的关键. 与此同时, 人类视觉系统与光遗传学的发展为神经形态器件的研究提供了新的思路. 新兴的光电神经形态器件结合了光子学与电子学各自的优势, 在神经形态计算领域展露出巨大潜力, 受到了国内外研究人员广泛关注. 本文对光电神经形态器件及其应用的最新研究进行了总结. 首先综述了人工光电突触与人工光电神经元, 内容包括器件结构、工作机制以及神经形态功能模拟等方面. 然后, 对光电神经形态器件在人工视觉系统、人工感知系统、神经形态计算等领域中的潜在应用作了阐述. 最后, 总结了当前光电神经形态器件所面临的挑战, 并对其未来的发展方向进行了展望.Conventional computers based on the von Neumann architecture are inefficient in parallel computing and self-adaptive learning, and therefore cannot meet the rapid development of information technology that needs efficient and high-speed computing. Owing to the unique advantages such as high parallelism and ultralow power consumption, bioinspired neuromorphic computing can have the capability of breaking through the bottlenecks of conventional computers and is now considered as an ideal option to realize the next-generation artificial intelligence. As the hardware carriers that allow the implementing of neuromorphic computing, neuromorphic devices are very critical in building neuromorphic chips. Meanwhile, the development of human visual systems and optogenetics also provides a new insight into how to study neuromorphic devices. The emerging optoelectronic neuromorphic devices feature the unique advantages of photonics and electronics, showing great potential in the neuromorphic computing field and attracting more and more attention of the scientists. In view of these, the main purpose of this review is to disclose the recent research advances in optoelectronic neuromorphic devices and the prospects of their practical applications. We first review the artificial optoelectronic synapses and neurons, including device structural features, working mechanisms, and neuromorphic simulation functions. Then, we introduce the applications of optoelectronic neuromorphic devices particularly suitable for the fields including artificial vision systems, artificial perception systems, and neuromorphic computing. Finally, we summarize the challenges to the optoelectronic neuromorphic devices, which we are facing now, and present some perspectives about their development directions in the future.
- optoelectronic neuromorphic devices /
- optoelectronic synapse /
- optoelectronic neuron /
- neuromorphic computing
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图 2 (a) 生物神经元和突触结构示意图; (b) 生物神经元随不同神经递质信号产生的膜电位变化, 其中, 黑线、红线和蓝线分别表示神经元动作电位、兴奋性突触后电位和抑制性突触后电位[47]
Fig. 2. (a) Schematic illustration of the structure of biological neurons and synapses; (b) membrane potential of biological neurons with different neurotransmitter signals, where the black, red and blue curves denote the neuronal action potential, excitatory post-synaptic potential, and inhibitory post-synaptic potential respectively[47].
图 3 基于忆阻器实现的光电协同型突触器件 (a) 基于ITO/ZnO1–x/AlOy/Al的忆阻器件结构示意图, 插图为器件横截面的透射电子显微镜 (TEM) 图像[27]; (b) EPSC随刺激脉冲发生的光增强与电抑制过程[27]; (c) 基于MAPbI3的平面型忆阻器结构示意图; (d) 光照抑制碘空位形成和加速碘空位湮灭的过程[28]; (e) 基于MAPbI3的平面型忆阻器在黑暗与光照条件 (可见光, 1.29 μW/cm2) 下的LTP与LTD行为[28]; (f) 基于MAPbI3的垂直型忆阻器结构示意图[29]; (g) 基于MAPbI3的垂直型忆阻器在光照下内部工作机制示意图[29]; (h) 基于MAPbI3的垂直型忆阻器在光照与黑暗条件下的电增强与电抑制过程[29]; (i) 基于InAs量子点的光电忆阻器结构示意图[63]; (j) 基于InAs量子点的光电忆阻器电导在电压辅助下的光增强与光抑制过程[63]
Fig. 3. Optoelectronic cooperative synaptic devices based on memristor: (a) Structural illustration of memristive device based on ITO/ZnO1–x/AlOy/Al, and the corresponding transmission electron microscope (TEM) image [27]; (b) photonic potentiation and electrical depression of stimulated pulses-dependent EPSC[27]; (c) structural illustration of planar memristor based on MAPbI3[28]; (d) schematic illustration for illustrating how the light inhibits the formation (upper) and accelerates the annihilation (down) of iodine-related vacancies[28]; (e) LTP and LTD behaviors of planar memristor based on MAPbI3 under dark condition and upon illumination with a visible light at a power output of 1.29 μW/cm2, respectively[28]; (f) structural illustration of MAPbI3-based vertical memristor[29]; (g) schematic illustration of the working mechanism of MAPbI3-based vertical memristor under light illumination[29]; (h) dependence of electrical potentiation and depression of MAPbI3-based vertical memristor on electrical pulses under dark and light illumination conditions[29]; (i) structural illustration of InAs quantum dots (QDs)-based optoelectronic memristor[63]; (j) photonic potentiation and depression of the conductance of InAs QDs-based optoelectronic memristor with the assistance of voltage[63].
图 4 基于忆阻器实现的全光型突触器件 (a) 基于IGZO全光控忆阻器的工作模式[30]; (b) 基于IGZO全光控忆阻器电导可逆调控特性及循环稳定性[30]; (c) 基于IGZO全光控忆阻器的电导态保持特性, 分别通过光SET和光RESET获得[30]; (d) 基于Ag-TiO2纳米复合材料的忆阻器在可见光刺激下产生的LTP行为[64]; (e) 基于Ag-TiO2纳米复合材料的忆阻器在紫外光刺激下产生的LTD行为[64]
Fig. 4. All-optical synaptic devices based on memristor: (a) Working mode of all-optically controlled memristor based on IGZO[30]; (b) reversible regulation characteristics of conductance (upper) and cycle stability (down) [30]; (c) retention characteristics of memconductance states after optical SET (upper) and optical RESET (down) operations[30]; visible light-induced LTP (d) and UV light-induced LTD (e) of the Ag-TiO2 nanocomposite-based memristor[64].
图 5 光电协同型突触晶体管 (a) 基于MoSe2/Bi2Se3光电晶体管的器件结构[31]; (b) 在0.15 mW/cm2 (i) 和1.65 mW/cm2 (ii) 功率密度的光脉冲刺激下突触后电流的变化[31]; (c) 基于MoSe2/Bi2Se3光电晶体管电导的光增强与电抑制过程[31]; (d) 基于Gr-PQDs的光电晶体管在黑暗与光照(440 nm)条件下的输出特性曲线, 插图为光电晶体管的示意图[32]; (e) 基于Gr-PQDs光电晶体管在光激发 (i) 与光栅效应 (ii) 下的能级图, 其中VB和CB分别表示价带与导带[32]; (f) 基于Gr-PQDs光电晶体管在光电协同作用下的LTP与LTD行为[32]
Fig. 5. Optoelectronic cooperative synaptic transistors: (a) Schematic illustration of the structure of MoSe2/Bi2Se3-based phototransistor[31]; (b) dependence of the change of post-synaptic current on the time after continuously stimulating with the photonic pulses at the light intensity of 0.15 mW/cm2 (i) and 1.65 mW/cm2 (ii) [31]; (c) photonic potentiation and electrical depression of the conductance of MoSe2/Bi2Se3-based phototransistor[31]; (d) output characteristic curve of the Gr-PQDs-based phototransistor under dark condition and 440 nm light illustration, where the phototransistor structure, as seen in the inset, is also given here[32]; (e) schematic illustration of the energy band diagram for Gr-PQDs-based phototransistor under consideration of photoexcitation (i) and photogating effect (ii), where the VB and CB denote valence band and conduction band, respectively[32]; (f) LTP and LTD behaviors of Gr-PQDs-based phototransistor under optoelectronic cooperation[32].
图 6 全光型突触晶体管 (a) BP基光电晶体管结构示意图[33]; (b), (c) BP基光电晶体管在280 nm与365 nm波长光脉冲刺激下的光电响应[33]; (d) BP基光电晶体管LTP与LTD突触行为模拟[33]; (e) Pyr-GDY/Gr/PbS-QD基光电晶体管结构示意图[34]; (f) Pyr-GDY/Gr/PbS-QD基光电晶体管在450 nm与980 nm波长光照射下的能带图[34]; (g) Pyr-GDY/Gr/PbS-QD基光电晶体管LTP与LTD突触行为模拟[34]
Fig. 6. All-optically controlled synaptic transistors: (a) Schematic illustration of the structure of fully light-controlled optoelectronic transistor based on BP[33]; (b), (c) optoelectronic response of BP-based optoelectronic transistor upon stimulation with 280 nm (b) and 365 nm (c) light pulses[33]; (d) LTP and LTD behaviors of BP-based optoelectronic transistor upon stimulation with 280 nm and 365 nm light pulses[33]; (e) schematic illustration of the structure of Pyr-GDY/Gr/PbS-QDs-based optoelectronic transistor[34]; (f) mechanistic illustration for the bandgap change of Pyr-GDY/Gr/PbS-QD-based optoelectronic transistor upon illumination with the light wavelengths of 450 nm (left) and 980 nm (right) [34]; (g) LTP and LTD behaviors of the Pyr-GDY/Gr/PbS-QD-based optoelectronic transistor[34].
图 7 (a) Bi2O2Se/Gr基突触结构图[72]; (b) Bi2O2Se/Gr基突触在红光 (i) 和紫外光 (ii) 照射下的能带图[72]; (c) Bi2O2Se/Gr基突触在红光和紫外光照射下的突触后电流[72]; (d) Bi2O2Se/Gr基突触在同样的红光和紫光光脉冲下实现突触LTP与LTD行为模拟[72]; (e) Gr/MoS2基突触结构图, 其中插图为光电晶体管的扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 图像[39]; (f) Gr/MoS2基突触与TENG分离状态 (i) 与接触状态 (ii) 的工作原理及相应的能带图[39]; (g) VTENG随位移变化曲线, 其中插图为VTENG输出的等效电路图[39]; (h) Gr/MoS2基的突触在光脉冲与TENG位移脉冲共同作用下实现的电流增加与降低过程[39]
Fig. 7. (a) Structural illustration of synaptic device based on Bi2O2Se/Gr heterojunction[72]; (b) mechanism illustration for the bandgap change of this Bi2O2Se/Gr-based synaptic device upon illumination with red (i) and UV light (ii), along with the corresponding post-synaptic current (c) as well as LTP and LTD behaviors (d) stimulated by the same red and UV light [72]; (e) schematic illustration of the structure of artificial synapse based on Gr/MoS2 heterostructure and the scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a phototransistor (inset) [39]; (f) working mechanistic principle and the corresponding bandgap illustration for this artificial synapse based on Gr/MoS2 heterostructure at (i) separation state and (ii) contact state with TENG[39]; (g) dependence of the variation of VTENG value on the displacement, together with the equivalent circuit illustration for VTENG output (inset) [39]; (h) current depression and potentiation of the artificial synapse based on Gr/MoS2 heterojunction[39].
图 9 光电神经元器件 (a) 硅基光电神经元的TEM图[23]; (b) 神经元器件在加光与撤光条件下的光电响应[23]; (c) 神经元器件在不同功率光照射下的光电响应[23]; (d) 基于 IGZO4紫外传感器和NbOx振荡器的人工视觉神经元结构示意图[41]; (e) 人工视觉神经元在不同光照下的工作模式示意图[41]; (f) 人工视觉神经元在黑暗和不同波长紫外光照射件下的4种发射行为[41]
Fig. 9. Optoelectronic neuron devices: (a) TEM image of silicon-based optoelectronic neuron[23]; (b) optoelectronic response of neuron under light ON and light OFF[23]; (c) optoelectronic response of neuron upon stimulation with different light intensity[23]; (d) structural illustration for artificial visual neuron composed of IGZO4-based UV sensor and NbOx-based oscillator[41]; (e) working mode of artificial visual neuron under different light illumination[41]; (f) four different firing behaviors of artificial visual neuron in dark and upon stimulation with different wavelength UV light[41].
图 10 光电神经形态器件在人工视觉系统中的应用 (a) 由In2O3基图像传感器与Al2O3基阻变存储器构建的人工视觉系统[79]; (b) 具有明适应与暗适应功能的人工视觉系统[80]; (c) 具有颜色识别功能的h-BN/WSe2基光电突触器件[16]; (d) MoOx 基ORRAM结构示意图, 其中插图为器件横截面的SEM图[83]; (e) 基于ORRAM阵列构建的人工视觉系统[83]; (f) 基于二维WSe2的光电二极管结构示意图[17]; (g) 基于WSe2光电二极管实现的分类器与自编码器应用[17]
Fig. 10. Optoelectronic neuromorphic devices for artificial vision system: (a) Artificial vision system integrated by image sensor based on In2O3 and resistive random access memory based on Al2O3[79]; (b) artificial visual system having the functions of light and dark adaptation[80]; (c) h-BN/WSe2 heterojunction-based optoelectronic synaptic device with the function of color recognition[16]; (d) schematic illustration for ORRAM structure based on Pd/MoOx/ITO, in which the inset shows the SEM image of the cross section of the device[83]; (e) artificial vision system constructed by ORRAM array[83]; (f) schematic illustration of photodiode based on two-dimensional (2 D) WSe2 materials[17]; (g) applications of 2D WSe2-based photodiode for classifier and autoencoder[17].
图 11 光电神经形态器件在人工感知系统中的应用 (a) 由压力传感器与光电突触组成的人工神经系统[88]; (b) 由光电二极管、突触晶体管以及机械臂组成的控制系统[89]
Fig. 11. Optoelectronic neuromorphic devices for artificial sensing system: (a) Artificial system composed of pressure sensors and optoelectronic synapses[88]; (b) control system composed of photodiodes, synaptic transistors and robotic arms[89].
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Fig. 12. Nonassociative learning based on optoelectronic neuromorphic devices: (a) Simulation of habituation and sensitization behaviors using the MoS2-based optoelectronic memristor[95]; (b) simulation of sensitization behavior using the ZnO-based optoelectronic device[78].
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Fig. 14. STDP learning rules based on optoelectronic neuromorphic devices: (a) Four STDP learning rules based on ReSe2/h-BN/Gr phototransistors[43]; (b) STDP learning rules based on all-optically controlled memristor[30].
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