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王丽 温德奇 田崇彪 宋远红 王友年



王丽, 温德奇, 田崇彪, 宋远红, 王友年

Electron heating dynamics and plasma parameters control in capacitively coupled plasma

Wang Li, Wen De-Qi, Tian Chong-Biao, Song Yuan-Hong, Wang You-Nian
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 容性耦合等离子体放电因在工业界有重要的应用价值而受到广泛关注. 对于容性耦合等离子体放电的研究主要集中于对等离子体参数的控制, 以实现更好的工艺效果, 例如高深宽比刻蚀等. 而关于等离子体参数的调控主要分为气体、腔室以及源这三个方面. 改变这些外部参数, 可以直接影响鞘层的动力学过程以及带电粒子的加热过程, 进而实现对电子和离子能量、通量, 等离子体均匀性, 中性基团的密度等的控制, 最终提高工艺质量和生产效率. 本文梳理了近些年容性耦合等离子体研究的几个主要方向, 尤其对等离子体放电中非常基础且重要的电子加热动力学问题进行了详尽的讨论, 并重点介绍了一些通过外部放电参数调控容性耦合等离子体放电的手段和相关的研究热点.
    Capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) has gain wide attention due to its important applications in industry. The researches of CCP mainly focus on the discharge characteristics and plasma parameters under different discharge conditions to obtain a good understanding of the discharge, find good methods of controlling the charged particle properties, and improve the process performance and efficiency. The controlling of plasma parameters is based on the following three aspects: gas, chamber, and power source. Changing these discharge conditions can directly influence the sheath dynamics and the charged particle heating process, which can further influence the electron and ion distribution functions, the plasma uniformity, and the production of neutral particles, etc. Based on a review of the recent years’ researches of CCP, the electron heating dynamics and several common methods of controlling the plasma parameters, i.e. voltage waveform tailoring, realistic secondary electron emission, and magnetized capacitively coupled plasma are introduced and discussed in detail in this work.
      通信作者: 宋远红, songyh@dlut.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12020101005, 11975067)和国家留学基金管理委员会(批准号: 201906060024)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Song Yuan-Hong, songyh@dlut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12020101005, 11975067) and the China Scholarship Council (Grant No. 201906060024)

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  • 图 1  容性耦合等离子体源重点内容结构图

    Fig. 1.  Important elements related to capacitively coupled plasma source.

    图 2  CCP放电中等离子体参数控制重点内容结构图

    Fig. 2.  Important elements related to plasma parameter control in CCP discharge.

    图 3  (a) 几何对称CCP放电腔室结构; (b) 几何非对称CCP放电腔室结构

    Fig. 3.  (a) Schematics of geometrically symmetric CCP discharge; (b) schematics of geometrically asymmetric CCP discharge.

    图 4  PIC/MCC模拟流程图

    Fig. 4.  Flow chart of the PIC/MCC simulation.

    图 5  (a) 时空分布的电子碰撞电离图; (b) 电场图; (c) 电子密度图. 放电条件: 四氟化碳气体, L = 1.5 cm, P = 90 Pa, f = 40 MHz, 功率20 W, 单频波[79]

    Fig. 5.  Spatio-temporal plots of the ionization rate (a), electric field (b) and electron density (c). The discharge conditions are: CF4 gas, L = 1.5 cm, P = 90 Pa, f = 40 MHz, single frequency voltage waveform with a power 20 W[79].

    图 6  (a) CF4放电中, 实验测得电子碰撞激发速率的时空分布图; (b) PIC/MCC模拟的电子碰撞电离速率时空分布图. 放电条件: L = 1.5 cm, P = 100 Pa, f = 8 MHz, V0 = 300 V[49]

    Fig. 6.  (a) Spatio-temporal plots of the exitation rate from experiment; (b) ionization rate from PIC/MCC simulations. The discharge conditions: CF4 gas, L = 1.5 cm, P = 100 Pa, f = 8 MHz, V0 = 300 V[49].

    图 7  时空分布的电子碰撞解离速率图(第一列); 电子碰撞电离速率图(第二列); 电场图(第三列); 净电荷密度图(第四列)和电子吸收功率图(第五列); 放电条件: 氧气, L = 3 cm, P = 40 Pa, f = 6 MHz, V0 = 200 V[80]

    Fig. 7.  Spatio-temporal plots of the dissociation rate (first column), ionization rate (second column), electric field (third column), charge density (fourth column), and electron power absorption rate (fifth column). The discharge conditions: oxygen gas, L = 3 cm, P = 40 Pa, f = 6 MHz, V0 = 200 V[80].

    图 8  (a) 放电中心位置的电流密度图; (b) 功率源极板鞘层电压图; (c) 鞘层电压的傅里叶分析图. 放电条件: 氩气, L = 2 cm, P = 20 mTorr, f = 13.56 MHz, Δτ = 6 ns, V0 = 400 V, 高斯波形

    Fig. 8.  (a) Current density at the discharge center; (b) voltage drop of the sheath at the powered electrode; (c) the Fourier spectrum of the sheath voltage at the powered electrode. Discharge conditions: Ar gas, L = 2 cm, P = 20 mTorr, f = 13.56 MHz, Δτ = 6 ns, V0 = 400 V, Gaussian waveform.

    图 9  时空分布的(a)电场图、(b) 电子吸收功率图、(c) 电子碰撞激发率图. 放电条件: L = 2 cm, P = 20 mTorr, f = 13.56 MHz, Δτ = 6 ns, V0 = 400 V, 高斯波形

    Fig. 9.  Spatio-temporal plots of electric field (a), electron power absorption (b), and ionization rate (c). Discharge conditions: Argon gas, L = 2 cm, P = 20 mTorr, f = 13.56 MHz, Δτ = 6 ns, V0 = 400 V, Gaussian waveform.

    图 10  PIC/MCC及玻尔兹曼分析模型给出的t/TRF = 0.5时, 磁场为0 G (a) 和200 G (b) 时接地极板附近电场的空间分布图. 放电条件: 氧气, L = 2.5 cm, P = 100 mTorr, f = 13.56 MHz, V0 = 300 V[15]

    Fig. 10.  Spatial distribution of the electric field near the grounded electrode from the PIC/MCC simulation and Boltzmann term analysis model at the time t/TRF = 0.5 at B = 0 G (a) and B = 200 G (b). Discharge conditions: oxygen gas, L = 2.5 cm, P = 100 mTorr, f = 13.56 MHz, V0 = 300 V[15].

    图 11  模拟、实验及模型给出的归一化的直流自偏压随相位角的变化图. 放电条件: L = 2.5 cm, P = 10 Pa, f = 13.56 MHz, V0 = 150 V[116]

    Fig. 11.  Normalized DC self-bias as a function of the phase angle from experiments, simulations and models. Discharge conditions: L = 2.5 cm, P = 10 Pa, f = 13.56 MHz, V0 = 150 V[116].

    图 12  不同相位角下, 功率极板上的氩离子能量分布. 放电条件: L = 2.5 cm, P = 103 mTorr, f1 = 13.56 MHz, f2 = 27.12 MHz, V0 = 150 V[117]

    Fig. 12.  Ion energy distribution at the powered electrode as a function of the phase angle. Discharge conditions: L = 2.5 cm, P = 103 mTorr, f1 = 13.56 MHz, f2 = 27.12 MHz, V0 = 150 V[117].

    图 13  在103和30 mTorr下, 不同相位角下氩气及氧气放电中功率极板上的离子通量. 放电条件: L = 2.5 cm, f = 13.56 MHz, V0 = 150 V[117]

    Fig. 13.  Ion flux at the powered electrode as a function of the phase angle in argon and oxygen discharge at 103 and 30 mTorr. Other discharge conditions: L = 2.5 cm, f =13.56 MHz, V0 = 150 V[117].

    图 14  随相位角的变化, 电子密度空间分布图. 放电条件: P = 200 mTorr, f = 13.56 MHz, V0 = 100 V, 两个半径为15 cm的平行板电极, 电极间隙为3 cm, 电极和侧壁之间的距离为5 cm[123]

    Fig. 14.  Spatial distributions of the electron density at different phase angles. Discharge conditions: P = 200 mTorr, f = 13.56 MHz, V0 = 100 V; the discharge is two plane and parallel electrodes with radii of 15 cm; the electrode gap is 3 cm, and the distance between electrodes and side-walls is 5 cm[123].

    图 15  不同电压下, A和B两种情况下离子密度峰值及其比值, 其中情况A为两个极板材料都是铜; 情况B为功率电极材料为二氧化硅, 接地电极材料为铜; 放电条件: 氩气, L = 4.0 cm, P = 2.0 Pa, f = 13.56 MHz[138]

    Fig. 15.  Peak electron density in case A and case B and the peak density ratio as a function of the driving voltage amplitude. In case A, the surface material is Cu for both the powered and grounded electrode. In case B, the powered electrode is made of SiO2, while the grounded electrode is made of Cu. Discharge conditions: Argon gas, L = 4 cm, P = 2.0 Pa, f = 13.56 MHz[138].

    图 16  时空分布的电场图(第一行)、电子功率吸收功率图(第二行)和电离速率图(第三行); 在磁场B = 0 G (第一列)、B = 50 G (第二列)、B = 100 G (第三列)和B = 200 G (第四列)下的时空分布图. 放电条件: 氧气, L = 2.5 cm, P = 100 mTorr, f = 13.56 MHz, V0 = 300 V[15]

    Fig. 16.  Spatio-temporal plots of the electric field (first row), electron power absorption rate (second row), and ionization rate (third row) at B = 0, 50, 100, 200 G. Discharge conditions: oxygen gas, L = 2.5 cm, P = 100 mTorr, f = 13.56 MHz, V0 = 300 V[15].

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