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张解放 金美贞



张解放, 金美贞

Excitation of rogue waves of Fokas system

Zhang Jie-Fang, Jin Mei-Zhen
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • Fokas系统是最简单的二维空间非线性演化模型. 本文首先研究一种相似变换将该系统转换为长波-短波共振模型形式; 然后基于该相似变换和已知的长波-短波共振模型的有理形式解, 通过选择空间变量y的待定函数为Hermite函数, 得到了Fokas系统的一个有理函数表示的严格解析解; 进而选定合适自由参数给出了Fokas系统丰富的二维怪波激发, 并可对二维怪波的形状和幅度进行有效控制; 最后借助图示展现了二维怪波的传播特征. 本文提出的构造Fokas系统二维怪波的途径可以作为一种激发二维怪波现象的潜在物理机制, 并推广应用于其他(2 + 1)维非线性局域或非局域模型.
    Rogue wave (RW) is one of the most fascinating phenomena in nature and has been observed recently in nonlinear optics and water wave tanks. It is considered as a large and spontaneous nonlinear wave and seems to appear from nowhere and disappear without a trace. The Fokas system is the simplest two-dimensional nonlinear evolution model. In this paper, we firstly study a similarity transformation for transforming the system into a long wave-short wave resonance model. Secondly, based on the similarity transformation and the known rational form solution of the long-wave-short-wave resonance model, we give the explicit expressions of the rational function form solutions by means of an undetermined function of the spatial variable y, which is selected as the Hermite function. Finally, we investigate the rich two-dimensional rogue wave excitation and discuss the control of its amplitude and shape, and reveal the propagation characteristics of two-dimensional rogue wave through graphical representation under choosing appropriate free parameter. The results show that the two-dimensional rogue wave structure is controlled by four parameters: ${\rho _0},\;n,\;k,\;{\rm{and}}\;\omega \left( {{\rm{or}}\;\alpha } \right)$. The parameter $ {\rho _0}$ controls directly the amplitude of the two-dimensional rogue wave, and the larger the value of $ {\rho _0}$, the greater the amplitude of the amplitude of the two-dimensional rogue wave is. The peak number of the two-dimensional rogue wave in the $(x,\;y)$ and $(y,\;t)$ plane depends on merely the parameter n but not on the parameter k. When $n = 0,\;1,\;2, \cdots$, only single peak appears in the $(x,\;t)$ plane, but single peak, two peaks to three peaks appear in the $(x,\;y)$ and $(y,\;t)$ plane, respectively, for the two-dimensional rogue wave of Fokas system. We can find that the two-dimensional rogue wave occurs from the zero background in the $(x,\;t)$ plane, but the two-dimensional rogue wave appears from the line solitons in the $(x,\;y)$ plane and $(y,\;t)$ plane.It is worth pointing out that the rogue wave obtained here can be used to describe the possible physical mechanism of rogue wave phenomenon, and may have potential applications in other (2 + 1)-dimensional nonlinear local or nonlocal models.
      通信作者: 张解放, Zhangjief@cuz.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61877053)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Zhang Jie-Fang, Zhangjief@cuz.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61877053)

    Pelinovsky E and Kharf C 2008 Extreme Ocean Waves (Berlin: Springer)


    Solli R, Ropers C, Koonath P, Jalali B 2007 Nature 450 1054Google Scholar


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    Zamora M. J, Garbin B, Barland S, Giudici M, Rios Leite J R, Masoller C, Tredicce J R 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 035802Google Scholar


    Lecaplain C, Grelu P, Soto Crespo J M, Akhmediev N 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 233901Google Scholar


    Buccoliero D, Steffensen H, Ebendorff Heidepriem H, Monro T M, Bang O 2011 Opt. Express 19 17973Google Scholar


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    Hammani K, Finot C 2012 Opt. Fiber Technol. 18 93Google Scholar


    Majus D, Jukna V, Valiulis G, Faccio D, Dubietis A 2011 Phys. Rev. A 83 025802Google Scholar


    Hammani K, Finot C, Millot G 2009 Opt. Lett. 34 1138Google Scholar


    Antikainen A, Erkintalo M, Dudley J M, Genty G 2012 Nonlinearity 25 73Google Scholar


    Akhmediev N, Dudley J M, Solli D R, Turitsyn S K 2013 J. Opt. 15 060201Google Scholar


    Chabchoub A, Hoffmann N P, Akhmediev N 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 204502Google Scholar


    Bailung H, Sharma S K, Nakamura Y 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 255005Google Scholar


    Randoux S, Suret P 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 500Google Scholar


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    李再东, 郭奇奇 2020 69 017501Google Scholar

    Li Z D and Guo Q Q 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 017501Google Scholar


    陈智敏, 段文山 2020 69 014701Google Scholar

    Chen Z M, Duan W S 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 014701Google Scholar


    李淑青, 杨光晔, 李禄 2014 63 104215Google Scholar

    Li S Q, Yang G Y, Li L 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 104215Google Scholar


    张解放, 戴朝卿 2016 65 050501Google Scholar

    Zhang J F, Dai C Q 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 050501Google Scholar


    胡文成, 张解放, 赵辟, 楼吉辉 2013 62 024216Google Scholar

    Hu W C, Zhang J F, Zhao B, Lou J H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 024216Google Scholar


    Fokas A S 1994 Inverse Problems 10 19Google Scholar


    Chen J C, Chen Y 2014 J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 21 454Google Scholar


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    Estévez P G 1999 J. Math. Phys. 40 1406Google Scholar


    Rao J G, Wang L H, Zhang Y, He J S 2015 Commun. Theor. Phys. 64 605Google Scholar


    Chen T T, Hu P Y, He J S 2019 Commun. Theor. Phys. 71 496Google Scholar


    Rao J G, Mihalacheb D, Cheng Y, He J S 2019 Phys.Lett. A 383 1138Google Scholar


    Yan Z Y 2011 J. Math. Anal. Appl. 380 689


    Benney D J 1976 Stud. Appl. Math. 55 93Google Scholar


    Kivshar Yu S 1992 Opt. Lett. 17 1322Google Scholar


    Chowdhury A, Tataronis J A 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 153905Google Scholar


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    Chow K W, Chan H N, Kedziora D J, Grimshaw R H J 2013 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82 074001Google Scholar


    Chen S H, Grelu P, Soto Crespo J M 2014 Phys. Rev. E 89 011201Google Scholar


    Abramowitz M, Stegun I A 1965 Handbook of Mathematical Functions (New York: Dover Publications)

  • 图 1  ${\rho _0} = 1.5,\; \alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 0$, $k = 0$时, 由(22)式所确定的二维怪波激发 (a), (d) $y = 0$时在$\left( {x, t} \right)$平面上的演化图和相应的等高线图; (b), (e) $t = 0$时在$\left( {x, y} \right)$平面上的演化图和相应的等高线图; (c), (f) $x = 0$时在$\left( {y, t} \right)$平面的演化图和相应的等高线图

    Fig. 1.  Cross-sections of two-dimensional rogue wave propagations (top row) and contour plots (bottom row) for the density distribution ${\left| {u\left( {x, y, t} \right)} \right|^2}$ given in Eq. (22) for ${\rho _0} = 1.5,\; \alpha =$ ${\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 0$ with $k = 0$: (a), (d) $\left( {x, t} \right)$-plan with $y = 0$; (b), (e) $\left( {x, y} \right)$-space with $t = 0$; (c), (f) $\left( {y, t} \right)$-plane with $x = 0$.

    图 2  ${\rho _0} = 1.5,\; \alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 0$, $k = 1$时, 由(22)式所确定的二维怪波激发 (a), (d) $y = 0$时在$\left( {x, t} \right)$平面上的演化图和相应的等高线图; (b), (e) $t = 0$时在$\left( {x, y} \right)$平面上的演化图和相应的等高线图; (c), (f) $x = 0$时在$\left( {y, t} \right)$平面的演化图和相应的等高线图

    Fig. 2.  Cross-sections of two-dimensional rogue wave propagations (top row) and contour plots (bottom row) for the density distribution ${\left| {u\left( {x, y, t} \right)} \right|^2}$ given in Eq. (22) for ${\rho _0} = 1.5,\; \alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 0$ with $k = 1$: (a), (d) $\left( {x, t} \right)$-plane with $y = 0$; (b), (e) $\left( {x, y} \right)$-space with $t = 0$; (c), (f) $\left( {y, t} \right)$-plane with $x = 0$.

    图 3  ${\rho _0} = 1.5,\; \alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 1$, $k = 0$时, 由(22)式所确定的二维怪波激发 (a), (d) $y = 1$时在$\left( {x, t} \right)$平面上的演化图和相应的等高线图; (b), (e) $t = 0$时在$\left( {x, y} \right)$平面上的演化图和相应的等高线图; (c), (f) $ x=0 $时在$ (y, t) $平面的演化图和相应的等高线图

    Fig. 3.  Cross-sections of two-dimensional rogue wave propagations (top row) and contour plots (bottom row) for the density distribution ${\left| {u\left( {x, y, t} \right)} \right|^2}$ given in Eq. (22) for ${\rho _0} = 1.5,\; \alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 1$ with $k = 0$: (a), (d) $\left( {x, t} \right)$-plane with $y = 1$; (b), (e) $\left( {x, y} \right)$-space with $t = 0$; (c), (f) $\left( {y, t} \right)$-plane with $x = 0$.

    图 4  ${\rho _0} = 1.5,\; \alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1$, $n = 1$, $k = 1$时, 由(22)式所确定的二维怪波激发 (a), (d) $y = 1$时在$\left( {x, t} \right)$平面上的演化图和相应的等高线图; (b), (e) $t = 0$时在$\left( {x, y} \right)$平面上的演化图和相应的等高线图; (c), (f) $x = 0$时在$\left( {y, t} \right)$平面的演化图和相应的等高线图

    Fig. 4.  Cross-sections of two-dimensional rogue wave propagations (top row) and contour plots (bottom row) for the density distribution ${\left| {u\left( {x, y, t} \right)} \right|^2}$ given in Eq. (22) for ${\rho _0} = 1.5$, $\alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 1$ with $k = 1$: (a), (d) $\left( {x, t} \right)$-plane with $y = 1$; (b), (e) $\left( {x, y} \right)$-space with $t = 0$; (c), (f) $\left( {y, t} \right)$-plane with $x = 0$.

    图 5  ${\rho _0} = 1.5,\; \alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 2,\; k = 2$时, 由(22)式所确定的二维怪波激发 (a), (d) $y = 0$时在$\left( {x, t} \right)$平面上的演化图和相应的等高线图; (b), (e) $t = 0$时在$\left( {x, y} \right)$平面上的演化图和相应的等高线图; (c), (f) $x = 0$时在$\left( {y, t} \right)$平面的演化图和相应的等高线图

    Fig. 5.  Cross-sections of two-dimensional rogue wave propagations (top row) and contour plots (bottom row) for the density distribution ${\left| {u\left( {x, y, t} \right)} \right|^2}$ given in Eq. (22) for ${\rho _0} = 1.5,\; \alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 2$ with $k = 2$: (a), (d) $\left( {x, t} \right)$-plane with $y = 0$; (b), (e) $\left( {x, y} \right)$-space with $t = 0$; (c), (f) $\left( {y, t} \right)$-plane with $x = 0$.

    图 6  由(22)式确定的二维怪波在$\left( {x, t} \right)$平面上的演化(这里取${\rho _0}{{ = 1}}{{.5}}$, $\alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 0$, $k = 3$) (a) $t = - 7$; (b) $t = - 3$; (c) $t = 0$; (d)$t = 0.5$; (e) $t = 5$; (f) $t = 10$

    Fig. 6.  Cross-sections of two-dimensional wave propagations (top row) for the density distribution ${\left| {u\left( {x, y, t} \right)} \right|^2}$ given in Eq. (22) for ${\rho _0} = 1.5,\; \alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 0$ with $k = 3$: (a) $t = - 7$; (b) $t = - 3$; (c) $t = 0$; (d) $t = 0.5$; (e) $t = 5$; (f) $t = 10$.

    图 7  由(22)式确定的二维怪波在$\left( {x, t} \right)$平面上的演化(这里取${\rho _0}{{ = 1}}{{.5}}$, $\alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 0$, $k = 3$) (a) $y = - 3$; (b) $y = -1$; (c) $y = 0$; (d) $y = 0.5$; (e) $y = 2$; (f) $y = 3$

    Fig. 7.  Cross-sections of two-dimensional rogue wave propagations (top row) for the density distribution ${\left| {u\left( {x, y, t} \right)} \right|^2}$ given in Eq. (22) for ${\rho _0} = 1.5,\; \alpha = {\left| \omega \right|^{ - 1}} = 1,\; n = 0$ with $k = 3$: (a) $y = - 3$; (b) $y = - 1$; (c) $y = 0$; (d) $y = 0.5$; (e) $y = 2$; (f) $y = 3$.

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    Pelinovsky E and Kharf C 2008 Extreme Ocean Waves (Berlin: Springer)


    Solli R, Ropers C, Koonath P, Jalali B 2007 Nature 450 1054Google Scholar


    Montina A, Bortolozzo U, Residori S, Arecchi F T 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 173901Google Scholar


    Wabnitz S 2013 J. Opt. 15 064002Google Scholar


    Moslem W M 2011 Phys. Plasm. 18 032301Google Scholar


    Laveder D, Passot T T, Sulem P, Sánchez Arriaga G 2011 Phys. Lett. A 375 3997Google Scholar


    Bludov Yu V, Konotop V V, Akhmediev N 2009 Phys. Rev. A 80 033610Google Scholar


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    李再东, 郭奇奇 2020 69 017501Google Scholar

    Li Z D and Guo Q Q 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 017501Google Scholar


    陈智敏, 段文山 2020 69 014701Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2020-05-12
  • 修回日期:  2020-06-11
  • 上网日期:  2020-10-30
  • 刊出日期:  2020-11-05

