光频梳由一系列等间距、高稳定性的频率线组成. 由于具有超高频率稳定性和超低相位噪声, 光频梳在精密光谱测量、成像、通信等领域具有重要应用. 在太赫兹波段, 基于半导体的电抽运太赫兹量子级联激光器具有大功率输出、宽频率覆盖范围等特点, 是产生太赫兹光频梳的理想载体. 本文主要介绍基于太赫兹半导体量子级联激光器光频梳的研究进展, 详细列举了自由运行、主动稳频和被动稳频模式下产生光频梳的方法. 双光梳光谱可以克服传统太赫兹光谱仪需要机械扫描系统而难以实现实时光谱检测的难题, 是光频梳应用的主要方向. 在光频梳基础之上, 本文还介绍了采用两个太赫兹量子级联激光器产生双光梳的方法和应用.
- 太赫兹量子级联激光器 /
- 色散 /
- 光频梳 /
- 双光梳
Optical frequency comb consists of a series of equally spaced and highly stable frequency lines. Due to the advantages of the ultra-high frequency stability and ultra-low phase noise, the optical frequency combs have important applications in high precision spectroscopy, imaging, communications, etc. In the terahertz frequency range, semiconductor-based electrically pumped terahertz quantum cascade lasers have the characteristics of high output power and wide frequency coverage, and are the ideal candidates for generating terahertz optical frequency combs. In this article, we first briefly introduce the research progress of the optical frequency comb in the communication and the mid-infrared bands. Then we mainly review the research progress of the optical frequency combs based on the terahertz semiconductor quantum cascade laser (QCL) operating in free-running, active frequency stabilization and passive frequency stabilization modes. In free running mode, the terahertz QCL frequency comb is mainly limited by the large group velocity dispersion which results in a small comb bandwidth. Therefore, the dispersion compensation is one of the important methods to stabilize the optical frequency comb and broaden the spectral bandwidth. At present, the active frequency stabilization mode is a relatively matured method to realize the optical frequency combs in terahertz QCLs. In this article, we also detail the methods and applications of terahertz QCL dual-comb operations, including on-chip dual-comb and dual-comb spectroscopy. Compared with the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and time domain spectroscopy, the terahertz dual-comb spectroscopy has advantages in fast data acquisition (real-time) and high spectral resolution. The emergence of the dual-comb technique not only verifies the concept of optical frequency combs, but also further promotes the applications of frequency combs.-
- terahertz quantum cascade laser /
- dispersion /
- frequency comb /
- dual-comb
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图 2 (a)铌酸锂微环谐振腔的显微图; (b) EO梳的输出光谱, 带宽超过80 nm, 频梳线超过900条, 左侧插图为虚线框的放大, 右侧插图为在不同调制指数β的情况下测量的透射光谱[9]
Fig. 2. (a) Micrograph of a fabricated lithium niobate microring resonator. (b) Output spectrum of the EO comb generated from the microring resonator, the bandwidth exceeding 80 nm and more than 900 comb lines. The left inset shows a magnified view of the dotted. The right inset shows the measured transmission spectrum for several different modulation indices
$\beta $ [9].图 3 (a)两个间隔为
$\delta $ 的初始频率v1和v2; (b)四波混频过程后的频率分布图, 绿色曲线为产生的新的频率边带, 频率分别为${v_1} - \delta $ 和${v_2} + \delta $ [44]Fig. 3. (a) Initial mode frequencies,
${v_1}$ and${v_2}$ , separated by$\delta $ ; (b) final frequencies resulting from four-wave mixing, with the two sidebands at${v_1} - \delta $ and${v_2} + \delta $ shown in green[44].图 4 (a)不同脊条宽度下器件的钳制增益和总损耗与频率的关系; (b)不同脊条宽度下的总GVD, 其中4.05—4.35 THz的阴影区域代表THz QCL的激射区域[50]
Fig. 4. (a) Calculated clamped gain and total loss as function of frequency for lasers with different ridge widths; (b) total GVDs at different ridge widths. The shaded area from 4.05 to 4.35 THz represents the lasing range of the THz QCL[50].
图 6 (a)啁啾波纹型结构, 红色为较长波长的波, 蓝色为较短波长的波; (b)温度为50 K时, THz QCL梳的光谱, 黄线表示为水汽吸收[61]; (c)两段式器件结构示意图, 直流部分为蓝色, FP的一部分为红色; (d)每一段结构的电流-电压特性, 粉色阴影区域表示激光器的动态范围, 插图为实际设备空气间隙的SEM照片[63]
Fig. 6. (a) Schematic of the chirped corrugation. The red wave has longer wavelength, while the blue wave has shorter wavelength. (b) Spectrum of the THz QCL comb at a temperature of 50 K. Atmospheric absorption is shown in yellow[61]. (c) Schematic of the device in a two-section configuration. The DC section is shown in blue; part of the FP section is in red. (d) Current-voltage characteristics for each section. The pink-shaded area indicates the entire dynamic range of lasing. The inset shows the SEM photo for the air gap in the real device[63].
图 8 (a), (b)对THz QCL同时进行注入和锁相的情况下, 改变RF功率和电流得到的拍频信号图; (c), (d)对应条件下在时域内测得的波形, 图中的黑点为实验值, 红色曲线为理论计算值, 其中假设了所有模式具有等相位[69]
Fig. 8. (a), (b) In the case of simultaneous injection and phase-locking of THz QCL, the beat-note signal diagram obtained by changing the RF power and the current. (c), (d) The waveforms are measured in the time domain under the corresponding conditions. The black dots in the figure are experimental values. The red curves are the result of theoretical calculations by assuming that all modes have equal phase[69].
图 9 (a) RF调制THz QCL实验装置图; (b)不同调制电流下的THz发射光谱图, 蓝色曲线为从HITRAN数据库提取3.9—4.2 THz范围内的水吸收线[70]
Fig. 9. (a) Experimental setup of RF modulation to THz QCL; (b) THz emission spectra under different modulation current. The water absorption lines in the frequency range from 3.9 to 4.4 THz extracted from the HITRAN database[70]
图 10 (a)通过注入相干THz脉冲实现QCL载波相位固定的实验装置; (b)在不同输入THz脉冲幅度条件下测量的QCL输出光场, THz脉冲幅度正比于天线电压, 分别为1 V (绿色曲线)、0.25 V (蓝色曲线)和0.06 V (灰色曲线)[78]
Fig. 10. (a) Experimental setup for achieving the carrier phase fixed in QCL by injecting coherent THz pulse. (b) Measured fields of the QCL output for various input THz pulse amplitudes. The THz pulse amplitude is proportional to the antenna voltage with 1 V (green curve), 0.25 V (blue curve) and 0.06 V (grey curve)[78].
图 12 (a)片上双光梳的实验原理图; (b)双光梳光谱, 其中蓝色曲线为光谱图, 插图为放大的两相邻梳齿的峰值, 红色曲线为从本地振荡梳中提取出的多外差光谱[87]; (c)双RF注入下的片上双光梳结构示意图, 插图为实际双光梳装置的光学照片; (d)自由运行模式和RF注入模式下的下转换双光梳谱[88]
Fig. 12. (a) Schematics of the dual-comb on chip. (b) Optical spectrum (blue curve). The inset shows that the modes consist of two peaks corresponding to the two combs. In red is the corresponding multi-heterodyne spectrum extracted from the current bias of the LO laser[87]. (c) Schematics of the on-chip dual-comb system under double injection. The inset shows an optical photo of the mounted dual-comb device. (d) The down-converted dual-comb spectra in free-running mode and under a microwave double injection[88].
图 13 (a)分离式双光梳实验装置图, 插图显示了铜支架上的两个通过硅透镜耦合的频率梳; (b)在HEB上得到的多外差信号光谱[89]; (c)紧凑型双光梳实验模拟图, 插图为实际实验装置[91]
Fig. 13. (a) Experimental setup for separating dual-comb system. Inset shows real laser frequency combs on the copper mount, both of which are silicon lens-coupled. (b) Multiheterodyne signal obtained from the HEB[89]. (c) Experimental simulation diagram for compact dual-comb system. The illustration shows the actual experimental device[91].
图 14 (a)双光梳高光谱成像系统; (b)在光路中放入(红色)或者不放入(蓝色)硅片获取的拍频信号光谱; (c)根据(a)计算出的透射光谱; (d)在零水汽(蓝色)和相对湿度为23% (红色)下获取的拍频信号光谱; (e)根据(d)计算的透射光谱, 蓝色曲线为从2016 HITRAN数据库获得的参数[92]
Fig. 14. (a) Dual-comb hyperspectral imaging system. (b) Beat note spectra acquired with (red) or without (blue) a silicon wafer inserted in the beam path. (c) Transmission spectra calculated from the beat note spectra in (b). (d) Beat note spectra acquired with zero gas (blue) and atmospheric water vapor at 23% relative humidity (red). (e) Transmission spectra calculated from (d); the blue curve is extracted from the HITRAN 2016 database[92].
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