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万振菊 冯晋霞 成健 张宽收



万振菊, 冯晋霞, 成健, 张宽收

Experimental investigation of transmission characteristics of continuous variable entangled state over optical fibers

Wan Zhen-Ju, Feng Jin-Xia, Cheng Jian, Zhang Kuan-Shou
  • 连续变量纠缠态由于其确定性产生、高效率的特点而被广泛应用于连续变量量子信息处理.在量子信息处理过程中纠缠态与量子信道发生相互作用而退相干,这是限制长距离量子信息发展的重要因素之一.光纤信道作为理想的量子信道,是目前连续变量量子信息研究关注的热点.本文利用Ⅱ类匹配的楔角极化磷酸氧钛钾晶体构成了三共振的非简并光学参量放大器,获得了8.3 dB的光通信波段1.5 m连续变量纠缠态光场.将产生的纠缠态光场注入单模光纤,其量子特性在传输距离达50 km后仍得到保持,纠缠度为0.21 dB.该研究可为基于光纤的长距离连续变量量子信息研究提供有效的依据.
    Continuous variable (CV) quantum entanglement is an essential resource for quantum computation and communication protocols. The use of CV quantum entanglement at a telecommunication wavelength of 1.5m in combination with existing fiber telecommunication networks offers the possibility to implement long-distance quantum communication protocols like quantum key distribution (QKD) and applications such as quantum repeaters, quantum teleportation in the future. In spite of the fact that the optical power attenuation of light in a standard telecommunication fiber is lowest at a wavelength of 1.5m, the entangled states will interact with fiber channels and the disentanglement will occur. It is one of the important factors restricting the development of long distance quantum information. In this paper, CV entangled state at 1.5m telecommunication band is obtained by using a type-II periodically poled KTP (PPKTP) crystal inside a nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier (NOPA). A wedged PPKTP is used for implementing frequency-down-conversion of the pump field to generate the optically entangled state and achieving the dispersion compensation between the pump and the subharmonic waves. By controlling the temperature and the length of the PPKTP crystal, a triply resonant optical parametric oscillator with a threshold of 80 mW is realized. Einstein-PodolskyRosen (EPR)-entangled beams with quantum correlation of 8.3 dB for both the amplitude and phase quadratures are experimentally generated by using a single NOPA at a pump power of 40 mW and an injected signal power of 10 mW when the relative phase between the pump and injected signal is locked to . The generated entangled state is coupled into a single-mode optical fiber, and the transmission characteristics of the generated EPR entangled beams through standard single-mode fibers are investigated experimentally and theoretically. A fiber polarization controller is used to compensate for the polarization state variation induced by random fluctuations of birefringence of the single mode fiber when the light propagates along the fiber, and to keep the polarization of light linear at the fiber output. A 0.21 dB quantum entanglement could still be observed for the EPR-entangled beams transmitted through a 50-km-long single-mode fiber. The theoretical prediction considering the excess noise in fiber channel is in good agreement with the experimental result. The generated CV quantum entanglement is highly suitable for the required experiments, such as CV measurement-device-independence QKD based on standard fibers, owing to the fact that the tolerance of the excess noise in the quantum channel can be enhanced significantly with respect to a coherent state if EPR-entangled beams are used.
      通信作者: 冯晋霞, fengjx@sxu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(批准号:2016YFA0301401)和山西省1331工程重点学科建设计划(批准号:1331KS)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Feng Jin-Xia, fengjx@sxu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Develop Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0301401) and the Fund for Shanxi 1331 Project Key Subjects Construction, China (Grant No. 1331KS).

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-07-04
  • 修回日期:  2017-09-21
  • 刊出日期:  2019-01-20

