提出并制作了一种具有微结构缺陷的局部微结构长周期光纤光栅,该光栅是用氢氟酸局部腐蚀长周期光纤光栅,在包层区域形成局部缺陷得到的. 理论分析与实际制作表明,局部腐蚀会改变包层模的有效折射率调制,相当于在缺陷部分引入一个相移,在其光谱图上表现为在透射阻带中打开一个透射窗口,形成两个透射阻带和一个透射通带. 在此基础上对其进行了传感实验,研究了两个透射阻带和透射通带的温度和弯曲特性. 实验结果表明:透射通带和两透射阻带的温度灵敏度相同,均约为0.05 nm/℃;而透射通带的弯曲曲率灵敏度(约为-2.61 nm/m-1)小于透射阻带的弯曲曲率灵敏度(约为-4.71 nm/m-1),因此利用敏感矩阵,可以仅用一根光栅对弯曲曲率和温度双参量进行同时测量.
- 局部微结构长周期光纤光栅 /
- 温度 /
- 弯曲 /
- 双参量测量
A local micro-structured long-period fiber grating (LMSLPFG) is proposed and investigated experimentally. The LMSLPFG is fabricated by using hydrofluoric acid (HF) to partially etch a standard long-period fiber grating (LPFG), thereby forming a local defect in the cladding. The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that partially etching will change the effective refractive index modulation in the cladding mode, which equivalently introduces a phase shift into the part of defect and manifests, in the spectrogram, as openning a transmission window between the stopbands, forming two transmission stopbands and one transmission passband. On this basis we study the temperatures and bending characteristics of the two stopbands and one passband. The results show that the temperature sensitivities of the two stopbands and one passband are all approximately 0.05 nm/℃; the bending sensitivity of the passband (2.61 nm/m-1) is less than those of two stopbands (4.71 nm/m-1). Thus by using the sensitive matrix, we can simultaneously measure the curvature and temperature, with only one grating used.-
- temperature /
- curvature /
- double-parameter-measurement
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[1] Hiroshi T, Kei U 2009 Sensors 9 4559
[2] Sun A, Wu Z 2012 Opt. Engng. 51 04402
[3] Chan C C, Tan K M, Tay C M, Tjin S C 2004 Proc. SPIE 5590 105
[4] Zhou Y, Zhou W, Chan C C, Wong W C, Shao L Y, Cheng J, Dong X Y 2011 Opt. Commun. 284 5669
[5] Sun J, Chan C C, Tan K M, Dong X Y, Shum P 2007 Sensor Actuat. A: Phys. 137 262
[6] Han Y G, Dong X, Lee J H, Lee S B 2006 Opt. Lett. 31 2839
[7] Gander M J, MacPherson W N, McBride R, Jones J D C, Zhang L, Bennion I, Blanchard P M, Burnett J G, Greenaway A H 2000 Electron. Lett. 36 120
[8] Miao Y P, Liu B, Zhao Q D, Tian S, Sun H 2009 Chin. J. Lasers 36 2388 (in Chinese) [苗银萍, 刘波, 赵启大, 田爽, 孙华 2009 中国激光 36 2388]
[9] Falate R, Frazao O, Rego G, Ivanov C V, Kalinowski H J, Fabris J L, Santos J L 2007 Meas. Sci. Techno. 18 3123
[10] Iadicicco A, Cusano A, Campopiano S, Cutolo A, Giordano M 2005 IEEE Sens. J. 5 1288
[11] Cao Y, Yang Y F, Yang X F, Tong Z R 2012 Chin. Opt. Lett. 10 030605
[12] Chung K W, Yin S 2005 Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett. 45 18
[13] Zhao H X, Cheng P H, Bao J L, Shen H K, Li L, Du H J 2012 Chin. J. Lasers 12 1 (in Chinese) [赵洪霞, 程培红, 鲍吉龙, 沈鸿康, 李磊, 杜惠舰 2012 中国激光 12 1]
[14] Wang Y P, Rao Y J, Ran Z L, Zhu T 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 1432 (in Chinese) [王义平, 饶云江, 冉曾令, 朱涛 2005 52 1432]
[15] Zhao H X, Bao J L, Chen Y 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 1681 (in Chinese) [赵洪霞, 鲍吉龙, 陈莹 2008 光学学报 28 1681]
[16] Wang Y P 2003 Ph.D. Dissertation (Chongqing: Chongqing University) (in Chinese) [王义平 2003 博士学位论文 (重庆: 重庆大学)]
[17] Hu A Z, Rao Y J, Nie Z L, Niu Y C 2004 Acta Opt. Sin. 33 916 (in Chinese) [胡爱姿, 饶云江, 聂知理, 牛永昌 2004 光学学报 33 916]
[18] Deng H Y 2008 M. S. Dissertation (Chengdu: University of Electronics Science and Technology of China) (in Chinese) [邓洪有 2008 硕士学位论文 (成都: 电子科技大学)]
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