用固相法制备了镧掺杂M型钡铁氧体(Ba1-xLaxFe12O19, x=0.0—0.6), 针对不同取代量与不同温度的烧结, 研究取代量和温度对钡铁氧体微结构和磁性能的影响. 在烧结温度为1100—1175 ℃, 当x=0.0—0.6时, 样品主要有单一的六角M型钡铁氧体相构成. SEM表明, La离子的加入不会影响钡铁氧体微观形貌.在磁性能方面, 随着La离子的增加, 钡铁氧体的饱和磁化强度先增加后减小, 矫顽力逐渐增加. 在同一取代量下, 钡铁氧体的饱和磁化强度随烧结温度升高呈现上升趋势, 矫顽力随着烧结温度的升高而降低. 饱和磁化强度在x=0.2, 烧结温度1175 ℃时达到最大值62.8 emu/g, 矫顽力在x=0.6, 烧结温度1125 ℃时达到最大值3911.5 Oe.Magnetic properties of La doped M-type barium ferrites are studied. The samples are prepared by the standard solid state reaction method. The influences of La3+ on structures and magnetic properties of barium ferrites (Ba1-xLaxFe12O19) are investigated. Single-phase M-type barium ferrites with chemical composition of Ba1-xLaxFe12O19 (x=0.0—0.6) are formed by sintering at 1100—1175 ℃ in air. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals that the La doping has no effect on the structure of barium ferrite. Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) shows that with the valaue of x increasing, the saturation magnetization (Ms) increases, reaching a maximum at x=0.2 and then decreases and the coercivity of the sample increases continuously. The value of Ms reaches a maximum value of 62.8 emu/g at x=0.2 and 1175 ℃, and the Hc reaches a maximum value of 3911.5 Oe at x=0.6 and 1125℃.
- magnetic properties /
- barium ferrite /
- La-substituted
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