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陈永涛 唐小军 李庆忠



陈永涛, 唐小军, 李庆忠

Phase transition and influence of phase transitionon spall in α phase Fe-based alloy

Chen Yong-Tao, Tang Xiao-Jun, Li Qing-Zhong
  • 利用正向加载和逆向加载相结合的实验方法,实验研究了从低压到高压三种不同压力范围内Fe基α相合金(Fe-85.03wt%,Mn-7.63wt%,Ni-7.01wt%,Al-0.3wt%)的冲击相变和卸载逆相变历程及对应加载状态的层裂行为特征.给出了Fe基α相合金含冲击相变和卸载逆相变的加卸载Hugoniot线,发现冲击相变阈值、逆相变阈值和冲击加载压力共同决定其冲击加卸载历程,冲击相变强烈影响其层裂行为,导致样品发生了"异常"层裂.利用获得的冲击加卸载历程从应力波相互作用的角度解
    This paper provides an investigation of the phase transition and the spalling characteristics induced during shock loading and unloading in an α phase Fe-based alloy. Two kinds of impact set-ups are used. One is referred to as the direct impact, and the other is the reverse impact. The shock Hugoniot and the release stress-volume adiabat of the α phase Fe-based alloy are obtained. And the results show that the history of loading and unloading is determined by the relationship among the phase transition threshold and the reverse transition threshold and the shock pressure. It is found that abnormal spallations happen in the α phase Fe-based alloy sample as the pressure exceeds the phase transition threshold. Such abnormal spalling phenomena are believed to be related to the shocked α→ε phase transition, and a possible reason for the abnormal spalling is discussed also from the interaction process of stress wave.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:10902102),中国工程物理研究院科学发展基金(批准号:2009B0201014,20060104)资助的课题.

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    Cui X L, Zhu W J, Deng X L, Li Y J, He H L 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 5545 (in Chinese) [崔新林、祝文军、邓小良、李英俊、贺红亮 2006 55 5545]


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    Barker L M, Hollenbach R E 1974 J. Appl. Phys. 45 4872


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    Christophe Voltz, Gilles Roy 2003 Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 511


    Christophe Voltz, Francois Buy, Gilles Roy 2005 Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 678


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    Petrovtsev A V, Bychenkov V A 2001 Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 591


    Xu W W, Tang Z P, Zhang X H 2009 Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics 23 17 (in Chinese) [徐薇薇、唐志平、张兴华 2009 高压 23 17]

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  • 收稿日期:  2010-05-04
  • 修回日期:  2010-07-13
  • 刊出日期:  2011-02-05

