The energies of the ground state and the lowest-excited states of the one-dime-nsional NNN interaction quantum chain are calculated by using Lanczos method. The a no=nalous dimensions and normalizing constant are given from conformal field theory.
By using the kernels consisting of the projectors and function δ(t), both the co-nvergence to equilibrium and to get the propagators in covariant gauge are solved to-gether under the vanishing initial condition. Thus, the SQ prescriptions of gauge and non-gauge fields are united in using only these same kernels. The Maxwell, Chern-Si-mon and the linear gravitational theories are considered respect...
Some main factors having influence on the resolution of X-ray holograms are analyzed theoretically. The smalles resolving distance of X-ray lensless Fourier transform holograms can not be less than the radius of the focus spot of the X-ray condenser or the filter aperture used in recording, and the resolution of X-ray in-line holograms can not be higher than the cutoff frequency of recording mater...
Based on the forward four-wave mixing model, we abtain analytic expressions for the diffraction efficiency of the photorefractive gratings with weak reading beam and strong reading beam intensity respectively for various values of the spatial phase shift between index change and fringe pattern.
In the present paper, considering the detuning and the initial atomic coherence, dipole squeezing in two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model is investigated by means of the time-evolution operator method. The influence of the frequency detuning on the dipole squeezing in interaction of field with atom and the relation between the mean photon number and the dipole squeezing are studied by numerical calcul...
Influence of untrapped electrons on the sideband instability of electromagnetic Wiggler free electron laser (EM一FEL) is analyzed in detail with single-particle theory. The dispersion equation is derrived by applying the methode in Ref.[1],and detailed discussions are carried out, some conclusions are drawn.
We have obtained the characteristics of all-optical switching and modulation of C60 in toluene pumped by a pulsed Nd:YAG laser at λ=532.0nm and probed by a CW semiconductor laser at λ=747.0nm, based on nonlinear triplet-triplet absorption in C60. Dynamic processes of switching and modulation are simulated using rate equations, which coincide with the experimental results.
OH-radical concentration in the (SAPS) doped with B2O3 for PANDA fibers is measured by infrared absorption method. B, Si, 0 and N in SAPS are analysed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The Ge distribution in the core and the cathod luminescence at core-cladding interface of SAPS are measured by scanning electron microscopy, The ratio of absorption coefficient between the fundamental stretchi...
The nonlinear equation governing the non-propagating solitary wave and its analytical solution in a channel with uniformly and slowly varying width has been derived using the perturbation theory of multiple scales. The result obtained predicts that the solitary wave always moves towards the narrow end of the channel with an approximately uniform acceleration which is proportional to the variation ...
Based on equations of fluids nachanics, introducing new scale hypotheses, and by means of pertubative multiple-scale method, the governing equation and solution of non-propagating soliton wah counting of excition and damping are given. By damping analysis, the curves of the lower cut-off excited amplitude△c versus the excited frenquency Ω and the soliton equalamplitude curves in △-Ω picture in a g...
Using the analytical solutions of the hydrodynamic equations of plasma, energy level populations of the plasma dominated by He-like Mg ions are obtained by solving the rate equations numerically for short pulsed pumping laser. Variations of gain coefficient for MgXI ls3d-ls4f(λ=154?)vs time and spatial position are given. Also, the influence of the pumping laser pulse duration is discussed.
In this paper, the electron transport process in cathode sheath of helium dc hollow cathode glow discharge is studied by using Monte Carlo simulation. The electron is accelerated between collisions by the non-uniform electric field of the hollow cathode sheath. The electron free flying time between collisions is determined by collision frequency of electron with neutral particle. The experimental ...
The period thickness mean refraction corrected factor and the ratio between two difference materials in a period can be deduced from the Bragg equation with refraction correction. Based on this Bragg's law and theory of optical thin film, the formula introduced in this paper have been verified in theory and experiment with short-period Mo/Si multilayers.
By lightly doping in a-Si: H films in the process of low-temperature annealing, the density of the nualeation centers was controlled, and the films of larger grain polysilicon with good quality were obtained. The results show that the crystallization was almost uniformly proceed in(, and direction (slightly faster in direction), the average grain size is about 1μm, the mobility is about 92 cm2/V...
Millimeter-sized C60 single crystals were grown by the vacuum sublimation of the purified C60 powder in a sealed vacuum quartz tube. C60 single crystals, up to size of 0.5mm×0.6mm×l.0mm and free from solvent or C70, had excellent faces. X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction and Raman spectra measurement were carried out to determine the room-temperature structure of C60 single crystals. The expe...
With the theory of electron-molecule scattering, we have investigated the scattering and energy loss for slow diatomic molecular ions in electron gases in solids and discussed the influence of the coherence effects between two ions to the energy loss. The scattering phase shifts are calculated using atomic IPM potential and the variable phase method. The stopping powers for atomic ions are compare...
We report in this paper the observation of visible photoluminescence (PL) at room temperature from nano-crystallites of silicon films, which are prepared in a PE CVD system by using strong hydrogen diluted silane as the reactant gas source, without any post-processings. We attribute the PL to the photons above the band gap of bulk crystal silicon created by the carriers in the nano-crystallites un...
The theoretical studies about site-diagonal disorder and off-diagonal disorder amorphous quantum. dots on diamond lattice are reported. We describe the electronic structures of the amorphous models by simple tight-binding Hamiltonian, solve the Ha-miltonian equation by recursion method, and study the localization behavior from the sensitivity of eigenvalues to a change in boundary conditions. It i...
Fluorescence spectra of nanostructured Al2O3 bulks, which were not doped by Cr, were investigated systematically. The results show that for nanostructured samples of boehmite, η-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3, two broad fluorescence bands (p1 and p2) appear, and p1 and p2 bands are located in the wavenumber ranges of 20000 to ~14500cm-1 and ~14500 to l1500cm-1, respectively. The p1 band can be attributed to th...
Using the hydrogenic-effective-mass theory, the spectral structure is calculated employing a linear variational method and presented for a hydrogenic shallow donor in a spherical quantum dot of GaAs-Ga1-xAlxAs with the donor ion located at arbitary position. It is an extension of the calculation in Ref.[10]. The quantum-level sequence and degeneracy for the single electron state in the dot are dis...
Metal Au was deposited onto oriented phosphorous doped n-type epitaxial silicon. wafers, with or without plasma hydrogen treatment, to form Au/n-Si Schottky barrier (SB). The experimental results indicate: hydrogen decreases the Schottky barrier height (SBH) of Au/n-Si by 0.13eV; the SBH of Schottcky barrier containing hydrogen (SB(H)) can be controlled by zero bias annealing (ZBA) and reverse bi...
The static Mahan-H?nsch quantum transport equation in applied magnetic fields is extended to spin glass systems through introducing physical self-energies of elastic and inelastic scattering. In the quasi-elastic scattering limit, the Hall conductivity for spin glass model with the s-d exchange interaction between electrons and localized moments is evaluated by using this equation. The relation be...
Using the method of time domain and frequency domain dielectric spectrum, the response signals of applied field for grains, intergranuhr boundary layer, and barrier layer in a ceramics may be dissociated. So as to give the contribution of each mechanism in total resistance and total reactance of a sample. The effect of conductivity relaxation due to hopping conductance of polaron has been observed...
Barium additive, which can resutt in a varistor character. was doped in the usual ZnO-Bi2O3-Sb2O3 varistor ceramics. It was found that a new grain boundary phase which is barium meta antimonate (BaSbA) crystal phase dissolving other trace compositions was formed besides the known Bi2O3 and Zn2.33Sb0.67O4 grain boundary phases. It was also found that the BaSb2O6 phase is thermally stable and it pla...