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Influence of atmospheric turbulence on temporal coherence characteristics of received optical field

Abdikirim Azizigul Tao Zhi-Wei Liu Shi-Wei Li Yan-Ling Rao Rui-Zhong Ren Yi-Chong


Influence of atmospheric turbulence on temporal coherence characteristics of received optical field

Abdikirim Azizigul, Tao Zhi-Wei, Liu Shi-Wei, Li Yan-Ling, Rao Rui-Zhong, Ren Yi-Chong
科大讯飞翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In the process of laser propagation in atmosphere, its coherence characteristics are reduced by turbulence, which further affects the efficiency and performance of coherent detection process. In this paper, atmospheric coherence time is defined to describe the fluctuation speed of laser field after atmospheric transmission. The relative size of atmospheric coherence time and coherence process duration time determines the performance of coherent detection process. According to the infinitely long phase screen technology, we simulate laser atmospheric transmission, and systematically study the influences of atmospheric parameters, transceiver parameters and wavelength on atmospheric coherence time. It is found that the atmospheric coherence time is positively correlated with wavelength, receiving aperture and atmospheric coherence length, and inversely proportional to wind speed, which shows that the atmospheric coherence time can be effectively improved by improving the optical design and changing the laser band, thus effectively reducing the disturbance caused by turbulence and improving the stability of the received light field. The atmospheric coherence time defined in this paper is an important parameter to measure the influence of turbulence on coherent detection. This study can provide a powerful reference for evaluating the influence of atmosphere on coherent detection process.
      Corresponding author: Ren Yi-Chong,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province, China (Grant No. 1908085QA37), the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11904369), and the Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power Laser Technology, China (Grant No. 2019ZR07).

    Zhao Y Y, Zhu D S, Tu Y R, Pi L L, Li H T, Xu L, Hu Zh J, Shen Y C, Yu B L, Lu L 2021 Opt. Lett. 46 1229Google Scholar


    Redding B, Choma M A, Cao H 2012 Nat. Photon. 6 355Google Scholar


    黄龙, 冯国英, 廖宇 2015 红外与激光工程 44 3530Google Scholar

    Huang L, Feng G Y, Liao Y 2015 Infrared Laser Eng. 44 3530Google Scholar


    Semjon S, Mark G, Werner R 2016 Opt. Eng. 55 111614


    曾素娟, 蓝银涛, 高伟健, 黄文燕, 舒焱, 葛立宏, 张建 2021 激光生物学报 30 131Google Scholar

    Zeng S J, Lan Y T, Gao W J, Huang W Y, Shu Y, Ge L H, Zhang J 2021 Acta. Laser Bio. Sinc. 30 131Google Scholar


    Ali R 2021 Ultrasonic Imaging. 43 282Google Scholar


    张羽, 罗秀娟, 刘辉, 陈明徕 2018 67 044201Google Scholar

    Zhang Y, Luo X J, Liu H, Chen M L 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 044201Google Scholar


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    Chen X W, Tang M Y, Ji X L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 4 2607Google Scholar


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    Chen X W, Ji X L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2435Google Scholar


    季小玲, 肖希, 吕百达 2004 53 3996Google Scholar

    Ji X L, Xiao X, Lü B D 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3996Google Scholar


    王华, 王向朝, 曾爱军, 杨坤 2008 57 634Google Scholar

    Wang H, Wang X C, Zeng A J, Yang K 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 634Google Scholar


    任建迎, 孙华燕, 赵延仲, 张来线 2020 中国光学 13 728Google Scholar

    Ren J Y, Sun H Y, Zhao T Z, Zhang L X 2020 Chin. Opt. 13 728Google Scholar


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    Wang H, Wang X C, Zeng A J 2007 Acta Optic Sin. 27 1548Google Scholar


    饶瑞中 2005 光在湍流大气中的传播 (合肥: 安徽科学技术出版社) 第95页

    Rao R Z 2005 Light Propagation in the Turbulent Atmosphere (Hefei: Anhui Science & Technology Press) p95 (in Chinese)


    McGlamery B L 1976 Proc. SPIE. 0074 954724Google Scholar


    Sedmak G 2004 Appl. Opt. 38 2161Google Scholar


    吴晗玲, 严海星, 李新阳 2009 光学学报 129 114

    Wu H L, Yan H X, Li X Y 2009 Acta. Opt. Sinc. 129 114


    Roddier N A 1990 Opt. Eng. 29 1174Google Scholar


    Harding C M, Johnston R A, Lane R G 1999 Appl. Opt. 38 2161Google Scholar


    Assémat F, Wilson R W, Gendron E 2006 Opt. Express. 14 988Google Scholar


    Roddier F 1981 Prog. Optics 19 281Google Scholar


    Ziad A, Borgnino J, Martin F, Maire J, Mourad D 2010 Proc. SPIE. 7733 857259Google Scholar


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    Andrews L C, Phillips R L 2005 SPIE Press. 201 250Google Scholar


    Wolf E 1954 Nuovo. Cimento. 12 884Google Scholar


    Longuet-Higgins H C, Roberts M De V 1955 Pro. Roy. Soc. A 230 110Google Scholar


    Beckers J M 1993 Annu. Rev. Astron. Astr. 10 1146Google Scholar

  • 图 1  多层动态相位屏原理示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic of infinitely long phase screen principle.

    图 2  $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, ${w_0} = 0.2\;{\text{ m}}$, 大气相干时间在不同风速下随大气相干长度变化

    Figure 2.  Atmospheric coherent time varies with atmospheric coherence length in different wind speeds at $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, ${w_0} = 0.2\;{\text{ m}}$.

    图 3  大气相干时间随大气相干长度与风速的变化 (a) L = 1100 m, ${w_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$; (b) $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, ${w_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$; (c) $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, ${w_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$; (d) $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, ${w_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$; (e) $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, $\nu = 10\;{\text{ }}{{\text{m}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\text{m}} {\text{s}}}} \right. } {\text{s}}}$; (f) $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$

    Figure 3.  Atmospheric coherent time varies with atmospheric coherence length and wind speeds: (a) $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, ${w_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$; (b) $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, ${w_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$; (c) $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, ${w_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$; (d) $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, ${w_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$; (e) $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, $\nu = 10\;{\text{ }}{{\text{m}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\text{m}} {\text{s}}}} \right. } {\text{s}}}$; (f) $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$.

    图 4  大气相干时间随束腰半径变化  (a) $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, $D = 0.5\;{\text{ m}}$; (b) $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, $D = 0.5\;{\text{ m}}$; (c) $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$; (d) $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$

    Figure 4.  Atmospheric coherent time varies with beam waist radius: (a) $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, $D = 0.5\;{\text{ m}}$; (b) $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$, $D = 0.5\;{\text{ m}}$; (c) $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$; (d) $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}}$, ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$, $L = 1100\;{\text{ m}}$, $\lambda = 532\;{\text{ nm}}$

    图 5  $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}} , L=1100\;\text{ m }, \lambda =532\;\text{ nm}$, 大气相干时间随接收口径的变化 (a) ${w_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$; (b) ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m }}$

    Figure 5.  Atmospheric coherent time varies with receiving aperture at $\nu = 10 \;{\rm{m/s}} , L=1100\;\text{ m }, \lambda =532\;\text{ nm}$: (a) ${w_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m}}$; (b) ${r_0} = 0.1\;{\text{ m }}$

  • [1]

    Zhao Y Y, Zhu D S, Tu Y R, Pi L L, Li H T, Xu L, Hu Zh J, Shen Y C, Yu B L, Lu L 2021 Opt. Lett. 46 1229Google Scholar


    Redding B, Choma M A, Cao H 2012 Nat. Photon. 6 355Google Scholar


    黄龙, 冯国英, 廖宇 2015 红外与激光工程 44 3530Google Scholar

    Huang L, Feng G Y, Liao Y 2015 Infrared Laser Eng. 44 3530Google Scholar


    Semjon S, Mark G, Werner R 2016 Opt. Eng. 55 111614


    曾素娟, 蓝银涛, 高伟健, 黄文燕, 舒焱, 葛立宏, 张建 2021 激光生物学报 30 131Google Scholar

    Zeng S J, Lan Y T, Gao W J, Huang W Y, Shu Y, Ge L H, Zhang J 2021 Acta. Laser Bio. Sinc. 30 131Google Scholar


    Ali R 2021 Ultrasonic Imaging. 43 282Google Scholar


    张羽, 罗秀娟, 刘辉, 陈明徕 2018 67 044201Google Scholar

    Zhang Y, Luo X J, Liu H, Chen M L 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 044201Google Scholar


    陈晓文, 汤明玥, 季小玲 2008 4 2607Google Scholar

    Chen X W, Tang M Y, Ji X L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 4 2607Google Scholar


    陈晓文, 季小玲 2009 58 2435Google Scholar

    Chen X W, Ji X L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2435Google Scholar


    季小玲, 肖希, 吕百达 2004 53 3996Google Scholar

    Ji X L, Xiao X, Lü B D 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3996Google Scholar


    王华, 王向朝, 曾爱军, 杨坤 2008 57 634Google Scholar

    Wang H, Wang X C, Zeng A J, Yang K 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 634Google Scholar


    任建迎, 孙华燕, 赵延仲, 张来线 2020 中国光学 13 728Google Scholar

    Ren J Y, Sun H Y, Zhao T Z, Zhang L X 2020 Chin. Opt. 13 728Google Scholar


    王华, 王向朝, 曾爱军 2007 光学学报 27 1548Google Scholar

    Wang H, Wang X C, Zeng A J 2007 Acta Optic Sin. 27 1548Google Scholar


    饶瑞中 2005 光在湍流大气中的传播 (合肥: 安徽科学技术出版社) 第95页

    Rao R Z 2005 Light Propagation in the Turbulent Atmosphere (Hefei: Anhui Science & Technology Press) p95 (in Chinese)


    McGlamery B L 1976 Proc. SPIE. 0074 954724Google Scholar


    Sedmak G 2004 Appl. Opt. 38 2161Google Scholar


    吴晗玲, 严海星, 李新阳 2009 光学学报 129 114

    Wu H L, Yan H X, Li X Y 2009 Acta. Opt. Sinc. 129 114


    Roddier N A 1990 Opt. Eng. 29 1174Google Scholar


    Harding C M, Johnston R A, Lane R G 1999 Appl. Opt. 38 2161Google Scholar


    Assémat F, Wilson R W, Gendron E 2006 Opt. Express. 14 988Google Scholar


    Roddier F 1981 Prog. Optics 19 281Google Scholar


    Ziad A, Borgnino J, Martin F, Maire J, Mourad D 2010 Proc. SPIE. 7733 857259Google Scholar


    Fried D L 1965 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 55 1427Google Scholar


    Press W H, Teukolsky S A, Vetterling W T, Flannery B P 2003 Eur. J. Phys. 24 329Google Scholar


    Andrews L C, Phillips R L 2005 SPIE Press. 201 250Google Scholar


    Wolf E 1954 Nuovo. Cimento. 12 884Google Scholar


    Longuet-Higgins H C, Roberts M De V 1955 Pro. Roy. Soc. A 230 110Google Scholar


    Beckers J M 1993 Annu. Rev. Astron. Astr. 10 1146Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  17 June 2022
  • Accepted Date:  01 September 2022
  • Available Online:  17 November 2022
  • Published Online:  05 December 2022

