In the alloy solidification process, the movement behavior of free dendrites in the melt is one of the key issues in studying the formation process of the alloy solidification structure. The cellular automata-lattice Boltzmann coupling model has become a main numerical model for numerical simulation of solidification microstructure in recent years. In this paper, cellular automata and lattice Boltzmann model for simulating dendrite growth are improved to simulate the movement of equiaxed grains in undercooled melt. In the improved model, the Galilean invariant momentum exchange method is used to calculate the fluid force, the motion equation of the center of mass is solved to calculate the motion displacement of the dendrite, the motion of the dendrite is realized through the dynamic mesh technology, and the rigid sphere model is used to deal with the collision of the dendrite. The settlement of a single dendrite in the undercooled melt of Al-4.7% Cu alloy, the settlement of two round particles in the Newtonian fluid, and the elastic collision of two dendrites are all simulated by this model. The simulation results show that this model can maintain the morphology of dendrites well in the process of calculating dendrite growth motion, and this model can calculate the collision process of irregular dendrites. The movement of dendrite disturbs the melt around it, resulting in a significant change in the concentration of melt around it, which affects the growth of dendrite and aggravates the asymmetry of dendrite growth.
- cellular automata /
- lattice Boltzmann /
- dendrite collision /
- dynamic grid
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图 8 枝晶偏心碰撞形貌图 (a) 0.008 s; (b) 0.0089 s; (c) 0.009 s; (d) 0.00915 s. 箭头表示速度v的大小和方向, 灰度表示流体溶质浓度C
Figure 8. The morphology of dendrite eccentric collision: (a) 0.008 s; (b) 0.0089 s; (c) 0.009 s; (d) 0.00915 s . The arrow indicates the size and direction of velocity v, and the gray scale indicates the concentration of solute C.
表 1 Al-4.7%Cu(质量含量)合金的热物性参数[26]
Table 1. Physical properties of Al-4.7%Cu (weight percent) alloy[26].
Physical parameter Value Melting temperature, Tm/K 933.3 Solidification temperature, T0/K 920.1 Diffusivity in liquid, D/(10–9 m2·s–1) 3.0 Partition coefficient, k 0.145 Gibbs-Tomson coefficient, Γ/(10–7 m·K) 2.4 Specific heat capacity, Cp/(J·kg–1·K–1) 1179 Latent heat, L/(103 J·kg–1) 397 Density, ρ/(kg·m–3) 2606 -
[1] Wang Y B, Peng L M, Ji Y Z, Chen X X, Wang C L, Wu Y J, Fu Y N, Chen L Q 2018 J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 34 1142
[2] Lesoult G 2005 Mater. Sci. Eng., A 413 19
[3] Zhu M F, Dai T, Lee S Y, Hong C P 2008 Comput. Math. Appl. 55 1620
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[4] Sun D K, Zhu M F, Pan S Y, Raabe D 2009 Acta Mater. 57 1755
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Pan S Y, Zhu M F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 228102
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[9] Qi X B, Chen Y, Kang X H, Li D Z, Gong T Z 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 45770
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[11] Takaki T, Sato R, Rojas R, Ohno M, Shibuta Y 2018 Comput. Mater. Sci. 147 124
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[14] 吴伟, 孙东科, 戴挺, 朱鸣芳 2012 61 150501
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Wu W, Sun D K, Dai T, Zhu M F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 150501
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[15] Fang H, Tang Q Y, Zhang Q Y, Gu T F, Zhu M F 2019 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 133 371
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[17] Cu C, Ridgeway C D, Moodispaw M P, Luo A A 2020 J. Mater. Process. Technol. 286 116829
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[18] Liu L, Pian S, Zhang Z, Bao Y, Li R, Chen H 2018 Comput. Mater. Sci. 146 9
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[20] Zhang Q Y, Sun D K, Pan S Y, Zhu M F 2020 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 146 118838
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[21] Sun D K, Zhu M F, Pan S Y, Yang C R, Raabe D 2011 Comput. Math. Appl. 61 3585
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[26] Wu M, Ludwig A, Fjeld A 2010 Comput. Mater. Sci. 50 43
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[27] Feng Z G, Michaelides E E 2004 J. Comput. Phys. 195 602
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