The pre-Bötzinger complex, which is located at a ventrolateral medulla of human and mammal, is considered to be the center for the generation of respiratory rhythms. In a normal state, the respiratory rhythm is uniform and orderly. Otherwise, the respiratory rhythm will change to a pathological state. Therefore, the monitoring of respiratory rhythm is of great significance in monitoring the health. In this paper, according to a two-coupled model of pre-Bötzinger complex with calcium ion current, we investigate the generation and transition mechanism of anti-phase bursting synchronization by using phase-plane analysis, bifurcation and fast-slow decomposition. It is found that the pre-Bötzinger complex model can exhibit mixed bursting when calcium ion concentration is at steady state, which indicates that the oscillation of calcium is not a necessary condition for the generation of mixed bursting. This is quite different from the results obtained in previous studies, indicating that the mixed bursting is caused by the periodic fluctuations of calcium. The methods used in this paper can provide a new idea for investigating the dynamics of mixed bursting, and it can also be applied to the study of other neuronal systems on a multiple time scale.
- pre-Bötzinger complex /
- mixed bursting /
- bifurcation /
- fast-slow analysis
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Ermentrout B G, Terman D H (translated by Wu Y, Liu S Q) 2010 The Mathematical Foundations of Neuroscience (Beijing: Higher Education Press) pp95−117 (in Chinese)
[17] 尤里 · 阿 · 库兹涅佐夫 著 (金成桴 译) 2004 应用分支理论基础 (北京: 科学出版社) 第68−104页
Kuznetsov Y A (translated by Jin C F) 2004 Elements of Applied Bifurcation Theory (Beijing: Science Press) pp68−104 (in Chinese)
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[32] 埃门创特 B 著 (孝鹏程, 段利霞, 苏建忠 译) 2002 动力系统仿真, 分析与动画——XPPAUT使用指南 (北京: 科学出版社) 第155−167页
Ermentrout B (translated by Xiao P C, Duan L L, Su J Z) 2002 Simulating, Analyzing, and Animating Dynamical Systems : A Guide to XPPAUT for Researchers and Students (Beijing: Science Press) pp155−167 (in Chinese)
[33] Duan L X, Liu J, Chen X, Xiao P C, Zhao Y 2017 Cogn. Neurodyn. 11 91
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图 1 参数
${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$ 变化时树突子系统(方程(5)和方程(6))的动力学 (a)$ [{{\rm{IP}} _3}] = 1.2 \; {\rm{{\text{μ}} mol/L}} $ 时的单参数分岔, 其中黑色曲线表示平衡点, 红色曲线表示周期轨道的最大值和最小值;${{\rm{F}}_1}$ ,${{\rm{F}}_{\rm{2}}}$ 表示平衡点的鞍结分岔;${\rm{HB}}$ 表示Hopf分岔; (b) 极限环的变化周期; (c) 极限环的变化频率. 参数值见附录AFigure 1. Dynamics of the dendritic subsystem with parameter
${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$ : (a) One-parameter bifurcation of dendritic subsystem with$ [{{\rm{IP}} _3}] = 1.2 \; {\rm{{\text{μ}} mol/L}} $ . Black curve indicates equilibrium points and red curve indicates maximum and minimum values of periodic orbits respectively.${\operatorname{F} _1}$ and${\operatorname{F} _2}$ are the fold bifurcation points,${\rm{HB}}$ is the Hopf bifurcation. (b) Changes of period of limit cycle with the parameter${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$ . (c) Changes of frequency of limit cycle with the parameter${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$ . Defaulted parameter values are shown in Appendix A.图 2 树突子系统 (方程(5)和方程(6))的动力学分析 (a) 单参数分岔, 其中
$ [{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}] = 1, 1.05, 1.1, 1.2 \; {\rm{{\text{μ}} mol/L}} $ ; (b)$({L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}, $ $ [{{\rm{IP}} _3}])$ 平面上的双参数分岔, 分岔曲线包括平衡点的鞍结分岔($f$ ), Hopf分岔(hb)和不变圆上的鞍结分岔($snic$ ); (c) 图(b)的部分放大图Figure 2. Dynamics analysis of the dendritic subsystem: (a) One-parameter bifurcation with
$ [{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}] = 1, 1.05, 1.1, 1.2 \; {\rm{{\text{μ}} mol/L}} $ , respectively. (b) Two-parameter bifurcation with$[{{\rm{IP}} _3}]$ and${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$ as parameters. The bifurcation curves represent fold bifurcation ($f$ ), Hopf bifurcation (hb) and the saddle-node on invariant circle bifurcation ($snic$ ) of equilibrium points. (c) Enlargement part of panel (b).图 3 反相簇放电模式 (a)
$ {L}_{{\rm{IP}}_{3}}=0\;{\rm{PL}}\cdot {\rm{s}}^{-1}$ ; (b)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0.1\; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{{\rm{ - 1}}}}$ ; (c)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0.4\; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ ; (d)$ {L}_{{\rm{IP}}_{3}}=0.5\;{\rm{PL}}\cdot {\rm{s}}^{\rm{-1}}$ ; (e)${L}_{{\rm{IP}}_{3}}= $ $ 3\;{\rm{PL}}\cdot {\rm{s}}^{-1}$ ; (f)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 15\; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ Figure 3. Anti-phase bursting of the system: (a)
$ {L}_{{\rm{IP}}_{3}}=0\;{\rm{PL}}\cdot {\rm{s}}^{\rm{-1}}$ ; (b)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0.1\; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ ; (c)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0.4 \;{\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{{\rm{ - 1}}}}$ ; (d)${L}_{{\rm{IP}}_{3}}= $ $ 0.5\;{\rm{PL}}\cdot {\rm{s}}^{\rm{-1}}$ ; (e)$ {L}_{{\rm{IP}}_{3}}=3\;{\rm{PL}}\cdot {\rm{s}}^{\rm{-1}}$ ; (f)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 15\; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{{\rm{ - 1}}}}$ .图 4 (a)
${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$ 变化时膜电位$ {V}_{1} $ 对应的${\rm{ISI}}$ 分岔序列; (b) 纵坐标${\rm{ISI}}$ 取对数对应的分岔图; (c), (d) 图(a)的部分放大图Figure 4. (a)
${\rm{ISI}}$ diagram of membrane potential${V_1}$ with parameter${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$ ; (b) logarithm as ordinate of${\rm{ISI}}$ for panel (a); (c), (d) partially enlarged diagram of panel (a).图 5 反相簇放电的快慢分岔分析 (a), (b)
${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0 \;{\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ ; (c), (d)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0.1 \;{\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{{\rm{ - 1}}}}$ ; (e)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0.4 \;{\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{{\rm{ - 1}}}}$ ; (f)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = $ $ 0.5 \;{\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{{\rm{ - 1}}}}$ Figure 5. Fast-slow bifurcation analysis of anti-phase bursting with (a), (b)
${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0\; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ ; (c), (d)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0.1\; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ ; (e)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = $ $ 0.4 \;{\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{{\rm{ - 1}}}}$ ; (f)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0.5 \;{\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{{\rm{ - 1}}}}$ .图 6
${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} $ 取不同值时反相簇放电的双参数$({h_1}, \; {g_{{\rm{CA}}{{\rm{N}}_{{\rm{Tot}}1}}}})$ 分岔分析 (a)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = $ $ 0.4\; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ ; (b)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0.5 \;{\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ ; (c)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 3 \;{\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ Figure 6. Two-parameter bifurcation of the anti-phase bursting in
$({h_1}, \; {g_{{\rm{CA}}{{\rm{N}}_{{\rm{Tot}}1}}}})$ -plane with different$ {L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} $ : (a)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = $ $ 0.4\; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ ; (b)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 0.5\; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{{\rm{ - 1}}}}$ ; (c)${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}} = 3\; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ .图 7 (a)
$ {L}_{{\rm{IP}}_{3}}=0\;{\rm{PL}}\cdot {\rm{s}}^{-1}$ 时反相簇放电的快子系统在$({h_1}, {n_1}, {V_1})$ 空间中的分岔结构图; (b) 图(a)的部分放大Figure 7. (a) Bifurcation structure of the fast subsystem of anti-phase bursting in
$({h_1}, {n_1}, {V_1})$ space with${L}_{{\rm{IP}}_{3}}= $ $ 0\;{\rm{PL}}\cdot {\rm{s}}^{-1}$ ; (b) partial enlargement of panel (a).表 1 不同
$[{{\rm{IP}} _3}]$ 下树突子系统中关键点的${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$ 的值Table 1. Values of
${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$ of the key points at different$[{{\rm{IP}} _3}]$ values.$[{{\rm{IP}} _3}]$的取值/
(μmol·L–1)${\rm{SNIC}}$ ${\rm{Hopf}}$ 稳定极限环所在
区域${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$$1 $ $0.2789$ $20.8584$ $[0.2789, 20.8584]$ $1.05$ $0.2239$ $19.3199$ $[0.2239, 19.3199]$ $1.1 $ $0.1842$ $17.6358$ $[0.1842, 17.6358]$ $1.2$ $0.1317$ $13.9694$ $[0.1317, 13.9694]$ 表 A1 理论模型中的参数值
Table A1. Parameter values used in the theoretical model
参数 参数值 参数 参数值 参数 参数值 ${C_{\rm{m}}}$ $ 21 \; {\rm{ {\text{μ} } F} }$ ${g_{{\rm{Na}}}}$ $28 \; {\rm{nS}}$ ${L_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$ ${\rm{varied, } } \;{\rm{PL} } \cdot { {\rm{s} }^{ - 1} }$ ${E_{{\rm{Na}}}}$ $50 \; {\rm{mV}}$ ${g_{\rm{K}}}$ $11.2 \; {\rm{nS}}$ ${P_{{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}}}$ $31000 \; {\rm{PL}} \cdot {{\rm{s}}^{ - 1}}$ ${E_{\rm{K}}}$ $ - 85 \; {\rm{mV}}$ ${g_{{\rm{Nap}}}}$ $15 \; {\rm{nS}}$ ${K_{\rm{l}}}$ 1.0 μmol/L ${E_{\rm{L}}}$ $ - 58 \; {\rm{mV}}$ ${g_{ {\rm{tonic \text- e} } } }$ $0.4 \; {\rm{nS}}$ ${K_{\rm{a}}}$ 0.4 μmol/L ${E_{ {\rm{syn \text- e} } } }$ $0 \; {\rm{mV}}$ ${g_{{\rm{CAN}}}}$ $0.7 \; {\rm{nS}}$ ${V_{{\rm{SERCA}}}}$ $400 \; {\rm{aMol}} \cdot {{\rm{S}}^{ - 1}}$ ${\theta _m}$ $ - 34 \; {\rm{mV}}$ ${g_{ {\rm{syn \text- e} } } }$ $9 \; {\rm{nS}}$ ${E_{{\rm{SERCA}}}}$ 0.2 μmol/L ${\theta _n}$ $ - 29 \; {\rm{mV}}$ ${g_{\rm{L}}}$ $11.2 \; {\rm{nS}}$ $A$ $0.001 \; {({\rm{ {\text{μ} } mol} }/{\rm{L)} }^{ - 1} } \cdot {\rm{m} }{ {\rm{s} }^{ - 1} }$ ${\theta _{mp}}$ $ - 40\; {\rm{mV}}$ ${\sigma _{\rm{s}}}$ $ - 5 \; {\rm{mV}}$ ${K_{{\rm{d}}}}$ 0.4 μmol/L ${\theta _h}$ $ - 48 \; {\rm{mV}}$ ${\sigma _n}$ $ - 4 \;{\rm{mV}}$ ${K_{{\rm{CAN}}}}$ 0.74 μmol/L ${\alpha _{\rm{s}}}$ 0.2 ms-1 ${\sigma _{mp}}$ $ - 6 \; {\rm{mV}}$ ${n_{{\rm{CAN}}}}$ $0.97$ ${\bar \tau _{\rm{s}}}$ 5 ms ${\sigma _h}$ $5 \; {\rm{mV}}$ $[{\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_3}]$ varied, μmol/L ${\bar \tau _h}/\varepsilon $ 10000 ms ${\theta _s}$ $ - 10 \; {\rm{mV}}$ ${[{\rm{Ca}}]_{{\rm{Tot}}}}$ 1.25 μmol/L ${\bar \tau _n}$ 10 ms ${\sigma _m}$ $ - 5 \; {\rm{mV}}$ ${f_m}$ $0.000025 \; {\rm{P}}{{\rm{L}}^{ - 1}}$ $\sigma $ $0.185$ -
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Ermentrout B (translated by Xiao P C, Duan L L, Su J Z) 2002 Simulating, Analyzing, and Animating Dynamical Systems : A Guide to XPPAUT for Researchers and Students (Beijing: Science Press) pp155−167 (in Chinese)
[33] Duan L X, Liu J, Chen X, Xiao P C, Zhao Y 2017 Cogn. Neurodyn. 11 91
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