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Investigation of interaction between α-Fe metal and H atom by ab-initio method

Cheng Ying-Jin Yang Chao-Fei Xue Gang Wang Tao Zhang Lei Li Mei-E


Investigation of interaction between α-Fe metal and H atom by ab-initio method

Cheng Ying-Jin, Yang Chao-Fei, Xue Gang, Wang Tao, Zhang Lei, Li Mei-E
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) is a key problem restricting the application of ultra-high strength steel. It is necessary to analyze the distribution of diffusible hydrogen to reveal the mechanism of HIC. The site occupation tendency of H in interstitial and vacancy positions are investigated by the ab-initio method, and the stable configuration and steady state energy are obtained. The solution tendency of H atom in interstitial and vacancy positions is analyzed based on the aforementioned results. Specifically, the Mulliken population, density of states, charge density difference are calculated and used to analyze the interaction between α-Fe metal and H atom. The results show that the dissolved H tends to occupy the interstitial sites of the body-centered cubic, the weak hybridization interaction between the interstitial hydrogen and its nearest neighbour Fe atom is contributed by the H 1s orbital and Fe 4s orbital. Vacancies can capture H atoms easily and H atoms tend to occupy the isoelectric surface near the inwall of the vacancies. A vacancy defect can hold up to three H atoms which are difficult to combine with each other to form H2 molecule by covalent bond. H atoms in vacancies and at interstitial positions change the charge distribution of the Fe lattice, which weakens the binding force of the atoms and forms anti-bonding orbital in local area. The proposed thermodynamical model allows the determining of the equilibrium vacancy and the dissolved H concentration for a given temperature and H chemical potential in the reservoir, and the calculated results are in good agreement with the actual results.
      Corresponding author: Cheng Ying-Jin,

    张文钺 1999 焊接冶金学(基本原理)(北京: 机械工业出版社) 第241—244页

    Zhang W Y 2012 Welding Metallurgy (Fundamental Principle) (Beijing: China Machine Press) pp241–244 (in Chinese)


    张敬强 2015 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)

    Zhang J Q 2015 Ph.D Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese)


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    Du Y A, Ismer L, Rogal J, Hickel T, Neugebauer J, Drautz R 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 144121Google Scholar


    Nazarov R, Hickel T, Neugebauer J 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 144108Google Scholar


    Nazarov R, Hickel T, Neugebauer J 2012 Phys. Rev. B 85 144118Google Scholar


    Hickel T, Grabowski B, Körmann F, Neugebauer J 2011 J. Phys. Condens. Mater. 24 053202Google Scholar


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    Lynch SP 2013 Metall. Mater. Trans. A 44 1209Google Scholar


    Lu G, Kaxiras E 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 155501Google Scholar


    Ismer L, Hickel T, Neugebauer J 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 094111Google Scholar


    Korzhavyi P A, Abrikosov I A, Johansson B, Ruban A V, Skriver H L 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 11693Google Scholar


    Nazarov R, Hickel T, Neugebauer J 2010 Phys. Rev. B 82 224104Google Scholar


    Speight J G 2005 Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry (16th Ed.) (New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc) pp1299−1309

  • 图 1  α-Fe+H的晶体结构 (a) T-site; (b) O-site

    Figure 1.  Crystalline structure of α-Fe+H: (a) T-site; (b) O-site.

    图 2  α-Fe+H (T-site)的分波电子态密度 (a) 固溶前后 H 原子; (b) 固溶前后最近邻Fe原子; (c) 四面体间隙H原子; (d) 间隙H原子最近邻Fe原子

    Figure 2.  Partial electronic density of state of α-Fe+H (T-site): (a) Free H atom and interstitial H atom; (b) Fe atom in perfect α-Fe crystal and the nearest neighbour of interstitial H atom; (c) H atom in tetrahedral interstice; (d) the nearest neighbour Fe atom of interstitial H atom.

    图 3  α-Fe+H(T-site)的差分电荷密度

    Figure 3.  Electron density difference of α-Fe+H(T-site).

    图 4  α-Fe+(nH-Vac)的晶体结构 (a) α-Fe+Vac; (b) α-Fe+(3H-Vac); (c) α-Fe+(4H-Vac); (d) α-Fe+(5H-Vac); (e) α-Fe+(1H-Vac); (f) α-Fe+(2H-Vac); (g) α-Fe+(6H-Vac)

    Figure 4.  Crystalline structure of α-Fe+(nH-Vac): (a) α-Fe+Vac; (b)α-Fe+(3H-Vac); (c) α-Fe+(4H-Vac); (d) α-Fe+(5H-Vac); (e) α-Fe+(1H-Vac); (f) α-Fe+(2H-Vac); (g) α-Fe+(6H-Vac).

    图 5  α-Fe+(nH-Vac)的等电荷面和差分电荷密度 (a) α-Fe+Vac ((100)面); (b) α-Fe+Vac ((110)面); (c) α-Fe+Vac等电荷面; (d) α-Fe+(2H-Vac) ((010)面); (e) α-Fe+(2H-Vac)等电荷面

    Figure 5.  Isoelectronic density surface and electron density difference of α-Fe+(nH-Vac): (a) Electron density difference of α-Fe+Vac in surface (100); (b) electron density difference of α-Fe+Vac in surface (110); (c) isoelectric density surface of α-Fe+Vac; (d) electron density difference of α-Fe+(2H-Vac) in surface (010); (e) isoelectric density surface of α-Fe+(2H-Vac).

    图 6  α-Fe+Vac+H(T-site)的晶体结构

    Figure 6.  Crystalline structure of α-Fe+Vac+H(T-site).

    图 7  0 K下缺陷形成能随μH变化情况

    Figure 7.  Formation energy of defects at 0 K for different H chemical potentials.

    图 8  缺陷随TμH变化情况 (a) 空位平衡浓度; (b) 空位内H平衡浓度; (c) 间隙H平衡浓度

    Figure 8.  Equilibrium concentration of defects for different temperature and H chemical potentials: (a) Equilibrium concentration of vacancies; (b) equilibrium concentration of H occupying in vacancies; (c) equilibrium concentration of H occupying in interstitial positions.

    图 9  含空位α-Fe晶体H总平衡浓度

    Figure 9.  Equilibrium total concentration of H of α-Fe containing vacancies.

    图 10  Devnathan-Stachurski双电解池示意图

    Figure 10.  Schematic diagram of Devnathan-Stachurski double electrolytic cell.

    表 1  α-Fe+H的晶格常数和晶体结构

    Table 1.  Lattice parameters and crystalline structure of α-Fe+H.

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    表 2  α-Fe和α-Fe+H结合能、形成能和溶解热

    Table 2.  Binding energy, formation energy, and heat of solution of α-Fe and α-Fe+H.

    晶体类型${E_{{\rm{crystal}}}}$/eV${E_{{\rm{ZP}}}}$/eV${E_{{\rm{bind}}}}$/eV$E_{{\rm{form}}}$/eV$\Delta H_{{ {\rm{sol} } } }^{\rm{H} }$/eV
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  α-Fe+H (T-site)晶体原子轨道布居

    Table 3.  Atomic orbital population of α-Fe+H (T-site).

    Fe2, Fe40.620.666.657.930.07
    Fe3, Fe110.620.676.657.940.06
    Fe12, Fe100.650.726.627.990.01
    Fe1, Fe9, Fe13, Fe14, Fe160.650.726.627.990.01
    Fe8, Fe60.650.746.618.01–0.01
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  α-Fe-H (T-site)晶体键布居

    Table 4.  Bond population of α-Fe+H (T-site).

    α-Fe-H (T-site)Fe2-H1.64940.16
    α-Fe-H (O-site) Fe2-Fe42.6287–0.28
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    表 5  α-Fe+(nH-Vac)的晶格常数和晶体结构

    Table 5.  Lattice parameters and crystalline structure of α-Fe+(nH-Vac).

    α-Fe+Vac5.60335.60335.603390.00090.00090.000175.923221${\rm{(}}Pm\overline {{\rm{3}}m} )$
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    表 6  α-Fe+(nH-Vac)的结合能、形成能和溶解热

    Table 6.  Binding energy, formation energy, and heat of solution of α-Fe+(nH-Vac).

    晶体类型${E_{{\rm{crystal}}}}$/eV${E_{{\rm{ZP}}}}$/eV${E_{{\rm{bind}}}}$/eV$E_{{\rm{form}}}$/eV$\Delta H_{_{ {\rm{sol} } } }^{\rm{H} }$/eV
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 7  α-Fe+(nH-Vac)对H原子的陷阱能

    Table 7.  Hydrogen trapping energy of α-Fe+(nH-Vac)

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    表 8  α-Fe+(nH-Vac)晶体原子轨道布居

    Table 8.  Atomic orbital population of α-Fe+(nH-Vac).

    α-Fe+VacFe7, Fe11, Fe130.740.726.688.13–0.13
    Fe3, Fe5, Fe90.680.736.638.04–0.04
    α-Fe+Vac—α-Fe+(Vac-6H)H11.20—1.22001.20—1.22–0.20— –0.22
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    表 9  α-Fe+Vac+H(T-site)的结合能、形成能和溶解热

    Table 9.  Binding energy, formation energy, and heat of solution of α-Fe+Vac+H(T-site).

    晶体类型${E_{{\rm{crystal}}}}$/eV${E_{{\rm{ZP}}}}$/eV${E_{{\rm{bind}}}}$/eV$E_{{\rm{form}}}$/eV$\Delta H_{{ {\rm{sol} } } }^{\rm{H} }$/eV
    α–Fe+Vac+H(T-site)–12993.354 — –12993.3530.248—0.2505.0122.755—2.7560.339—0.340
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 10  H平衡溶解度计算值和实验值

    Table 10.  Calculated and test value of equilibrium concentration of H atom.

    298.15–0.2392.08 × 10–24.41 × 10–2
    2.88 × 10–2, 其中晶格溶H占总扩散H含量的43%[2]
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  • [1]

    张文钺 1999 焊接冶金学(基本原理)(北京: 机械工业出版社) 第241—244页

    Zhang W Y 2012 Welding Metallurgy (Fundamental Principle) (Beijing: China Machine Press) pp241–244 (in Chinese)


    张敬强 2015 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)

    Zhang J Q 2015 Ph.D Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese)


    Tateyama Y, Ohno T 2003 ISIJ Internation 43 573Google Scholar


    Geng W T, Wan L, Du J P, Ogata S 2017 Scripta Materialia 134 105Google Scholar


    MonasterioP R, Lau T T, Yip S, van Vliet K J 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 085501Google Scholar


    Nagumo M, Nakamura M, Taika K 2001 Metall. Mater. Trans. A 32 339Google Scholar


    Först C J, Slycke J, van Vliet K J, Yip S 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 175501Google Scholar


    Fukai Y 1983 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 22 207Google Scholar


    张凤春, 李春福, 文平, 罗强, 冉曾令 2014 63 227101Google Scholar

    ZhangF C, Li C F, Wen P, Luo Q, Ran Z L 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 227101Google Scholar


    Du Y A, Ismer L, Rogal J, Hickel T, Neugebauer J, Drautz R 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 144121Google Scholar


    Nazarov R, Hickel T, Neugebauer J 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 144108Google Scholar


    Nazarov R, Hickel T, Neugebauer J 2012 Phys. Rev. B 85 144118Google Scholar


    Hickel T, Grabowski B, Körmann F, Neugebauer J 2011 J. Phys. Condens. Mater. 24 053202Google Scholar


    Ramasubramaniam A, Itakura M, Carter EA 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 174101Google Scholar


    Payne M C, Teter M P, Allan D C, Arias T A, Joannopoulos J D 1992 Rev. Mod. Phys. 64 1045Google Scholar


    Milman V, Winkler B, White JA, Pickard C J, Payne M C, Akhmataskaya E V, Nobes R H 2000 Int. J. Quantum Chem. 77 895Google Scholar


    Perdew JP, Burke K, Ernzerhof M 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 3865Google Scholar


    Methfessel M, Paxton A T 1989 Phys. Rev. B 40 3616Google Scholar


    Acet M, Zähres H, Wassermann E F, Pepperhoff W 1994 Phys. Rev. B 49 6012Google Scholar


    Hayward E, Fu C C 2013 Phys. Rev. B 87 174103Google Scholar


    Baroni S, de Gironcoli S, Dal Corso A C, Giannozzi P 2001 Rev. Mod. Phys. 73 515Google Scholar


    Bozzolo G, Ferrante J 1992 Phys. Rev. B 46 8600Google Scholar


    Bhatia M A, Groh S, Solanki K N 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 116 064302Google Scholar


    Tateyama Y, Ohno T 2003 Phys. Rev. B 67 174105Google Scholar


    Mclellan R B, Harkins C G 1975 Mater. Sci. Eng. 18 5Google Scholar


    Lynch SP 2013 Metall. Mater. Trans. A 44 1209Google Scholar


    Lu G, Kaxiras E 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 155501Google Scholar


    Ismer L, Hickel T, Neugebauer J 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 094111Google Scholar


    Korzhavyi P A, Abrikosov I A, Johansson B, Ruban A V, Skriver H L 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 11693Google Scholar


    Nazarov R, Hickel T, Neugebauer J 2010 Phys. Rev. B 82 224104Google Scholar


    Speight J G 2005 Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry (16th Ed.) (New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc) pp1299−1309

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  • Received Date:  22 November 2019
  • Accepted Date:  16 January 2020
  • Published Online:  05 March 2020

