Variational mode decomposition can improve traditional recursive algorithms, such as empirical mode decomposition, resulting modal aliasing and endpoint effects, but it has a significant influence on signal decomposition accuracy due to its pre-set parameters. The frequency corresponding to the peak value of the target signal power spectrum is proposed to initialize the center frequency required for the variational mode decomposition. The empirical mode decomposition and recursive model is used to improve the variational mode decomposition into the recursive mode algorithm based on the energy cutoff method. The group optimization algorithm optimally takes the penalty factor with bandwidth constraint ability to form an optimized recursive variational mode decomposition. By comparing with and analyzing empirical mode decomposition, integrating empirical mode decomposition and optimizing the computational accuracy of recursive variational mode decomposition in decomposing signals; studying traditional variational mode decomposition and optimizing recursive variational mode decomposition in dealing with actual vibration signals calculating rate, the results are obtained, showing that the optimized recursive variational mode decomposition has the highest accuracy when dealing with the target signal, and the correlation with the original component is 99.9%. Comparing with the integrated empirical mode decomposition, the signal can be decomposed into different frequency bands from low to high, and the physical meaning is clearer. No false modality is generated. When the actual nonlinear signal is processed, the optimized recursive variational mode decomposition does not need to preset the number of decomposition modes, and the calculation rate is 12.5%–18.5% higher than thay of the traditional variational mode decomposition.
- variational mode decomposition /
- nonlinear /
- signal process
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图 8 故障信号EEMD分解结果 (a) IMF1; (b) IMF2; (c) IMF3; (d) IMF4; (e) IMF5; (f) IMF6; (g) IMF7; (h) IMF8; (i) IMF9; (j) IMF10; (k) IMF11; (l) IMF12
Figure 8. The results of EEMD for fault signal: (a) IMF1; (b) IMF2; (c) IMF3; (d) IMF4; (e) IMF5; (f) IMF6; (g) IMF7; (h) IMF8; (i) IMF9; (j) IMF10; (k) IMF11; (l) IMF12.
表 1 ORVMD参数组合
Table 1. Parameter set of ORVMD.
编号 K, α 编号 K, α 1 12, 12100 14 12, 12400 2 12, 12900 15 12, 12000 3 12, 11800 16 12, 12000 4 12, 11900 17 13, 11900 5 12, 11800 18 12, 11900 6 12, 12700 19 12, 11400 7 12, 12100 20 12, 11900 8 12, 13100 21 13, 11900 9 12, 12100 22 12, 11900 10 12, 12000 23 12, 12000 11 11, 12000 24 12, 12000 12 11, 12000 25 11, 12100 13 12, 13200 — — -
[1] Ingerman E A, London R A, Heintzmann R, Gustafsson M G L 2019 J. Microsc. 273 11
[2] Banjade T P, Yu S, Ma J 2019 J. Seismol. 5 1
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Lv Z L 2016 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chongqing: Chongqing University) (in Chinese)
[26] Mcfadden P D, Smith J D 1984 J. Sound Vib. 96 69
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