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Effects of the angle between magnetic field and ribbon axis on the magneto-impedance properties of amorphous FeSiB/Cu/FeSiB sandwiched ribbon

Shao Xian-Yi Xu Ai-Jiao Wang Tian-Le


Effects of the angle between magnetic field and ribbon axis on the magneto-impedance properties of amorphous FeSiB/Cu/FeSiB sandwiched ribbon

Shao Xian-Yi, Xu Ai-Jiao, Wang Tian-Le
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  • Amorphous FeSiB ribbons with nominal composition of Fe78Si9B13 are prepared by single roll rapid quenching technique. In order to enhance the giant magneto-impedance (GMI) effect of FeSiB ribbons, interlaminar gluing method is used to produce FeSiB/Cu/FeSiB sandwiched structure in which the FeSiB ribbons act as external soft magnetic layers and the Cu foil acts as internal conductive layer. The variation characteristics of GMI with angle $\beta$ between the external magnetic field and the ribbon axis for the single layer FeSiB ribbon and the sandwiched ribbon are studied by a rotating device placed in magnetic field which can drive the sample to rotate, to obtain a variable angle $\beta$ from 0° to 90° with 15° degree angle interval. Magnetic domain structure detection shows that the amorphous FeSiB ribbons have near-axial magnetic anisotropy, and the angle between easy axis and ribbon axis is about 15°. In this work, in the case without considering the effects of shape anisotropy, the functional relationship among magnetic field at anisotropic peak of permeability, transverse permeability ratio and angle $\beta$ is obtained according to the expression of the transverse permeability of ribbon derived from a domain rotation model. The results display that anisotropic peak appears in the transverse permeability for each of all testing values of angle $\beta$. Moreover, the transverse permeability ratio increases with $\beta$ increasing. The magneto-impedance testing results indicate that the maximum GMI ratio of single layer ribbon is only about 30% at an optimum response frequency of 7.0 MHz, and angle $\beta$ has almost no influence on the GMI. In contrast, the GMI of sandwiched ribbon presents a significant enhancement, the maximum value of the longitudinal GMI ratio and that of transverse GMI ratio reach 272% and 464%, respectively at an optimum response frequency of 0.6 MHz, the GMI of sandwiched ribbon is sensitive to the variation of angle $\beta$, and with increase of $\beta$ the GMI increases accordingly. In addition, for all testing values of angle $\beta$, the GMI profiles of sandwiched ribbon show anisotropic peaks, due to the influence of transverse demagnetization field, and the anisotropic peak broadens with the increase of angle $\beta$. By comparing the theoretical and experimental results, it can be concluded that for the sandwiched ribbon, the characteristics of GMI changing with angle $\beta$ agree better with the theoretical transverse permeability, which but is not for single layer ribbon. Besides, whether the anisotropic peak of GMI appears is independent of the orientation of the external magnetic field. As the transverse permeability ratio increases with the increase of angle $\beta$, the GMI effect of sandwiched ribbon is enhanced accordingly. The study results also demonstrate that the domain rotation model can be used to explicate the variation of GMI properties of sandwiched ribbon with the angle between magnetic field and ribbon axis qualitatively when the domain rotation magnetization is dominant.
      Corresponding author: Shao Xian-Yi,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Public Technology Application Research Plan of Zhejiang Province, China (Grant No. 2017C37096).

    张树玲, 陈炜晔, 张勇 2015 64 167501Google Scholar

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    王文静, 袁慧敏, 李娟, 姬长建, 代由勇, 萧淑琴 2013 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 43 852Google Scholar

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    He J, Guo H Q, Shen B G, He K Y, Zhang H W 2001 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 304–306 988Google Scholar


    Phan M H, Peng H X, Wisnom M R, Yu S C, Kim C G, Nghi N H 2006 Sensor. Actuat. A: Phys. 129 62Google Scholar


    Hika K, Panina L V, Mohri K 1996 IEEE Trans. Magn. 32 4594Google Scholar


    Xiao S Q, Liu Y H, Yan S S, Dai Y Y, Zhang L, Mei L M 2000 Phys. Rev. B 61 5734Google Scholar


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    Zhao C B, Zhang X L, Liu Q F, Wang J B 2016 J. Phys. D 49 065006Google Scholar


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    Pirota K R, Kraus L, Knobel M, Pagliuso P G, Rettori C 1999 Phys. Rev. B 60 6685Google Scholar


    Yu J Q, Yu A B, Zhou Y, Cai B C, Zhao X L 2000 Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications Shanghai, China, May 8–11, 2000 p514


    Mardani R, Amirabadizadeh A 2014 Mod. Phys. Lett. B 28 1450197Google Scholar


    王艾玲, 刘江涛, 周云松, 姜宏伟, 郑鹉 2004 53 905Google Scholar

    Wang A L, Liu J T, Zhou Y S, Jiang H W, Zheng W 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 905Google Scholar


    Panina L V, Mohri K, Uchiyama T, Noda M 1995 IEEE Trans. Magn. 31 1249Google Scholar


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    Atkinson D, Squire P T 1998 J. Appl. Phys. 83 6569Google Scholar


    张建强, 叶慧群, 郑建龙, 李通银, 李文忠, 马云, 方允樟 2010 浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版) 33 150Google Scholar

    Zhang J Q, Ye H Q, Zheng J L, Li T Y, Li W Z, Ma Y, Fang Y Z 2010 J. Zheiiang Normal Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 33 150Google Scholar


    Makhnovskiy D P, Panina L V, Mapps D J 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 89 7224Google Scholar


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    Kurlyandskaya G V, Barandiarán J M, Vázquez M, Garcı́A D, Dmitrieva N V 2000 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 215–216 740Google Scholar


    Franco C S, Ribas G P, Bruno A C 2006 Sens. Actuators A: Phys. 132 85Google Scholar


    Sommer R L, Chien C L 1995 J. Appl. Phys. Lett. 67 3346Google Scholar


    Zhao C B, Pan L N, Ma X Q, Li J N, Liu Q F, Wang J B 2017 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 444 198Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a) 磁阻抗测试装置示意图; (b) 三明治薄带结构示意图

    Figure 1.  (a) Schematic view of magneto-impedance mesurement device; (b) structural sketch of sandwich ribbon

    图 2  薄带面内各向异性场、磁化强度、外磁场、交流驱动场关系示意图

    Figure 2.  Sketch map of the relationship among in-plane anisotropy field, magnetization, external magnetic field, AC driven field in ribbon

    图 3  非晶FeSiB薄带的磁畴结构 (a) 3.5 mm × 3.5 mm薄带; (b) 28 mm × 3.5 mm薄带

    Figure 3.  Magnetic domain of amorphous ribbons: (a) Ribbon size is 3.5 mm × 3.5 mm; (b) ribbon size is 28 mm × 3.5 mm

    图 4  非晶FeSiB薄带磁滞回线(L和T分别表示所加磁场平行和垂直于带轴方向)

    Figure 4.  Hysteresis loop of amorphous FeSiB ribbon (“L” and “T” indicates the field direction parallel or perpendicular to the ribbon axis, respectively)

    图 5  单层薄带磁阻抗特性 (a) 不同$\beta$角的MI比随频率的变化特性; (b) $\beta$ = 0°时, 不同频率的MI比随外磁场的变化特性

    Figure 5.  The MI characteristics of single layer ribbon: (a) MI ratios of different $\beta$ vary with frequency; (b) MI ratios of different frequencies change with field, at $\beta$ = 0°

    图 6  不同$\beta$角下三明治薄带磁阻抗特性 (a) MI比随频率的变化特性; (b) 0.6 MHz频率下MI比随外磁场的变化特性

    Figure 6.  The MI characteristics of sandwiched ribbon at different angle $\beta$: (a) MI ratios vary with frequency; (b) field dependence of MI ratios at the frequency of 0.6 MHz

    图 7  h = Hext/Hk随夹角$\beta$的变化关系

    Figure 7.  h = Hext/Hk varies with the angle $\beta$

    图 8  不同$\beta$角时最大MI比与理论磁导率比的比较 (a) 单层薄带样品; (b) 三明治薄带样品; (c) 理论磁导率比

    Figure 8.  Comparison between maximum MI ratios and theoretical permeability ratios at different $\beta$: (a) Single layer ribbon; (b) sandwiched ribbon; (c) theoretical permeability ratios

  • [1]

    张树玲, 陈炜晔, 张勇 2015 64 167501Google Scholar

    Zhang S L, Chen W Y, Zhang Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 167501Google Scholar


    王文静, 袁慧敏, 李娟, 姬长建, 代由勇, 萧淑琴 2013 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 43 852Google Scholar

    Wang W J, Yuan H M, Li J, Ji C J, Dai Y Y, Xiao S Q 2013 Sci. Chin: Phys. Mech. Astron. 43 852Google Scholar


    Phan M H, Peng H X 2008 Prog. Mater. Sci. 53 323Google Scholar


    He J, Guo H Q, Shen B G, He K Y, Zhang H W 2001 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 304–306 988Google Scholar


    Phan M H, Peng H X, Wisnom M R, Yu S C, Kim C G, Nghi N H 2006 Sensor. Actuat. A: Phys. 129 62Google Scholar


    Hika K, Panina L V, Mohri K 1996 IEEE Trans. Magn. 32 4594Google Scholar


    Xiao S Q, Liu Y H, Yan S S, Dai Y Y, Zhang L, Mei L M 2000 Phys. Rev. B 61 5734Google Scholar


    Le A T, Tung M T, Phan M H 2012 J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 25 1133Google Scholar


    周勇, 丁文, 陈吉安, 杨春生, 高孝裕, 王明军, 张亚民 2004 磁性材料及器件 35 8Google Scholar

    Zhou Y, Ding W, Chen J A, Yang C S, Gao X Y, Wang M J, Zhang Y M 2004 J. Magn. Mater. Dev. 35 8Google Scholar


    Zhong Z Y, Zhang H W, Jing Y L, Tang X L, Liu S 2008 Sens. Actuators A: Phys. 141 29Google Scholar


    Amalou F, Gijs M A M 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 1364Google Scholar


    Alves F, Moutoussamy J, Coillot C, Abirached L, Kaviraj B 2008 Sens. Actuators A: Phys. 145–146 241Google Scholar


    邵先亦, 陈卫平, 钟彬荃, 谢佳文 2018 稀有金属材料与工程 47 1160

    Shao X Y, Chen W P, Zhong B Q, Xie J W 2018 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 47 1160


    Zhao C B, Zhang X L, Liu Q F, Wang J B 2016 J. Phys. D 49 065006Google Scholar


    Sommer R L, Chien C L 1996 Phys. Rev. B 53 R5982Google Scholar


    Pirota K R, Kraus L, Knobel M, Pagliuso P G, Rettori C 1999 Phys. Rev. B 60 6685Google Scholar


    Yu J Q, Yu A B, Zhou Y, Cai B C, Zhao X L 2000 Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications Shanghai, China, May 8–11, 2000 p514


    Mardani R, Amirabadizadeh A 2014 Mod. Phys. Lett. B 28 1450197Google Scholar


    王艾玲, 刘江涛, 周云松, 姜宏伟, 郑鹉 2004 53 905Google Scholar

    Wang A L, Liu J T, Zhou Y S, Jiang H W, Zheng W 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 905Google Scholar


    Panina L V, Mohri K, Uchiyama T, Noda M 1995 IEEE Trans. Magn. 31 1249Google Scholar


    Reichl L E 1998 A Modern Course in Statistical Physics (2nd Ed.) (New York: Wiley-VCH) p376


    Atkinson D, Squire P T 1998 J. Appl. Phys. 83 6569Google Scholar


    张建强, 叶慧群, 郑建龙, 李通银, 李文忠, 马云, 方允樟 2010 浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版) 33 150Google Scholar

    Zhang J Q, Ye H Q, Zheng J L, Li T Y, Li W Z, Ma Y, Fang Y Z 2010 J. Zheiiang Normal Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 33 150Google Scholar


    Makhnovskiy D P, Panina L V, Mapps D J 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 89 7224Google Scholar


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    Franco C S, Ribas G P, Bruno A C 2006 Sens. Actuators A: Phys. 132 85Google Scholar


    Sommer R L, Chien C L 1995 J. Appl. Phys. Lett. 67 3346Google Scholar


    Zhao C B, Pan L N, Ma X Q, Li J N, Liu Q F, Wang J B 2017 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 444 198Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  07 October 2018
  • Accepted Date:  04 January 2019
  • Available Online:  01 March 2019
  • Published Online:  20 March 2019

