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Sub-diffraction-limit spatially structured light pattern based on polarized beam phase modulation

Yuan Qiang Zhao Wen-Xuan Ma Rui Zhang Chen Zhao Wei Wang Shuang Feng Xiao-Qiang Wang Kai-Ge Bai Jin-Tao


Sub-diffraction-limit spatially structured light pattern based on polarized beam phase modulation

Yuan Qiang, Zhao Wen-Xuan, Ma Rui, Zhang Chen, Zhao Wei, Wang Shuang, Feng Xiao-Qiang, Wang Kai-Ge, Bai Jin-Tao
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  • The sub-diffraction-limit spatially structured light patterns have attracted more and more attention for their important applications in many frontier scientific fields. The present paper aims at developing sub-diffraction-limit spatially structured beam patterns which might have great potential to improve the light performance in fields such as super resolution imagery, optical tweezer, micro/nano lithography, etc. Here, a variety of spatially structured beam patterns are obtained by the phase modulation of polarized beams and studied in detail experimentally and numerically. Firstly, a new kind of phase plate, which combines the merits of circular and vortex 2 phase plates, is proposed based on the wave front design; it is composed of two spiral-shaped phase plates with their phases changing from 0 to 2 and - to , respectively. Later, the phase plate is applied to the circularly polarized Gaussian beam modulation in a high NA system. By combining a self-made circular with a commercial vortex 2 phase plate, the designed new phase plate is implemented in the experiment. The morphology of the spatially structured light pattern, which is generated on the focal plane, is observed by a CCD camera in the experiment. The beam pattern presents a donut shape on the focal plane, while the dimension of the donut-shaped pattern becomes smaller as the imaging plane axially deviates from the focal plane. It is found that the beam patterns captured in experiment highly consist with the numerical simulation results carried out by the vectorial diffraction integral theory. It can be deduced that the spatially structured beam is capillary-shaped. Meanwhile, at the two ends of the capillary-shaped beam, the inner diameter is smaller than the diffraction limitation. Furthermore, the structured beam pattern presents a spatial voxel distribution with center and axis symmetry. Finally, the characteristics of the spatially structured beam patterns, which are generated by modulating circular, linear, radial and azimuthal polarized beams with the new designed phase plate, are analyzed and discussed in detail. It is found that for circular, linear, radial and azimuthal polarization, the full widths at half maximum (FWHMs) of the minimum dark spots in the horizontal direction are 0.31, 0.32, 0.24 and 0.36, respectively. On the optical axis, the FWHMs of the dark spots created by linearly, radially and azimuthally polarized light, are 0.8, 0.78 and 0.76 , respectively, and no axial intensity is found with circularly polarized beam incidence.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Chen,; ; Wang Kai-Ge,;
    • Funds: Project supported by Young Scientist Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11504294), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61378083), the Major Research Plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 91123030), the International Cooperation Foundation of the National Science and Technology Ministry of China (Grant No. 2011DFA12220), the Youth Talent Plan of the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province of China (Grant No. 2016JQ1030), and the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province of China (Grant Nos. 14JS106, 2013SZS03-Z01).

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    Chattopadhyay S, Huangy Y F, Jen Y, Ganguly A, Chen K H, Chen L C 2010 Mat. Sci. Eng. R 69 1


    Yang H F, He H D, Zhao E L, Han J, Hao J B, Qian J G, Tang W, Zhu H 2014 Laser Phys. 24 065901


    Zhou Z H, Zhu L Q 2016 Chin. Phys. B 25 118


    An S, Peng T, Zhou X, Han G X, Huang Z X, Yu X H, Cai Y N, Yao B L, Zhang P 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 010702 (in Chinese) [安莎, 彭彤, 周兴, 韩国霞, 黄张翔, 于湘华, 蔡亚楠, 姚保利, 张鹏 2017 66 010702]


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    Li S, Kuang C F, Ding Z H, Hao X, Gu Z T, Ge J H, Liu X 2013 Acta Laser Biology Sinica 22 103


    Wildanger D, Patton B R, Schil H, Marseglia L, Hadden J P 2012 Adv. Mater. 24 309


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    Cao Y, Gan Z, Jia B, Evans R A, Gu M 2011 Opt. Express 19 19486


    Dong X Z, Chen W Q, Zhao Z S, Duan X M 2008 Chin. Sci. Bull. 53 2 (in Chinese) [董贤子, 陈卫强, 赵震声, 段宣明 2008 科学通报 53 2]


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    Zhang C, Wang K G, Bai J T, Wang S, Zhao W, Yang F, Gu C Z, Wang G R 2013 Nanoscale Res. Lett. 8 1


    Beijersbergen M W, Coerwinkel R P C, Kristensen M, Woerdman J P 1994 Opt. Commun. 112 321


    Hotta J, Uji-I H, Hofkens J 2006 Opt. Express 14 6273


    Bingen P, Reuss M, Engelhardt J, Hell S W 2011 Opt. Express 19 23716


    Ren Y X, Li M, Huang K, Wu J G, Gao H F, Wang Z Q, Li Y M 2010 Appl. Opt. 49 1838


    Qian J, Lei M, Dan D, Yao B L, Zhou X, Yang Y L, Yan S H, Min J W, Yu X H 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 14513


    Hermerschmidt A, Krger S, Haist T, Zwick S, Warber M, Osten W 2008 Proceedings of SPIE San Jose, CA, January 19, 2008 p690508


    Leonardo R D, Ianni F, Ruocco G 2007 Opt. Express 15 1913

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  • Received Date:  01 January 2017
  • Accepted Date:  10 April 2017
  • Published Online:  05 June 2017

