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Video saliency detection algorithm based on biological visual feature and visual psychology theory

Fang Zhi-Ming Cui Rong-Yi Jin Jing-Xuan


Video saliency detection algorithm based on biological visual feature and visual psychology theory

Fang Zhi-Ming, Cui Rong-Yi, Jin Jing-Xuan
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  • In order to solve the problems of video saliency detection and poor fusion effect, a video saliency detection model and a fusion model are proposed. Video saliency detection is divided into spatial saliency detection and temporal saliency detection. In the spatial domain, inspired by the properties of visual cortex hierarchical perception and the Gestalt visual psychology, we propose a hierarchical saliency detection model with three-layer architecture for single frame image. The video single frame is simplified layer by layer, then the results are combined to form a whole consciousness vision object and become easier to deal with. At the bottom of the model, candidate saliency regions are formed by nonlinear simplification model of the characteristic image (dual color characteristic and luminance characteristic image), which is in accordance with the biological visual characteristic. In the middle of the model, the candidate regions with the strongest competitiveness are selected as the local salient regions according to the property of matrix minimum Fresenius- norm (F- norm). At the top level of the model, the local salient regions are integrated by the core theory of Gestalt visual psychology, and the spatial saliency map is obtained. In the time domain, based on the consistency assumption of a moving object in target location, motion range and direction, the optical flow points detected by Lucas-Kanade method are classified to eliminate the noise interference, then the motion saliency of moving object is measured by the motion amplitude. Finally, based on the difference between the visual sensitivity of dynamic and static information and the difference in visual sensitivity between color information and gray information, a general fusion model of time and spatial domain salient region is proposed. The saliency detection results of single frame image and video sequence frame image are represented by the gray color model and the Munsell color system respectively. Experimental results show that the proposed saliency detection method can suppress the background noise, solve the sparse pixels problem of a moving object, and can effectively detect the salient regions from the video. The proposed fusion model can display two kinds of saliency results simultaneously in a single picture of a complex scene. This model ensures that the detection results of images are so complicated that a chaotic situation will not appear.
      Corresponding author: Jin Jing-Xuan,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Science and Technology Development Plan Foundation of Jilin Province, China (Grant No. 20140101186JC).

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  • [1]

    Borji A, Sihite D N, Itti L 2015 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 24 5706


    Cichy R M, Pantazis D, Oliva A 2016 Cerebral Cortex 26 3563


    Li Z C, Qin S Y, Itti L 2011 Image Vision Comput. 29 1


    Wu G L, Fu Y J, Huang S C, Chen S Y 2013 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 22 2247


    Franke U, Pfeiffer D, Rabe C, Knoeppel C, Enzweiler M, Stein F, Herrtwich R 2013 Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision Sydney, Australia, December 1-8, 2013 p214


    Ma Y F, Hua X S, Lu L, Zhang H J 2005 IEEE Trans. Multimed. 7 907


    Ejaz N, Mehmood I, Baik S W 2014 Comput. Elec. Engr. 40 993


    Evangelopoulos G, Zlatintsi A, Potamianos A, Maragos P 2013 IEEE Trans. Multimed. 15 1553


    Itti L, Koch C, Niebur E 1998 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 20 1254


    Itti L, Koch C 2001 Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2 194


    Cheng M M, Zhang G X, Mitra N J, Huang X, Hu S M 2011 Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Colorado Springs, November 15-18, 2011 p409


    Liu J, Wang S 2015 Neurocomputing 147 435


    Guo C, Ma Q, Zhang L 2008 Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Anchorage, Alaska, January 17-18, 2008 p1


    Hou X D, Zhang L Q 2007 Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 19-21, 2007 p18


    Zhu Z, Wang M 2016 J. Comput. Appl. 36 2560


    Tao D, Cheng J, Song M 2016 IEEE Trans. Neur. Netw. Lear. Syst. 27 1122


    Xue Y W, Guo X J, Cao X C 2012 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Kyoto, Japan, March 25-30, 2012 p1485


    Ma Z M, Tao C K 1999 Acta Phys. Sin. 48 2202 (in Chinese) [马兆勉, 陶纯堪 1999 48 2202]


    Jin Z L, Han J, Zhang Y, Bo L F 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 069501 (in Chinese) [金左轮, 韩静, 张毅, 柏连发 2014 63 069501]


    Wu Y Q, Zhang J K 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5487 (in Chinese) [吴一全, 张金矿 2010 59 5487]


    Xu Y N, Zhao Y, Liu L P, Zhang Y, Sun X D 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 980 (in Chinese) [许元男, 赵远, 刘丽萍, 张宇, 孙秀冬 2010 59 980]


    Wang X, Ma H, Chen X 2016 Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing the Phoenix Convention Centre, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, September, 2016 p25


    He S, Lau R W, Liu W 2015 Int. J. Comput. Vision 115 330


    Li H, Chen J, Lu H 2017 Neurocomputing 226 212


    Huang Y 2016 M. S. Thesis (Beijing: Institute of Optoelectronic Technology) [黄烨2016 硕士学位论文 (北京: 中国科学院)]


    Paragios N, Deriche R 2000 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 22 266


    Tsai D M, Lai S C 2009 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 18 158


    Barron J L, Fleet D, Beauchemin S S 1994 Int. J. Comput. Vision 12 43


    Elazary L, Itti L 2008 J. Vision 8


    Lucas B D, Kanade T 1981 Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Vancouver, BC, Canada, August, 1981 285


    Baker S, Scharstein D, Lewis J P, Roth S, Black M J, Szelisk R 2007 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 14-21, 2007 p92


    Koffka K 1935 Principles of Gestalt Psychology (London: Lund Humphries)


    Mullen K T 1985 J. Phys. 359 381


    Gary B, Adrian K 2008 Learning OpenCV (America: O'Reilly Media) pp356-370


    Shi J, Yan Q, Xu L, Jia J 2016 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 38 1


    Li X, Li Y, Shen C H, Dick A, Hengel 2013 Proceedings of Computer Vision Sydney, NSW, Australia, December 8, 2013 p3328

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  • Received Date:  18 November 2016
  • Accepted Date:  18 February 2017
  • Published Online:  05 May 2017

