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Three-dimensional adiabatic mode parabolic equation method and its applications

Qin Ji-Xing Katsnelson Boris Peng Zhao-Hui Li Zheng-Lin Zhang Ren-He Luo Wen-Yu


Three-dimensional adiabatic mode parabolic equation method and its applications

Qin Ji-Xing, Katsnelson Boris, Peng Zhao-Hui, Li Zheng-Lin, Zhang Ren-He, Luo Wen-Yu
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  • Complex zone of the ocean is often characterized by horizontal variations of environmental parameters(bathymetry, sound speed profile, bottom properties etc.), initiating redistribution of the sound field in horizontal plane, which is the so-called three-dimensional (3D) effect. Based on the adiabatic mode parabolic equation method, modeling of 3D effects is carried out, in which the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are calculated by the standard normal mode model KRAKEN, and the amplitude corresponding to each mode is computed by the wide-angle parabolic equation model RAM. The present 3D model is very efficient and can give clear physical meaning, but it can be only applied to a waveguide whose properties vary gradually with horizontal range due to the adiabatic assumption between different modes. This model is then used to analyze the horizontal refraction caused by internal waves and by a coastal wedge. The numerical results show that there are several areas in the horizontal plane, corresponding to different structures of intensity distributions. Moreover, the redistribution of the sound field in horizontal plane depends on source frequency and mode number. Frequency and modal dependences lead to variations of spectrum, distortion of signal with some spectrum, and spatiotemporal fluctuations of the sound field.
      Corresponding author: Qin Ji-Xing,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11434012, 41561144006, 11174312), and the Public Science and Technology Research Funds Projects of Ocean (Grant No. 201405032).

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  • [1]

    Tappert F D 1977 Wave Propagation and Underwater Acoustics (New York: Springer) p224


    Collis J M, Siegmann W L, Jensen F B Zampolli M, Ksel E T, Collins M D 2008 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123 51


    Pierce A D 1965 J. Acoust Soc. Am. 37 19


    Evans R B 1983 J. Acoust Soc. Am. 74 188


    Zhang R H, Liu H, He Y, Akulichev V A 1994 Acta Acust. 19 408 (in Chinese) [张仁和, 刘红, 何怡, Akulichev V A 1994 声学学报 19 408]


    Yang C M, Luo W Y, Zhang R H, Qin J X 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 094302 (in Chinese) [杨春梅, 骆文于, 张仁和, 秦继兴 2013 62 094302]


    Godin O A 1998 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103 159


    Athanassoulis G A, Belibassakis K A, Mitsoudis D A Kampanis N A, Dougalis V A 2008 J. Comput. Acoust. 16 83


    Schmidt H, Glattetre J 1985 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 78 2105


    Collins M D, Schmidt H, Siegmann W L 2000 J. Acoust. Soc. Am 107 1964


    Stephen R A 1988 Rev. Geophys. 26 445


    Thompson L L 2006 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 1315


    Zampolli M, Tesei A, Jensen F B Malm N, Blottman III J B 2007 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122 1472


    Cornyn J J 1973 GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System (Washington, DC: Naval Research Laboratory) Technical Report 7621


    Porter M B, Bucker H P 1987 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 82 1349


    Felsen L B 1981 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 69 352


    Abawi A T, Kuperman W A, Collins M D 1997 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102 233


    Perkins J S, Baer R N 1982 . J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 72 515


    Marfurt K J 1984 Geophysics 49 533


    Baer R N 1981 . J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 69 70


    Chiu C S, Ehret L L 1990 Computational Acoustics II: Ocean-Acoustic Models and Supercomputing (Amsterdam: Elsevier) p182


    Luo W Y, Schmidt H 2009 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125 52


    Lee D, Botsea G, Siegmann W L 1992 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91 3192


    Piao S C 1999 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University) (in Chinese) [朴胜春 1999 博士学位论文(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学)]


    Jones R M, Riley J P, Georges T M 1986 HARPO: A Versatile Three-dimensional Hamiltonian Ray-tracing Program for Acoustic Waves in an Ocean with Irregular Bottom (Boulder, Colorado: Environmental Research Laboratories) Technical Report


    Collins M D 1993 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94 2269


    Peng Z H, Zhang R H 2005 Acta Acust. 30 97 (in Chinese) [彭朝晖, 张仁和 2005 声学学报 30 97]


    Fawcett J A, Dawson T W 1990 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88 1913


    Orris G J, Collins M D 1994 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96 1725


    Qin J X, Luo W Y, Zhang R H Yang C M 2013 Chin. Phys. Lett. 30 114301


    Katsnelson B G, Pereselkov S A 2000 Acoust. Phys. 46 684


    Katsnelson B G, Lynch J, Tshoidze A V 2007 Acoust. Phys. 53 611


    Porter M B 1991 The KRAKEN Normal Mode Program (La Spezia: SACLANT Undersea Research Centre) Technical Report SM-245


    Collins M D User's Guide for RAM Versions 1.0 and 1.0p. (Washington, DC: Naval Research Laboratory)


    Brekhovskikh L M, Lysanov Yu P 2003 Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics (3rd Ed.) (New York: Springer-Verlag) pp149-158


    Collins M D 1993 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93 1736


    Collins M D 1992 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 92 2069


    Katsnelson B G, Malykhin A Yu 2012 Acoust. Phys. 58 301

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  • Received Date:  18 July 2015
  • Accepted Date:  20 October 2015
  • Published Online:  05 February 2016

