In this paper, we investigate the finite-temperature properties and phase transition of the Dicke model. Converting the atomic pseudo-spin operator to the two-mode Fermi operators, we obtain the partition function in terms of the imaginary-time path integral. The atomic population and average photon number as analytic functions of the atom-photon coupling strength are found from the thermodynamic equilibrium equation, which leads to the stationary state at a finite temperature and is determined by the variation in an extremum-condition of the Euclidean action with respect to the bosonic field. In particular we study the phase transition from normal to superradiation phase at a fixed low-temperature, in which the phase transition is dominated by quantum fluctuations. The phase transition induced by the variation of the atom-photon coupling strength indeed obeys the Landau continuous phase-transition theory, in which the average photon-number can serve as an order parameter with non-zero value that characterizes the superradiation phase. In the zero temperature limit our results recover exactly all those obtained from the quantum phase transition theory at zero temperature. In addition, we discuss the thermodynamic properties and compare the difference between finite-temperature phase transition and zero-temperature quantum phase transition. It is discovered that the average photon-number and mean energy in the low-temperature stationary state coincide with the corresponding values of zero-temperature in the strong coupling region. The entropy of the superradiation phase decays rapidly to zero with the increase of coupling strength.
- Dicke model /
- imaginary-time path integral /
- phase transition
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[28] Liu N, Li J D, Liang J Q 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 053623
[29] Liu N, Lian J L, Ma J, Xiao L T, Chen G, Liang J Q, Jia S T 2011 Phys. Rev. A 83 033601
[30] Popov V N, Fedotov S A 1982 Theor. Math. Phys 51 73
[31] Aparicio Alcalde M, de Lemos A L L, Svaiter N F 2007 J. Phys. A :Math. Theor 40 11961
[32] Popov V N, Fedotov S A 1988 Sov. Phys. JETP 67 535
[33] Aparicio Alcalde M, Pimentel B M 2011 Physic A 390 3385
[34] Kir'yanov V B, Yarunin V S 1982 Teoret. Mat. Fiz 51 456
[35] Liang J Q, Wei L F 2011 Advances In Quantum Physics (Beijing: Science Press) p95 (in Chinese) [梁九卿, 韦联福 2011 量子物理新进展(北京: 科学出版社)第95页]
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